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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Go Air Force. At least you can be disappointed in your own hotel room…
Patrick Dangerfield Thinking GIF by geelongcats
I feel like there about to be a reckoning in the pilot world with the latest PR disaster
Is that the CMP actual court martial, the CFLTC command team both relieved of their positions, the Snowbirds pilot being charged...
Interesting new reporting about the much anticipated Defence Review which was announced 18 months ago

With regards to the defence review, Mr. Blair said:
  • it is a priority and is being staffed along with the Dept of Finance
  • important decisions must be made beforehand
  • will work towards increasing defence spending towards 2% of GDP
  • not just about spending money but investing in the right things and investing in pers
  • working in a challenging economic environment
  • needs significant investment in platforms such as: planes, helicopters and submarines

As mentioned before, I believe that there will be no cuts in the defence budget, but no significant increases in baseline funding. There will be incremental increases in defence spending. The gov't will continue to procure the wpns platforms that they deem necessary but:
  • not in the numbers required
  • will be stretched over a considerable number of years
  • decision regarding submarine replacement will be delayed until the next election

We're actively seeing cuts now, along with funding increase to keep up with the basics denied, and have been told to expect more cuts to the material side next FY.

Also all of our travel is now on hold for the rest of the FY and under scrutiny. Which is especially funny given how they want us to come into the office because in person meetings are so important, just not with the actual line units we work to support as the customers, coordinate with NATO allies, etc.

They can't even lie consistently, some really shameful shit.
I can’t imagine why the CAF keeps having its funding cut when it’s such a wonderful source of great PR and displays high levels of professionalism to the world. …