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Hamas wins majority in democratic Palestinian Elections


They had a fair and free election, in which 82% of registered voters showed up, and elected Hamas with a landslide.

This is the democracy we have chosen to defend and spread - perhaps we would be better supporting a totalitarian puppet regime, because the Israelis will now undoubtedly feel the need to wipe them all out.

  Wipe them all out , effective  but not quite in fashion these days . Kind of hard to have a caucous meeting if everybody is blowing themselves up . Perhaps they will learn to moderate there rhetoric and work for solutions to there problems .
I think this is a good thing....they will find out its a lot easier to be the "opposition" instead of the crown wearer....[ala the NDP in Ontario a few years back]
I agree Bruce.  Especially if they renounce violence (I believe that's what they were saying on tv) and their citizens do it anyway.
Just picturing the old leader and his cabinet all out there firing AK-47's into the air and looking smug.....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Just picturing the old leader and his cabinet all out there firing AK-47's into the air and looking smug.....

I wonder if the Parliment has a budget for ammo for celebratory firing.   ::)

So much for range days in the Palestinian Defense Forces.
     Probably wont be any dull moments in parliment  , makes question period more interesting .
They had a fair and free election, in which 82% of registered voters showed up, and elected Hamas with a landslide.

This is the democracy we have chosen to defend and spread - perhaps we would be better supporting a totalitarian puppet regime, because the Israelis will now undoubtedly feel the need to wipe them all out.

Couldn't agree more.

I DO think they could learn some firearms saftey though. Watching the election on TV they kinda looked like animals - screaming and shouting, everyone with an AK waving it all around just going beserk.
Go and Bruce good points you changed my view on this, it will be a good thing if we hold true to our values of what the people want In a free vote.

 I can see the movement getting the legitimacy of a real army under the new Government vice its terrorist position, that army will then be free to reflect the values and desires of the Palestinian people and government. They will be free to screw up and have the Israel pound them when they attack as then an attack would be a nation attacking another and the end result would be a fair fight in the worlds eyes. I see this whole Hamas thing playing right into the hands of the right wing in Israel. Whatch out Hamas sometimes you get what you want and it is not a good thing in the end.
Pah.  Getting legitemacy and renouncing violence?  Wasn't that what we were saying about Arafat when he first got elected?

More likely result:  US and most of Europe cut their funding of the PA.  PA is forced to seek funding from middle east.  Hook up with Iran and/or Al-Qaeda, either of which will demand some sort of return on their money (ie. increased attacks on Israel).  Israel moves in to wipe out Hamas, and occupies most of Palestine in the progress.

At that point it's only a question of wether any other countries get involved.  It could get quite messy.
I'm with a few others here - I think it might actually do some good towards putting Hamas on a more political (rather than violent) path.

Cannonfodder said:
    Ariel is going to awake to totally differant world .

Preferably not at all, as far as I'm concerned.
This didn't take long,
My interest isn't in how the Hamas regime will govern Palestine, nor how it deal with Israel, it is in how western democracies are going to deal with the new gov't.

As Go alluded to, a large portion of Palestinians turned out in sanctioned and monitored democratic elections. There was not vote tampering or other irregularities noted during the election.

If the western democracies, particularly the US, doesn't want to work with a freely democratically selected popular gov't because of its view towards another nation, then those actions and words smack of perjury and blasphemy.

"I believe in freedom", "I believe in the democratic process" Just words to fool the masses?

Well now, Palestinians voted freely, democratically. Don't like their choice? Going to have to suck it up and work with that gov't, aren't we?
Hell no!

Need I remind you that Hitler was fairly elected as well?

Just because a government is "fairly elected" doesn't mean we have to agree with their policies or support them in any way.  It would be wrong to go in and attempt a regime change, sure.  On the other hand, if they attack an allied nation, they're fair game.
Why would it be wrong to create a Regime change? the precident has been set.


We can call it ' the great war on democratically elected goverments we don't like' (GWODEGWDL) AKA WW5
It is ironic that a terrorist state [Palestine] had democratic elections and chose between two major parties/terrorist groups, their next government. Hamas is unlikely to give up its vow to destroy Israel.
One of the winner's is Syria ,as it is Syria that has supported Hamas through the year's even hosting its headquarters in Damascus. Until the palestinians reach the stage that the people of N Ireland did, there wont be peace. Until there is an accomodation with Israel Palestine will be an economic basketcase.
"If the western democracies, particularly the US, doesn't want to work with a freely democratically selected popular gov't because of its view towards another nation, then those actions and words smack of perjury and blasphemy."

Its not that the West just doesn't like them.  Its that their use of  violence and platform of Israel's destruction rules out any chance of having a legitimate dialog with them.