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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Life is tough and sucks some times, get over it.

Looks like they have not.

The damages claimed are

  1. $36-million for pain and suffering and psychological distress
  2. $200-million for business losses
  3. $60-million for loss of wages
  4. $10-million as punitive damages
  5. Injunctive relief prohibiting the continuation of the tortious behaviour
  6. Interest
  7. Legal costs, including HST
Respectfully, I think this is a stretch. Windsor was resolved when the Province of Ontario filed a court injunction (11 Feb) and used WPS and OPP to clear the blockade (12 Feb) peacefully within hours of the injunction, several days before the EA was enacted. By timelines, as far as I can tell, Coutts was again resolved locally when the convoy protesters left peacefully on Tuesday 15 Feb, following the RCMP’s weapons bust on Monday 14 Feb (day of, but before the Parliament vote to enact the EA) and charges laid in a small group of protesters that had integrated themselves into the larger peaceful group. Perhaps there is a case that the EA enactment late on 14 Feb influenced the Emerson, MB blockade removal late-15/early-16 Feb, although any media and RCMP statements I find surrounding that crossing makes no reference to the EA.
I’m not saying that argument will prevail; just that the whole thing is more than just Ottawa.
We get it. You have no sympathy for the real people that were affected by this.
The same can be said by those harmed by mandates and lockdowns.

I guess if we were to take a poll, there would be far less sympathy for public servants who still got paid during the whole fiasco.
The same can be said by those harmed by mandates and lockdowns.

Whether some agree with it or not, this was the intention, ( from the link you posted ).

The health-care response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario was driven by an intention to protect vulnerable populations of patients and reserve adequate health care resources to manage a potential surge of patients with COVID-19,” the study said.

I’m not saying that argument will prevail; just that the whole thing is more than just Ottawa.
In many aspects yes, but I would say moreso the level of discontent that fed the initial idea. The specifics of the EA enactment can of course be viewed through positive, negative or neutral lenses. By the time we get to “actions taken in other locations that were resolved BEFORE the EA was enacted, but there may have been some influence of discussion about EA use that factored into pre-EA resolution of issues in those locations,” I think the a case for the use of the EA, as you highlighted earlier in the thread, is rather far from the “means of last resort” that the EA is intended to be.
The same can be said by those harmed by mandates and lockdowns.

I guess if we were to take a poll, there would be far less sympathy for public servants who still got paid during the whole fiasco.

Why shouldn't the public servants who were still working not still get paid?

That is just an ignorant AF assertion that the PS doesn't do anything; it's hardly the worker bee's fault if things take longer because there are 10 steps now instead of 2 to get the same thing done, or that the different department priorities are generally in conflict and actively slows down progress.
The same can be said by those harmed by mandates and lockdowns.

I guess if we were to take a poll, there would be far less sympathy for public servants who still got paid during the whole fiasco.
How about CAF types? I love how some always excuse themselves from sucking the public teat while pointing the finger.
At some point, stress does excuse people. Stress can militate against rational behaviour. It isn't reasonable that we can compartment different stresses into "acceptable" and "unacceptable" causes of irrational behaviour, nor can we quantify stress and treat it as the only factor; resilience - a human quality, therefore highly variable - matters also.
We really arguing that lockdowns and procedure delays didn't cause harm?

Yes. Do you think for a microsecond the most powerful country in the history of civilization was at any serious risk from buffalo hat guy and his friends?
Maybe individuals were at risk from the the lockdowns but the nation and it’s democracy wasnt- so that means the harm isn’t real.

Your rules. Not mine.
In many aspects yes, but I would say moreso the level of discontent that fed the initial idea. The specifics of the EA enactment can of course be viewed through positive, negative or neutral lenses. By the time we get to “actions taken in other locations that were resolved BEFORE the EA was enacted, but there may have been some influence of discussion about EA use that factored into pre-EA resolution of issues in those locations,” I think the a case for the use of the EA, as you highlighted earlier in the thread, is rather far from the “means of last resort” that the EA is intended to be.
As I’ve said, my mind isn’t yet made up one way or another.

Maybe individuals were at risk from the the lockdowns but the nation and it’s democracy wasnt- so that means the harm isn’t real.

Your rules. Not mine.
The people storming the Capitol building were deliberately trying to overturn the results of the democratic vote, with Trump and co actively encouraging the VP, govenors etc to also illegally subvert the results.

Just because they weren't successful, the intent was pretty clear and the effort was made. That's why 'attempted' and 'conspiracy to..' charges exist.
Why shouldn't the public servants who were still working not still get paid?

That is just an ignorant AF assertion that the PS doesn't do anything; it's hardly the worker bee's fault if things take longer because there are 10 steps now instead of 2 to get the same thing done, or that the different department priorities are generally in conflict and actively slows down progress.
Like it or not, at the outset of the lockdowns many people stopped getting paid except public servants. Ignore that at your peril.

Maybe individuals were at risk from the the lockdowns but the nation and it’s democracy wasnt- so that means the harm isn’t real.

Your rules. Not mine.
Oh I thought we were basing this on emotion? You can’t keep changing the rules.
Like it or not, at the outset of the lockdowns many people stopped getting paid except public servants. Ignore that at your peril.
Hold your horses - some of us public servants didn't have the opportunity to "work" from home. Add to that about 1500 of us were housing people that should not be on the streets - no matter what the JHS says.

Your brush was pretty broad.
The people storming the Capitol building were deliberately trying to overturn the results of the democratic vote, with Trump and co actively encouraging the VP, govenors etc to also illegally subvert the results.

Just because they weren't successful, the intent was pretty clear and the effort was made. That's why 'attempted' and 'conspiracy to..' charges exist.
Sarcasm I need to use that emoji, I apologize.