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Haircut a "go" or "no go" according to dress regs?

Is my haircut a "go" or "no go" according to the quoted Dress Regulations?

  • Yes (Go)

    Votes: 69 68.3%
  • No Go

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • Grey area

    Votes: 16 15.8%

  • Total voters
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Army.ca Veteran
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Okay, so I got a haircut this weekend and this is what it looks like.  For the last two days all I have heard from people here at work is "Mitaine artique!!" (I'll let you figure out the interpretation).  I have been getting my haircut pretty much the same way for the last 10 years or so (in Gagetown).  I am now on a different base and have been approached by someone of high rank (RSM) about my hair not being by the book.  I knew it would come up and my defence was that it is by the book. What is your opinion?

The Book is the CANADIAN FORCES DRESS INSTRUCTIONS A-AD-265-000/AG-001, dated 2002-10-04 (mod 1.)

Hair on the head shall be neatly groomed and conservatively styled. The length, bulk or style of hair shall not detract from a positive military appearance or preclude the proper wear of military headdress. (Bulk is the distance that the mass of hair extends from the skin, when groomed, as opposed to the length of hair.) In particular, style and colour shall not present a bizarre, exaggerated, or unusual appearance. Unusual colours, such as green, bright red, orange, purple, etc., are not permitted. Hair must be secured or styled back to reveal the face, and any accessories used to secure or control hair styles shall be as unobtrusive as possible. Hair ornaments shall not be worn, except women’s conservative barrettes which blend with thehair colour. Shaving of all of the hair on the head is permitted. The personal manner of wearing hair within these general style limits, including moustaches, beards and braids, shall be modified to the degree necessary to accommodate operational or occupational equipment, such as gas, oxygen and scuba masks, hard, combat and flying helmets, etc., where a member’s safety or mission is put in jeopardy.

The following additional details apply to specific groups to accord with religious and spiritual practices and public perceptions of a disciplined force:
a. Men (see Figure 2-2-1).
Hair shall be tapertrimmed at the back, sides, and above the ears to blend with the hair-style; be no more than 15 cm (6 in.) in length and sufficiently short that, when the hair is groomed and headdress is removed, no hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows; be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 in.) in bulk at the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and back; and be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the shirt collar. Taper trimmed square back styles and shaving of all the hair on the head are permitted.

You got jacked for that!!??
That's a high and tight usually seen on US Marine types, but becoming more common on Cdn troops, especially those deployed.  Locally seen here on most AF types too, go figure that one??!!  IMHO, depending on the individual, that haircut looks very good and military. 
hehehe the infamous JARHEAD  ;D Mine's the same way :D
My question should have been, according to the Dress regulations is this haircut against them?

Just cause "everybody's doing it" doesn't mean it's right!
Bzzliteyr said:
...be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 in.) in bulk at the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and back; and be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the shirt collar. Taper trimmed square back styles and shaving of all the hair on the head are permitted.

Bzz, the only thing I would question is the same thing that you must be questioning yourself, since you put it in bold in your original post: the part about gradually decreasing.  In essence, wouldn't the cut that you have be more of a definite, or abrupt decrease, from one length to the next?
It does taper downward.. but I suppose that could the part that is debatable.  I do find that my top is a little higher trimmed than it could be.. does this picture give you more to work with?

Yes, I am hideous and tired.. it is NOT a good picture..
Bzzliteyr said:
Yes, I am hideous and tired.. it is NOT a good picture..

You really should limit your consumption of RedBull. ;D

That being said, if you were one of mine, you'd be good to go with a haircut like that.  It is tapered, neat and presents a spit-and-polish image.

How did the RSM's hair look?
If I wasnt loosing my hear...I woud defenitly have a haircut like this...

I always liked it

Bzzliteyr said:
My question should have been, according to the Dress regulations is this haircut against them?

Just cause "everybody's doing it" doesn't mean it's right!

I think the book is pretty clear.  What is not so clear is different people's interpretation off what it says.  I myself was told the same thing once by the HQ Sgt-Major, when I had mine high and tight.  The next Sgt-Major?

Never said a word.

Different RSM/CSMs, etc interpret the wording as per their idea of what it is, it would seem to me.

I had a similar problem.

While at CFMS in Borden a Sgt jacked me up three days in a
row for haircuts.  I went back the the base barber 2 times to
"fix it".  During the third time I was being jacked up my Sgt
said... "this isn't regulation.  I'd love to meet your barber"

My response. "Funny you say that Sgt, the barber said he
wants you to come in and see him"

After that...  my haircut was fine.

Best person to ask if its legal or not... Base Barber. 

He saved my butt.

Just like mine, cept I'm shorter on top.  Never had a problem either here in Cold Lake, on course in Gagetown or in my old unit, 2 VP in the Peg.
TN2IC said:
I see no problem. I usally get the high and tigth.


Yeah, I remember seeing the sun reflect off of it  ;D BTW hows Reg Force treating you ?
To me it would be a "go" mine usually looks like that in the summer. But as stated before each RSM/CSM/SSM would interpret the regs differently.
I voted grey area, as I have seen different RSMs/CSMs/SSMs etc have a different opinion of what the wording means. 

Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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