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Expedited Reserve Enrollment (ERE) process [Merged]

Quick update: I filled in my medical questionnaire, put it in a sealed envelope, and gave it to my recruiter in May.

My file shows it has been received. There is a note in my file, dated June 1st, saying "more information needed". Since then, my file is blocked. I have not received any letter. I am disappointed not to have had the opportunity to take Medical 2 to see a doctor in person. I have completed all the other steps (FORCE test, CFAT, interview). I guess I will have to wait...

unmaxdemax said:
Quick update: I filled in my medical questionnaire, put it in a sealed envelope, and gave it to my recruiter in May.

My file shows it has been received. There is a note in my file, dated June 1st, saying "more information needed". Since then, my file is blocked. I have not received any letter. I am disappointed not to have had the opportunity to take Medical 2 to see a doctor in person. I have completed all the other steps (FORCE test, CFAT, interview). I guess I will have to wait...


Same for me here, and a went to the recruting center last week to see what was happening whit my recruting step, and the sergent  told me me there is a big lag at the medecine bureau in Ottawa, it's the second time i'm asking what was happening with my file (first time june 14) and he ask me if i want to complaint and this will force the chain commandement to answer to my complaint, i told the serg. that i was not there yet but i will in september.

I was hoping to start in my unit in september, but i don't think i will be in by next month.....

The FR has supposily faster entry now, but it's not the case for me, i hope it will go fast after i receive that letter for medical 2 !!!!
Finally got my letter today for medical 2 for additional test (fasting glucose, fasting lipide and ECG) + checking a surgery on a finger

I don't have a family doctor, so i will go on private a couple hundred dollars here and a couple dollars again for the blood test and ECG
Hi there everyone, I made this account a while back to ask some questions about joining the reserves and I got some really useful answers, and I've been browsing the forums for a while trying to soak up everything I could find before I turned of age to join. Anyways I ended up applying online for the artillery (changed my mind from armour) and I realized that the forces.ca website said that this trade was in demand. I was wondering if this will have an impact on my recruiting process in anyway, positive or negative? Also I emailed an officer from the unit I was applying to and he told me to hurry up with my application as he said he wanted to try to get me in for "testing" on September 30? Does anyone know what this can mean and if it's a good sign? Thanks for your time!
The reserves are attempting to complete an expediated recruiting process in under 30 days. You'll do basic screening and CFAT with a more stringent medical to follow which will allow you to stay in. If they would like you to come in, they have spots open. Typically the "in demand" on the website is more Regular Force trades. Your local unit has control in simple terms on how many spots they have open.
Thanks for the quick reply, it was really helpful! Also for this sped up process, have there been any other significant changes other than what you said that'll have any affect on my application?
See also,

"In December 2016, the Chief of the Defence Staff directed a new expedited Primary Reserve enrolment process"

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date information.

Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: P Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade : ACISS
Application Date: JULY, 2016
First Contact: JULY, 2016
Aptitude Test: DEC, 2016
Fitness test :JUNE 9,2017
Medical: JULY 14th 2017
Interview:JULY 14th 2017
Reference check: JULY 20,2017
Regiment call: SEPTEMBER 28,2017
Enrollment/Swear in:SEPTEMBER 30,2017
As we know, the Reserves are going through a process to accelerate recruitment and training. I’ve read things here and there but I would be grateful if anyone could clarify the following:
-A reserve recruit can be enrolled while the security clearances are being done?
-Summer BMQ is now 4 weeks, what about BMOQ?
-I heard of a potential part-time CAP for reservists on the weekends being considered, any info about this?

Thank you!
Hey, jfposada, I am looking for the same answers. Have you found it? Thanks :)
jfposada said:
As we know, the Reserves are going through a process to accelerate recruitment and training. I’ve read things here and there but I would be grateful if anyone could clarify the following:
-A reserve recruit can be enrolled while the security clearances are being done?
-Summer BMQ is now 4 weeks, what about BMOQ?
-I heard of a potential part-time CAP for reservists on the weekends being considered, any info about this?

Thank you!

BMOQ ARMY (formerly known as CAP) being offered in weekends would be way 'outside the box'
jfposada said:
As we know, the Reserves are going through a process to accelerate recruitment and training. I’ve read things here and there but I would be grateful if anyone could clarify the following:
-A reserve recruit can be enrolled while the security clearances are being done?
-Summer BMQ is now 4 weeks, what about BMOQ?
-I heard of a potential part-time CAP for reservists on the weekends being considered, any info about this?

Thank you!

-A reserve recruit can be enrolled while the security clearances are being done?

Answer: true

For the other 2 questions, not sure as those are training questions & my expertise is recruiting :-)
After a medical and interview (same day) I was interviewed for my trade at a unit. I’m wondering what happens if it’s not a fit. Do they send my stuff back up the to brigade and try me in another unit?

Also - has anyone learned about the weekend offerings in more detail?  I’m looking to hear from folks who have completed the weekend course. BMOQ / BMOQ land
The Primary Reserve is in charge of their own recruiting; I'm not sure if there are any Primary Reserve Recruiters on here - you should ask the unit with which you interviewed what will happen.

Best Regards
ontheedge said:
After a medical and interview (same day) I was interviewed for my trade at a unit. I’m wondering what happens if it’s not a fit. Do they send my stuff back up the to brigade and try me in another unit?

Also - has anyone learned about the weekend offerings in more detail?  I’m looking to hear from folks who have completed the weekend course. BMOQ / BMOQ land
Hello, if you’re referring to the Army Reserve as an officer you would do BMQ with the NCM’s, BMOQ part 2 then most likely BMOQ Army then your specific officer training.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've resisted posting about this thus far because it seems several people are experiencing delays with their application. However, my delay seems to be different in one distinct way: I completed and passed all my testing and interviews in November of last year, including an interview with the CO of 32 Combat Engineer Regiment (the unit I applied to), who gave me positive feedback. Since then, there have been no updated on my file.

I have contacted the recruiters a few times since then, only to be told that my file is being processed at the Brigade level. Most recently, I was asked if I had heard anything from 32 Brigade Recruiting. When I responded no, I have not, I didn't hear back. I've emailed them twice since, with no response.

In the mean time, I've recently seen a bunch of images posted by 32CBG about mass enrollments and BMQ graduations. Therefore, clearly, the recruiting process is very much alive and well.

What could be the hold up, and how do I get a response from recruiters?

PS: I applied for the role of Engineering Officer
There  Facebook page has extension 2845 listed could try calling that. Summer time can be a more difficult time to get ahold of people but there will still be people working.

If that doesn't work and you have contact for one of the clerk's at 32 CER ask them if they can give you a number for someone that's working at brigade recruiting.
I am not with 32 Combat Engineer Regiment, but my experience with PRes has me considering.

If 5 positions are open and 15 apply. Some applications will not get in.
