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Going to 3 RCR on the 21st, Ordered a custom CADPAT Vest.............

Perhaps this is an occasion you should have chewn on your own words:
Often have I regretted my speech, never my silence

GO!!! said:
In one of my favourite military writings, Jean Larteguy wrote;

I'd like to have two Armies -- one for display, with lovely guns, tanks, little Soldiers, staffs, distinguished and doddering Generals and deal little regimental officers, who would be deeply concerned over their General's bowel movements or their Colonel's piles; an Army that would be shown for a modest fee on every fairground in the country."

The other would be the REAL ONE, composed entirely of young enthusiasts in camouflage uniforms, who would not be put on display but from whom impossible efforts would be demanded and to whom all sorts of tricks would be taught. That's the Army in which I should like to fight.

Some posters on this forum really need to ask themselves; "which army am I advocating?".
What is so wrong to have both roled into one?  Oh wait, that is what a PROFESSIONAL ARMY is.
Quagmire if I didn't like you so much I might be insulted... ;D

Thankfully the Royals on this TF at many levels seem to be going away from the idea of uniformity over effectiveness, however the upper echelon seems stuck in old mentality perhaps it will change while on operations... I have my theories anyway.
Well gents, the only thing I hope is that once all the men and women get on the ground over there that work together because as all of us know they are having some rough days.Regimental pride is a great thing and here at home they can have their peeing contests but over there they have got to work together. So RCR and the PPCLI don't see eye to eye on a few things, here's hoping that they leave it at the gate.
Granny your reading to much into this discussion, RCR and PPCLI may not agree on kit usage but we work together just fine always have, it's the same tactics and training across the board, NEVER would we let regimental pride interfer with our jobs, I may call them Dirty Pat's and they call me a Chicken ****** but if you shoot at one you shoot at us all.
HitorMiss said:
Granny your reading to much into this discussion, RCR and PPCLI may not agree on kit usage but we work together just fine always have, it's the same tactics and training across the board, NEVER would we let regimental pride interfer with our jobs, I may call them Dirty Pat's and they call me a Chicken ****** but if you shoot at one you shoot at us all.

Unless you are a Van Doo?

