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Interview advice (merged)

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Yes sorry, they told me at the beginning that the content of the interview is strictly confidential!
Hey everybody, a quick question if you would help me.

My interview is in two weeks, and from what I've heard after the interview the counsellor who conducted it gives you some sort of mark. Is it true that this mark is what determines your place on the merit list?

Thanks in advance.
I believe there is a score assigned for several things, including your interview. How you do on your interview will contribute to your overall score. Prepare well and do well. There are plenty of threads here with interview advice. Best of luck.
It's my understanding that there is an overall 'applicant score' attributed to your file once you have completed all of your application components (CFAT/medical/TSD-PI/interview).  It was explained to me that, yes, this score has direct correlation with where you are placed on the merit-list.  I'm not a recruiter so I can't say for certain that nothing else gets factored into your placement other than your specific score, but I've come across that other factors do, especially related to certain trades.

I found the below link, which should be useful. As well, like Gunshark mentioned, there are a lot of links related to merit-listing questions. You'll find that sometimes your answers are written in a thread that isn't necessarily titled with the topic you're searching for, or begin with a question you had; but they'll lead you to threads that are more useful than the ones you were able to find originally. Best of luck to you in your process.

During my interview, I recall the career counselor telling me that each question on a specific part of the interview, is rated on a 1-4 scale. Your answers are rated by your interviewer and put into the system, which then attributes to your overall competitiveness along with your CFAT and medical.
This is besides the point, but not everything is rated 1 out of 4.  Your overall score is what decides your place on the merit list.  A person whom gets a 70 will get picked before a person whom gets a 67.  Regardless of popular belief, which i have taken much criticism in the past for on here, the person whom has a 70 and barely passes their Medical or has some skeletons in the closet will still get the job before the person who has a 67.
Hello guys I have few questions about the enrollment process.
I have finished my CFAT about a week ago, and I got good enough marks to be able to go into arts, engineering and science at RMC.
My Interview and medical exam is coming up in a week, and I was wondering if there are any advices you guys have going into the interview?
Also, I applied for AERE Officer which means I have to go to university for four years to get my bachelors. I want to do that at RMC, however I just
don't understand the process. After the interview and medical is done, I heard that it's a waiting game. But In order to go to school in September, I need
to get BMOQ right? I know it happens at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruiting school in Quebec for 2 to 3 months. Which means I have to hear by
May to get into training by June. The thing is that Im not sure If i have the right information or not. So If I'm wrong could anyone help me please?

Thank you so much
If you do get accepted for ROTP, you do your first year of university at RMC or a civvi U, then you do BMOQ that summer.

As for what you need to know for the interview, be prepared to answer the questions on this link:

Hey Guys,

First time poster would just like to start off and say everything on here has been super helpful! I just had one quick question. I applied in December 2012. Trade choices.. 1: Infantry 2: VehTech.

I was contacted in January to write my CFAT test, and completed it and was told I was scored high enough to choose any trade. I had my reference checks all completed, and recently was contacted for an interview/medical as a VehTech at the beginning of April. Though I would love to be accepted as a VehTech, my preference would still be to get in as an Infantry Soldier. Is this something I should relay in the interview, or would it be best to re apply strictly as Infantry.

Thanks for your time!


WillItch said:
Though I would love to be accepted as a VehTech, my preference would still be to get in as an Infantry Soldier. Is this something I should relay in the interview, or would it be best to re apply strictly as Infantry.

Thanks for your time!



I would definitely call your file manager and see what he knows about Infantry being available.  Assuming it is, yes, explain to him that ideally you would like your first choice selection. Depending on the information he has for you, also explain that you're willing to wait for your trade of choice if need be. (Assuming you are, of course.) He/she should be able to relay your information to your interviewer.  The only negative thing I could see happening is a possible delay if they're not recruiting for that specific trade.
2ndChoiceName said:
Okay, I'm sorry guys, but I am applying for the Reserves, and my interview was incredibly basic. It probably didn't take more than 20 minutes and my recruiter literally asked me questions off a sheet of paper. I was prepared for a long interview where they asked me lots of personal questions, but it was probably the easiest part of the application process. Is it different for Reserve/Regular or what? I was really jazzed up to do well on this interview, I had my answers all mapped out in my head, I had the timing down and everything, and I basically answered "yes" and "no" and then signed some documents.


My experience was exactly the same, but I was under the impression that that was only a preliminary interview, and that once your application is passed back to your Reserve Unit they will interview you again, because each Reserve Unit is in charge of its own hiring. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
Mine, for ROTP Artillery, took around 1 hour. Then I talked some more with the officer and signed the non-discrimination documents and other policy docs.
My experience was exactly the same, but I was under the impression that that was only a preliminary interview, and that once your application is passed back to your Reserve Unit they will interview you again, because each Reserve Unit is in charge of its own hiring. Someone correct me if that's wrong.

Strange. Which CFRC did you do it at? It might just be the staff at one RC that does that.
has anyone in this thread been interviewed for boatswain? That is what I am applying for and am curious how intense/long you interview was.
I applied as an AERE Officer, and my interview was around 2 hours.
My interview was in  New West Recruiting Center in BC
Piper0507 said:
I applied as an AERE Officer, and my interview was around 2 hours.
My interview was in  New West Recruiting Center in BC

I had my interview yesterday 04/04/2013 for Med Tech NCM-SEP in Hamilton, ON. My interview was also about 2 hours.
I heard that after new personal test interview must be shorter.But according previous post - the same 2 hours...
Cosmo said:
I had my interview yesterday 04/04/2013 for Med Tech NCM-SEP in Hamilton, ON. My interview was also about 2 hours.

Yikes! Good to know! I've applied for Med Tech - Reserves, but am awaiting my fitness test before scheduling the interview. How did you feel it went? Pretty detailed interview I'm assuming if it went on that long?
secondchance said:
I heard that after new personal test interview must be shorter.But according previous post - the same 2 hours...

I think it all really depends on who is interviewing you. I just finished my interview a couple days ago and it was very short, I was at the office for about an hour and a half and that included part of my medical. We seemed to spend more time going over the merit list for my trades after the interview than doing the interview itself.