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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

With this purchase
Our defence budget will look good on paper but tankers and vip aircraft are not enough
Need aircraft to refuel from the tankers
From a political-strategic point of view, that’s the best purchase that can be made, along with strat airlift. We’re increasing our defence spending, we can contribute to NATO in a capability NATO is desperately short of (and be seen as an added value within the Alliance) and that capability is non-kinetic. Win, win, win for the Government.
Makes you wonder what the necessary experience and prerequisites should be for Defense Minister. A script and teleprompt reader like Anand or the Architect of Medusa? Perhaps somewhere in the middle.
No worries. Katie Telford et al will tell them what to say.

I just looked up the "et al". Boy, that's a lot of people in the PMO:

I don't think any government has been 'good' to the military overall. Lots of talk and not much action..even under Harper there wasn't significant additions to the budget. For some reason all those gov types still think the average Canadian doesn't want a military. All the polls I have seen say otherwise...
Want to build the Canadian Forces numbers.

Simple as it gets

1) cut down the time it takes to get a recruit in the door of the armoury or the Reg Force front door. Treat recruiting like the war years, line them up, give them a physical, eye test, issue the uniforms, send them off to basic. Do the paper work as they progress thru the system, if there is a problem sort it out or dump the body at the bus station that night

2) Equipment, stop the rust collection, stop buying at the end of the life cycle. Example. Trucks, lots of trucks out there, need 1000 trucks of what ever kind. Look see what other countries in NATO are buying, if made in North America that is a bonus for us. Cheaper to have delivered. Buy 100 a year or 200 a year for 5 to 10 years, that way the life cycle of the trucks is longer. Newer trucks replace the older ones as required, but the last 200 trucks that come into use, are upgraded, have the bugs worked out. Weapons, start looking for the replacement soon as the new one is purchased and issued. FN took 40 years to replace, C7 were up graded and replaced often.
Aircraft and ships have to stop being a 2 generation purchase. 20 to 25 years and it should be gone. Once a in a lifetime purchases have to stop. The electronics and the materials are constantly changing so we should in turn be changing as the technology changes.

3) Current serving soldiers and officers, offer bonuses to re up and stay in the service. Make the family life easier by making the provinces accredited programs equal across the country, so the spouse does not have to seek employment out side of their field because the next posting does not accept the educational program as fitting to their program. A nurse, a teacher, a taxi driver license's should be the same across the country, like the RED Seal programs in trades.

4) Pay the bills of the deployments or issue advances to the troops on their claims to pay the costs, do not expect Pte Bloggin to pay his way across Europe because the Government did not think about it. A SgtMajor should be taking of the troops to make sure they are taken care of at home and overseas.

5) Stop the billing of an deployment as if the shoelaces that Pte Bloggin needed in Petawawa were different than the shoelaces he needs in Poland. His laces would of broken anyways and needed replacement anyways. Exercises and deployments have the same kind of costings. Have to feed the troops no matter what. Send the required food stuffs and the mess equipment to prepare and serve it. Make it run like a base over seas.

6) Build the numbers enough so deployments are not a yearly or every other year thing because the life cycle of the troops is going to be shorter as their home life now follows them over there too.

7) Give the Res Forces an actual job that be done and trained up in the Res training system, so they come prepared to uptrain to the level required for a deployment. I do not expect any one Res unit to have the man power available to fill an entire company or even a platoon but the Res Force in the Brigade should be able to provide a well trained Inf Platoon, or MSE Platoon or whatever is required that does not require 100% retraining and upskilled. They should be able to come and operate in the Company they are deploying with.

8) Make being a soldier again a career not a resume place holder.

DEO pilot is paused for at least two years, they can't even get current students from Phase 1 to Phase 2 without 'months' (read..years)....
Blair as MND, fug....

This is the first time in my memory that we've had at least a runner up in " the worst MND in Canadian history" before he even sat in the office chair.
Oh well we'll just have to measure our expectations accordingly.😉
Blair as MND, fug....

yeah I saw that, I cannot stand that man, he openly lies and is deceitful.
DEO pilot is paused for at least two years, they can't even get current students from Phase 1 to Phase 2 without 'months' (read..years)....
Being a former enlisted person I was only thinking of Basic training not the officer direct entry programs, with my magic wand I could only dream of fixing one problem s
I don't think any government has been 'good' to the military overall. Lots of talk and not much action..even under Harper there wasn't significant additions to the budget. For some reason all those gov types still think the average Canadian doesn't want a military. All the polls I have seen say otherwise...
The military reached its largest point since the cold war under Harper. The problem was that all the extra money went to Afghanistan and the rest of the Canadian Forces continued to rust. When they finally had to shut the money tap, the new stuff looked like it had just gone through a war and none of the other stuff was touched. Part of that was on the CF, we were supposed to increase the force to 73000 but we were unable to do it and when told to cut the tail not the tiger, every level of command pushed the cuts down until it hit the units who had no one else to push them down to. Part of that was on Harper. They should have addressed the issues with the whole CF instead of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Putting Julian Fantino in the Veterans spot also ensured a lot of bitter veterans who are usually your best recruiters. Meanwhile the Liberals are working to "improve the CAF" it's just they don't mean the same thing when they say that as we do. A military that completely embodies Justin Trudeau's worldview is infinitely more attractive that a well equipped, well trained, modern, first world military.
Be nice to see the leaked wish list. Thats about our Defence plans amount to. 12 submarines was probably overly ambitious
Be nice to see the leaked wish list. Thats about our Defence plans amount to. 12 submarines was probably overly ambitious
12 subs, replacing the Kingstons, more equipment, fast tracking a lot of projects, Dwan is filled with DNDs "wants" which are significant but definitely needed.

I'd hold off on firing up the outrage bus. The actual quote from the article:
"On AUKUS as we continue to develop it … the door is very much open for New Zealand and other partners to engage as they see appropriate going forward,” Blinken told reporters in New Zealand. “We’ve long worked together on the most important national security issues, and so as we further develop AUKUS, as I said, the door is open to engagement."

So, it's not really "AUKUS" if it's "AUKUS and friends".
This is the first time in my memory that we've had at least a runner up in " the worst MND in Canadian history" before he even sat in the office chair.
Oh well we'll just have to measure our expectations accordingly.😉
Be pretty hard to top Sam Hughes and Hellyer