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General Election: Oct 21, 2019

Rifleman62 said:
Who knew the LPC was the party of Birthers?
:rofl:  If you mean the dual-citizenship thing, I'd be happy to see any material you've seen showing anyone in the Liberal Party or supporting it asking to see Scheer's birth certificate, or questioning where he was born as a way to say he shouldn't even be an MP or PM.
Haggis said:
In 2008 Mad Max left a secret dossier at his girlfriend's place.  I'm surprised that hasn't been dredged up by the Crips or Bloods yet.
If Team Blue or Team Red start seeing him as a credible threat as the big day gets closer, wait for it ...
Remius said:
Carbon credits are a joke.  They do nothing to reduce emissions.  Heard a good description on talk radio. 

They played a sound bite of two guys trying to sell cheating credits.  So you cheat on your wife, you can pay a small amount to these guys who will reinvest it in faithful couples to offset what you did. People’s reactions to this plan was funny until they were told that this is essentially what carbon offsets are.

A little bit of gold, hiding out in the slug-fest.  I may have to use this one of these days...full disclosure, I don't tick "use more of my Aeroplane points to offset carbon use" when I redeem my travel points.

Carbon credits are the modern incarnation of indulgences that were, in medieval times, paid to the Catholic Church by the wealthy in order to atone for sinning.

Of course, environmentalist are notoriously immune to irony....
Interesting Tweet from Bob Rae, regarding Sheer's citizenship  (:panic:)

Bob Rae

Joking aside, many people have dual citizenship, it is part and parcel of being a global country in an interconnected world.  There is an irony given the attacks against Dion and Mulcair, but no one should be challenging Mr Scheer’s loyalty to Canada.
5:55 PM · Oct 3, 2019
Disclosure:  I'm eligible for dual citizenship, having an American father;  I've never bothered, although my brother has two passports.
SeaKingTacco said:
Carbon credits are the modern incarnation of indulgences that were, in medieval times, paid to the Catholic Church by the wealthy in order to atone for sinning.

Of course, environmentalist are notoriously immune to irony....

I was thinking the same thing ... you beat me to it.
Hope they don't have a draft,

Oct 04, 2019

Andrew Scheer is registered for selective service — the U.S. agency that runs the military draft
If [Scheer] does win the election, he's still going to be an American citizen. It takes months.
- U.S.-based immigration lawyer Len Saunders
mariomike said:
Hope they don't have a draft,

Can't see a draft coming anytime soon. I think Scheer is pretty safe.

What a gong show.
Ouch. CPC had to turf their candidate in Burnaby, BC today over some pretty horrendously homophobic comments made 7 or 8 years ago.

This is a swing riding that 338canada has running pretty much neck and neck between CPC and LPC. Coincidentally it’s the epicentre of the Trans Mountain Expansion protests.

On the one hand I would have had a real problem had they not dropped her as a candidate based on her conduct, but on the other hand this gives the Libs a riding that could have gone either way... Serious vetting fail.

Brihard said:
Ouch. CPC had to turf their candidate in Burnaby, BC today over some pretty horrendously homophobic comments made 7 or 8 years ago.

This is a swing riding that 338canada has running pretty much neck and neck between CPC and LPC. Coincidentally it’s the epicentre of the Trans Mountain Expansion protests.

On the one hand I would have had a real problem had they not dropped her as a candidate based on her conduct, but on the other hand this gives the Libs a riding that could have gone either way... Serious vetting fail.


Not sure they had much of a choice in dropping her.  Good on them for doing it swiftly.

This has been a bad week for the CPC.
SeaKingTacco said:
Carbon credits are the modern incarnation of indulgences that were, in medieval times, paid to the Catholic Church by the wealthy in order to atone for sinning.

Of course, environmentalist are notoriously immune to irony....

I'm a podcast addict and Dan Carlin had a podcast on the Anabaptists, the Roman Catholic church and how the two sides came to blows in Muenster in 1536.

It did not end well for the Anabaptists.
So does that mean that the Liberals have to dump this guy, or is all forgiven now that he's apologized?

They are keeping him. Sins of the disciples don't count, because colour of jersey trumps these things ...
ModlrMike said:
So does that mean that the Liberals have to dump this guy, or is all forgiven now that he's apologized?


Scheer created a precedent by saying as long as his people apologized for past posts and comments he was ok keeping them. Expect the liberals to use that.

Does anyone believe that guy has changed since 2013?  I don’t. Not for a second.  If he gets elected expect to hear about this guy and something stupid he says or does.
>Scheer created a precedent by saying as long as his people apologized for past posts and comments he was ok keeping them. Expect the liberals to use that.

Good.  Let's forgive the past and hold people accountable for their behaviour in the present.
Brad Sallows said:
>Scheer created a precedent by saying as long as his people apologized for past posts and comments he was ok keeping them. Expect the liberals to use that.

Good.  Let's forgive the past and hold people accountable for their behaviour in the present.

I suppose it depends on whether it’s reasonable to surmise that someone’s current beliefs and attitudes no longer mirror what they used to show. For instance in the case of the erstwhile CPC candidate, I would need to be really convinced that someone in presumably their 40s has changed and has evolved past profound and disgusting homophobic views. I very much doubt they have. At best she might learn to keep quiet about it.

I’m torn on the LPC candidate out east. He said a bunch of dumb stuff for sure. He has also immediately apologized and taken responsibility at least somewhat, for what that’s worth. I guess fairness suggests they should consider dropping him, though as the social media posts aren’t nearly as grave and are also fairly dated now, I’d be open to hearing about what he’s been like in the past five years.

What is very clear is that basically nobody who has lived in the shacks on base in the age of social media has a future in politics.
This election is hilariously petty in a lame sort of Canadian way.

It's as if Paul Gross took the script of Passchendaele and Hyena Road and used it to create Canada's very own made for CBC version of the Manchurian Candidate.
Humphrey Bogart said:
This election is hilariously petty in a lame sort of Canadian way.

It's as if Paul Gross took the script of Passchendaele and Hyena Road and used it to create Canada's very own made for CBC version of the Manchurian Candidate.

So at what point, completely unnecessary to the story, do Andrew Scheer and Catherine McKenna make out?
Brihard said:
So at what point, completely unnecessary to the story, do Andrew Scheer and Catherine McKenna make out?

We totally could have used that film as an Operation Honour teaching resource  :rofl:
Humphrey Bogart said:
We totally could have used that film as an Operation Honour teaching resource  :rofl:

Shall be known as 'The Seediest Step of Battle Procedure', right before deploying on ops.... :)
Humphrey Bogart said:
We totally could have used that film as an Operation Honour teaching resource  :rofl:
You made me just realize that there was a prebattle sex scene in both films!!😂