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Hangover cures.

Drink lots of water during your drinking session and about a litre prior bed.

Just to add on to what medicineman stated, although this is for next time.   Lots of water and take Tylenol Advil (was what I meant to write) and Gravol right before you go to bed.   If you wake up at any time during the night drink some more water.

For now, two raw eggs, clamato juice, 1 ounce gin, Worcestershire sauce and blend and drink.   Then puke and go back to bed.
drink a 1l bottle of orangejuice (sunny d) it seems to work for me.
Finish off the night with a shot of black sambuca, goldshlager and / or jagermeister (I call them the 'shut 'er down' shots, especially after drinking everything else)

Have yourself a good vomit...
Then Drink as many glasses of water as you've had shots, beers, mixed drinks, etc.

A good way to remember how many you've had is to keep every cap from the beers you drink, and drink 1 glass for every cap... If that doesnt work, 10 is a good amount... 10 glasses of water... You'll pee a lot, but atleast your alcohal dehydrated brain will thank you the next day.

Then I suggest having a really greasy breakfast... or if you have the luxury to sleep in; greasy lunch, or even twosies.. sleeping in is good.

My suggestion for greasy b-fast is any bacon and egg combo served on base... especially the scrambled eggs... or if you are in LFCATC Meaford; anything...  anything at all in their mess is greasy... not just with kitchen grease either.. that place screwed up fruit cocktail.... (worst kitchen in NATO)

I always find a good long stint on the can, shortly after b-fast is a good way to clean out the system...

Keep drinkin' water, and do some physical activity.. no matter how horrible you feel... it'll help work the residual booze through the system.

And like it says on shampoo, Lather rinse repeat...  always repeat.  tomorrows hang over wont be as bad.
At least 12 oz of water before hitting the Hay, and one hours rest, min., for every beer/oz you drank.  So if you drank a two-four, your weekend is shot....  ;D
Orange juice is a good idea - lots of potassium in it.  Unless your stomach precludes you from taking it, Advil would be better than Tylenol - alcohol and Tylenol together can be a little hard on the liver.  Mind you, if your stomach is in bad shape, you should reconsider getting rat's arsed...
Drink lots of water before you go to sleep, and eat some bread. And if you still feel like crap the next morning, eat light, and drink someo OJ.
Drink lots of waterwhen you drink and before you go to bed, and if you wake up during the night drink more water, then when you wake up in the morning and still feel bad goto like A&W or some fastfood place and get the greasiest food they have. works for me.
Stick with one type of drink,
The more you mix the worse your hangover.

Water before bed, lots of activity in bed and some Advil.
In the AM, if your not better;
Start large bore I.V. TKO, Oxygen NRB 10 lpm.

Another solution....Don't Drink! ..... and you won't have that problem the morning after the night before.  ;D
The best hang over cure for me was always Canada Dry Gingerale the next morning cures it pretty quick
Get thee to a medical supply store and get the 1L bags of electrolytes and tylenol in saline solution, some butterfly IV needles, medical tape and about 3 feet of IV tubing.

Then get "elegantly wasted", come home at 0330 and pass out. When you wake up, give yourself the IV (your blood vessels will be hard to find with the dehydration) in the back of your hand. Tape it in with the tape and connect it to the bag. You will know if you did it wrong because you will get a huge blister as the fluid builds up subcutaneously, so hit the vessel the first time.

Have a glass of water, then go back to sleep. For maximum results, drink pedialyte.

When you wake up, headache free, rehydrated and hungry, thank me!!

If at work, borrow the keys to the box amb and sleep in the back with the oxygen on, and drink pedialyte. Just remember not to smoke!!
To try and prevent a hangover (or make it less of one) drink mixed drinks with diet pop. It seems to work for me. Like everyone else said, water , water, water, and some mcraunchies in the morning. Or as I have done a few times, just stay up all night until you're good and sober and then go to bed hehe.  >:D
I usually try to sleep through them  ;D

but that doesnt always work.... beleive it or not, water/freash air/exercise will do amazing things for you in this way.

I remember one weekend we were working, a bunch of us got fairly wrecked, and in the morning had all kinds of patrols and things to do. It sucked at first, but I felt good as new in like, only a few hours, and everybody else felt better as well. Maybe it was an act of god though, who knows.

I also find that things like gatorade work better than water does, but im a firm beleiver so far in the air and exercise thing.Even just go for a walk in the morning sometime and youll feel better! try it.