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Fat troops on the street....

If you can‘t shape up in a year, you‘re just plain lazy, and who wants someone in any job, civvie or military, who is lazy?

Infanteer-thats a great idea you‘ve got going there
I think thats an amazing idea Infanteer, but, it would render our military very understrenght. Not saying that to be an ***, it‘s just the truth. If anything maybe a 3 or 4 year program would be more idealistic for the over all forces. Maybe the 1 year one could be implimented for the combat arms.

Little war story; One day during training i went into the units UMS to get some poison ivy treatment stuff. There were about 20 people + in this little UMS. I overheard them complaining about problems with their back, sore legs, pulled muscles. I found it kinda weird but didn‘t give it a second thought. The medics gave me the 3rd degree. "how are you sure its PI, so let me guess you need a chit? How the heck did you get PI"? I wasn‘t really impressed but i put two and two together. The next day was a CO‘s run and i think people were looking for a way out. Thats a hard mentality to overcome.
I think thats an amazing idea Infanteer, but, it would render our military very understrenght.
Is our military "as strength" if a significant portion of it are unable to accomplish basic soldier tasks?
I must say infanteer, I like the idea also. I think in good (reserve) units, they would pool their efforts and get PT programs going on their own time (like study groups when you‘re on a course). Some units do that now, I am sure. There was a running club in our unit, a mountaineering club, etc. I would agree with your plan as being effective - as to whether or not it would end up gutting the military, who‘s to say.

Bear in mind corporate memory is short in general and in the Canadian Army in particular, at times. It may well be that they have been down this PT road before and found ideas like yours have not worked. The BMI thing didn‘t last long. Given your time in you would know better than I, naturally, what has been tried in the past and not. No harm beating our gums about it. For what it‘s worth, I like your idea.

I‘d go a step further and introduce a "Canadian Forces diet" plan - voluntary, but tailored for the different components, age groups, etc. - if such a thing doesn‘t already exist. I don‘t mean "diet" as in weight loss program, but a diet for all to follow, all the time. I‘m particularly clueless when it comes to "carbs", "calories" and that good stuff and feel so bombarded by info "Atkins is good", "Atkins is bad" I‘d rather throw my hands up than try to sort it out for myself.
Originally posted by Pte_Lajeunesse:
No, see you need to re-read what was posted, yes, there was some fat ppl bashing but only to get the point across that its harder for them to get the job done, they‘re an easier target..lol, they dont represent the whole military aspect very well..I could keep going but dont start getting all noble and **** just do yourself a favour and read before you post. Or maybey you need help understanding what we mean by what we post...or your fat and pissed about what was posted here. Whatever your problem is dont start stpid **** here.
:threat: [/QB][/QUOTE]

i didnt mean to get all noble, i was simply trying to show the other side of the story where representation seemed lacking, sorry if this pissed u off. :confused:

Good idea. They shouldimpliment it without any delay.

It is embarrassing to have an overweight CF. No doubt about it.

I think we should adopt the same philosphy and ideas as the USMC. Think about it, when was the last time you saw an overweight Marine. I saw this site


"Annually, the Marine Corps separates an average of over 7,000 Marines because of physical disability or misconduct.
Together, separations from abuse of alcohol and WEIGHT CONTROL average an additional 789 Marines per year."

You hardly if ever see chunky Marines, because they firmly believe in the concept of rifleman first, anything else second. And if you can not perform physically as a rifle man, you are out the door. All we do is pay lip service (if that is what you could call it with bmq, and sq training for other trades) to that ideal. If any one wants a good read on what the CF should be doing read the Marine Fitness manual available on the site I mentioned in this post.
How about reinstating the "WARRIOR" program but without the stupid pins. Either you pass or you don‘t get any courses or promotions until you do.
Originally posted by The_Falcon:
[qb] I think we should adopt the same philosphy and ideas as the USMC. Think about it, when was the last time you saw an overweight Marine. I saw this site


"Annually, the Marine Corps separates an average of over 7,000 Marines because of physical disability or misconduct.
Together, separations from abuse of alcohol and WEIGHT CONTROL average an additional 789 Marines per year."

You hardly if ever see chunky Marines, because they firmly believe in the concept of rifleman first, anything else second. And if you can not perform physically as a rifle man, you are out the door. All we do is pay lip service (if that is what you could call it with bmq, and sq training for other trades) to that ideal. If any one wants a good read on what the CF should be doing read the Marine Fitness manual available on the site I mentioned in this post. [/qb]
Does that include the Marine reserves?
Another point to consider is the effect an overweight person has on his fire-team partner or section mates. Try hauling a 300 lb behemoth off the battlefield when he/she gets wounded (they make pretty good targets, you have to admit). 300 lbs of dead weight either in the firemans carry or dragged by the webbing wou;d be a daunting task even when noone is shooting at you.

Put your helmets on, war story follows;

In Valcatraz, there was a female supply tech who had to have her uniforms custom made because the forces did not make pants wide enough to accomodate her enormous posterior. They had to add a triangle of fabric of about 18 inches to a side. Apparently, this career Cpl had found an excuse for her absence at every BFT or express test throughout her career.
Scene: Chilliwack. Piper Richardson VC memorial dedication parade.

There were a few res. reg. in attendance. I noticed a young Sgt. from the Westies standing behind me and I was going to complement him on his turn out as he was the image of Canadian Infantry in portrait form. As I turned around, a member of another reg. waddled by in Cadpat. I swear on the graves of all those political leaders that destroyed our forces that this guy had to be 270 lbs if he was an ounce.

The Sgt. looked at him and then at me and then stared at the ground in embarassment. My shock was his shame. Fat people need love too but this guy was soft and big enough to have a stroke getting off the bus. Over the years I have seen many big people run 12 miles and grind it out when necessary and they have my respect for performing up to the standards set for them.

However, that was then and this is now and there is a definite buttery look to many members today.
Tough to hold a weapon with Krispy Kreme grease on your hands.

Message to front line troops...Don‘t get wounded and taken out of the line because your emergency replacement is a wheazing 270lbs. I have seen it but I don‘t believe it.

I wonder what the rows of decorated veterans thought about all the pudgy cadpats?
To Michael Dorosh, yes it includes the Marine reserves. The regular Marines complete a semi-annual PT testing, while their reservists complete annual PT testing. Also, while they do use Height/Weight tables, they have min and max weights, they do take into account, that some people may be "overweight" (ie you have a lotta muscle, so you weigh more), as long as you are under 24% Bodyfat, and you topped the PT test you are ok. Also stated in thier manual, they want to maintain the warrior image, so they do care about looks. After reading it I firmly believe we should be doing the same up here.
Fat? Humm. I am 182cm tall, and weigh in just over 100kg. I pass my bi-annual PT tests for my age. I am 44 yrs old, and of solid build, but I could shave off about 10kg or so. Some stupid scale says at 182cm I am supposed to weigh about 72kg. I‘d look like an emaciated man if that was the case.

As for the USMC, I have seem many who are in my build, as I have seen many in other allied forces too. However I have never seen a large Asian soldier, and I have trained with many nations such as Malaysia, Singapore, and other regional Australasian forces. It must be the rice?

If a soldier passes his PT tests IAW his defence forces current standards, then he is considered fit, and I have no problems doing my job. At 44, I cna still cut it.

I would not consider myself a ‘waddler‘ by any means, as I have the build to compensate it.

The key is to pass the fitness test. if this cant be done, then go thru the actions to become more fit, as per the directives.

If a soldier cannot pass his PT test after all the hoops and jumps, then thats a ‘show cause‘ for discharge.


Oh, there are big Oriental dudes. We just consider them freaks of genetics. :D
You guys are horrible.....so waht if they‘re obese or whatever. They earned their uniforms and they earned the right to have you respect them. Maybe htey have a disease and can‘t help being overwieght. So if you see someone in uniform, and they are overweight than just be thankful it‘s not you, and have the decency to be respectful.
Q.Y. RANG, 2799
That‘s your opinion, and your allowed to have it. However, if you aspire to the military after your finished with cadets, it may be one you want to rethink. Your argument is not very solid.
The military, unlike many civilian counter parts, is a job where your physical health directly effects your performance.
Heres the regs according to CFAO‘s.


Here‘s more.

My buddy was on his SLQ in Wainwright, he showed me pictures of his course..and I saw a bigger guy, had a belly, not what you could call "military material" if you saw him in civvies, however, I was told this guy could outrun, out hussle, out-any of them. Seems to me looking physically in shape might look good but there are some "sleepers" out there who can perform just as well. Just my 2 cents.