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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

The fact that the WEST, with its Freedoms, Rights, and tolerance of other views, allows people like Anjem Choudary in the UK to remain in their nation and spew his fanatical beliefs is leading to the spread of homegrown radicals in our populations.  Anjem Choudary preaches, but doesn't even listen to what he is saying.  In the first few minutes of this video, Anjem Choudary goes on about how the Jews are occupying Muslim lands in Israel.  The Jews originated in what is the current state of Israel.  For Anjem Choudary to carry on and state that the Jews are occupying Muslim lands and must be eradicated, while he is preaching the spread of Islam and Sharia Law into Western societies does not appear to be a contradiction of terms to him.  Perhaps he should be eradicated for occupying Western lands.

Hannity to Anjem Choudary: "You're One Sick Miserable Evil SOB"
Much as I find Choudary's views to be offensive stupid and hateful, I believe that we, as a civilized society, must allow him to spew them out. He wants to replace us, our enlightened civilization, with a barbarian culture ... that's his right and it is also his right to advocate it, so long as he stops just a wee, tiny step short of incitement to violence.

Interesting site to read:

the politically incorrect truth about islam one really messed up religion

The Myths of Islam

This article, from December 2014, looks at Muslim radicals in France and Europe being treated as 'mentally ill'.

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

DECEMBER 29, 2014


Violent attacks accompanied by cries of “Allahu Akbar” are simply the result of “mental illness,” according to French authorities who incidentally are enacting a subtle “treatment” for this plague…

By: Y.K. Cherson and Rachel Molschky

    “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian,      or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way, however it may be…”

    “Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”

These were the words of Abu Mohammed al Adnani, the official spokesman and a senior leader of ISIS, as he addressed the terror group’s supporters around the world back in September.

Not once in the message did al Adnani say he was only speaking to official card-carrying ISIS members, but that is exactly what the West expects- especially those “spiteful and filthy French” who experienced three “lone wolf” terror attacks in three days.

On December 19, a new video along the same lines again, emphasized France and commanded Muslims to kill unbelievers and to “Blow up France! Reduce France to crumbs! …Kill them [unbelievers], kill them, no matter where they are, kill them… blow up their heads, be it with a stone, a knife, anything.”

And Muslims took heed with a wave of attacks- in France.

First in Joue-les-Tours, a Muslim convert from Burundi shouting “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest), attacked a group of police officers with a knife, stabbing some of them before getting shot. The initial reaction was that it was Islamic terrorism, and Burundi’s intelligence spokesman stated that the assailant as well as his brother had ties to “radical Islam.” French authorities however, rushed to assure the public this man was nothing more than a “mentally disturbed and unbalanced individual.”

Next was Dijon, where 13 people were injured when a Maghrebi Muslim targeted pedestrians in five different parts of the city, cheering himself on with the same traditional Muslim “greeting” used in the murder of Christians, Jews, Atheists, Pagans… and anyone else who is not Muslim. French authorities declared him “a lone wolf” without any connection to terrorism and attributed the attack to his “mental illness”; in the last 13 years, the guy was a patient of mental health clinics 157 times. Why and how such an individual got a driver’s license, and why he was not hospitalized- this is another question.

As for the “Allahu Akbar,” French prosecutor Marie-Christine Tarrare stated that the Muslim son of North African immigrants only screamed this phrase to give himself the courage to carry out the violence, but not out of any religious beliefs. Keep in mind once again, that “Allahu Akbar” means “Allah is the greatest” and is often heard by Muslims as they carry out Islamic terrorism.

The next attack occurred in Nantes, another attacker who, by the original accounts of witnesses and police officers, also howled “Allahu Akbar,” drove his van into the crowd of people buying Christmas gifts; 11 were wounded including himself, and one of them has since died. French authorities…Well, you already know. Not only was he “mentally ill,” he was drunk, and police suspiciously withheld his name and stated that none of the attacks were related, and that these terrorists had no official ties to Islamic terror groups- in other words, they were not carrying their “ISIS identification cards” in their wallets.

The local prosecutor in the case, Brigitte Lamy, stated that the attack, despite occurring only one day after an almost identical act of vehicular terrorism, is an isolated incident and “not a terrorist act.”

Then another “unbalanced individual” was detained in Cannes, with two loaded pump-action shotguns and a knife. Big deal!  Some “unbalanced” Muslim got out to “hunt rabbits”- near the Forville market in Cannes, that is.

The number of victims could be more serious: in Paris on the same day as the Nantes attack, shots were fired at a synagogue. Days later, assailants opened fire at a Jewish restaurant in the same neighborhood. Undoubtedly, according to the French police, those responsible for both attacks were not Muslims, did not have “any ties to Jihad” – and were just “unbalanced individuals” who coincidentally attacked Jews following the instruction by ISIS to kill non-Muslims in France.

Throughout the whole ordeal, French authorities repeatedly assured the public that none of the attacks were related, all were isolated incidents with no terrorist motive, no religious motive and no ties to Islam whatsoever. It was just a series of violence perpetrated by the mentally ill, an interesting development being that there have always been mentally ill people, yet suddenly, they are going on the rampage and killing or attempting to kill people in the name of Allah.

We can be certain that no non-Muslim would scream “Allahu Akbar” before going berserk on police officers or crowds of people.

This new “mental illness” rhetoric is clearly the newest phase of exaggerated political correctness but is also partly due to a new study in which sociologists reviewed the cases of 98 extremist attackers in the United States. Of them, 40 percent were found to have some sort of mental health issues, compared to only 1.5 percent of the general population.

However, there are those who dispute this study, and psychological problems without the influence of Islam are not going to produce acts of terrorism, in particular those perpetrated by Muslims against the non-Muslim population.

Psychologist Nicolai Sennels has written a report on this very thing.

    “Psychopathic people and behaviour are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths…”

That would be Islam of course.

Sennels studied both Muslims and non-Muslims in a Danish youth prison and came to the conclusion that “Islam and Muslim culture have certain psychological mechanisms that harm people’s development and increase criminal behaviour.”

While some 70 percent of youth offenders in Denmark have a Muslim background, according to Sennels, the reason for this can be attributed to brainwashing in the Muslim culture as well as the four enabling psychological factors of anger, self-confidence, responsibility for oneself and intolerance, all further discussed in greater detail on Jihad Watch.

But don’t tell this to French authorities who rely on the “mental illness” scapegoat needed to fulfill their obligations to the ever-powerful demand of “political correctness” which dictates their public statements, always an absurd display of dhimmitude.

But these are just words. What are their actions? Before such a sad deterioration in the mental health of French citizens, especially of those who profess Islam, the French government invented a very original medical treatment for “mentally ill” and “unbalanced” persons, adding another 300 anti-terrorist security troops to the already deployed 780 during the Christmas season for a total of 1080 armed and trained security soldiers– to fight “mentally ill” and “unbalanced” individuals?? That’s quite a remedy!

Or maybe members of the French government somewhere deep in their hearts know that this  senselessness they are telling us about “lone wolves” without any ties to Jihad crying “Allahu Akbar” when driving their vehicles into Christians buying gifts for Christmas is just this: senseless politically correct mumbo jumbo?

As O. Henry once wrote, you can defy the allegation, but you can’t deny the alligators.

Related Reading:

The Religion for the ‘Mentally Ill’

The Goal of Muslim Immigration According to Muhammad’s Teachings

Muslim Immigration: Preparing the Attack

More on LINKS found in article.

Who are Y.K. Cherson and Rachel Molschky?  http://chersonandmolschky.com/about/

Who We Are

Y.K. Cherson is an Israeli writer who has written countless articles for sites like Right Side News, Ali Sina’s Faith Freedom and many more. He has spent a lifetime serving the public. With an extensive military career which provided invaluable experience dealing firsthand with terrorists and future terrorists, his current “day job” keeps him on the front lines of the immigration and related crime issues facing us today.

A graduate of Moscow State University and Tel Aviv University, Cherson has a Ph.D. in International Politics and Economics. Aside from his military and academic background, his unique perspective comes from a lifetime of living around the world: first in Eastern Europe, then the Middle East, and currently in the West.

Rachel Molschky is Cherson’s writing partner as well as the editor and administrator of this site. A graduate of Syracuse University and with a background in journalism, as well as business writing and research, Molschky has joined forces with Cherson to inform the public of what the mainstream media fails to report, with the main focus being the three “I’s”: immigration, Islam and Israel.

Both Cherson and Molschky have had personal experience with the immigration process in different places, and Rachel is a second-generation American native-born citizen, which means it wasn’t long ago that her own family immigrated to a nation completely foreign to their culture. Yet they assimilated into the “melting pot” that used to be America, unlike today with the “multicultural” approach pushed by the liberal front, a concept that is a complete failure when the “religious” values of the immigrants clash with those of the native inhabitants. Multiculturalism does not promote assimilation, and instead of a cohesive nation with a shared patriotism, immigrants now live in their own parallel communities, many with a hatred for their adopted country.

While they may seem like an unlikely pair, with Cherson from the East and Molschky from the West, both share a nearly identical ethnic and religious heritage. Identifying strongly with the religious ideals which were once the backbone of our nations, they work together to bring the reader a comprehensive and logical view of these topics, something that is lacking in the general mainstream media.

Paul Wilkinson is the resident guest blogger, adding another dimension to the site as a native Brit and rounding out the team with a Western European perspective. Wilkinson has seen, not only his country, but also his own neighborhood, transformed by Muslim immigration. Read his personal account of how Nottingham, his home city, has changed in the last 15 years.
A worthwhile repost:

France Publishes ‘How To Spot a Jihadist’ Citizen’s Guide
JANUARY 30, 2015


How do you spot a radical jihadist? According to the French government, several signs should alert people that “a process of radicalization is underway.” “They” (meaning radicalized individuals):

mistrust old friends, whom they now consider ‘impure’… abruptly change their eating habits … no longer watch television or go to the movies because [these may show] images that are forbidden to them … change their attire, especially women, with clothes that conceal the body … [and] stop listening to music because it distracts them from their ‘mission.’

Defense One
Discussions are being held in Europe to find solutions to the networks that are smuggling thousands of ISIL recruits out of European nations.  This is an ominous statement that affects all Western nations:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe

AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe.
the Express
Published: 17:42, Sat, January 31, 2015

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.

The ISIS smuggler, who is in his 30s with a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

"Just wait," he smiled.

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries.

Islamic State, also referred to as IS and ISIS, is believed to be actively smuggling deadly gunmen across the sparsely-guarded 565-mile Turkish border and on to richer European nations, he revealed.

There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen "ready" across the European Union, he claimed.

The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes.

"If someone attacks me," he said "then for sure I will attack them back."

Islamic State extremists are taking advantage of developed nation's generosity towards refugees to infiltrate Europe, he said.

The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe.

More than 1.5million refugees have fled into Turkey alone – desperate to escape the bloodshed in Syria.

From Turkish port cities like Izmir and Mersin, thousands of refugees venture across the Mediterranean aiming for Italy, he said.

Then the majority make for more welcoming nations like Sweden and Germany, turning themselves over to authorities and appealing for asylum.

"They are going like refugees," he said.

Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the claims made by the ISIS Syrian operative.

One admitted to helping more than ten trained ISIS rebels infiltrate Europe under the guise of asylum seekers.

He said: "I’m sending some fighters who want to go and visit their families.

"Others just go to Europe to be ready."

The Syrian operative, a former member of his nation's security forces, said ISIS had ambitious plans ahead.

"It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world," he said "and we will have it soon, God willing."

The operative agreed to a meeting at the urging of a former Free Syrian Army gunman who fought alongside him in the war.

The Syrian said he had been granted permission to attend the meeting by his superior in ISIS — a radical referred to by members of the group as an "emir."

"There are some things I’m allowed to tell you and some things I’m not," he said.

During the meeting, the operative said he believed future attacks would only target Western governments – not civilians.

Although details of terror plot are something over which he has little control, he claims.

The revelation comes just days after a spokesperson for Islamic State called on Muslims in the West to carry out terror attacks.

The jihadist told Western followers if they had the opportunity to "shed a drop of blood" in Western countries – then they should do so.

Spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani also praised the recent terror attacks in Australia, Belgium and France.

"We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever they find them," he said.

"We will be enemies, in front of God, to any Muslim who can shed a drop of blood of a Crusader and abstains from doing that with a bomb, bullet, knife, car, rock or even a kick or a punch."

A Turkish foreign ministry official said authorities were actively working to clamp down on refugee-smuggling.

He pointed out that since Europe accepts few refugees through legal channels, the demand for smuggling has increased.

"Illegal migration has been an important issue and Turkey is effectively fighting against it," the official, who declined to be named, confirmed.

"Of course the most effective way to put an end to all these problems would be immediate action by the international community to solve the Syrian conflict."

When asked about the smuggling of Islamic State operatives in boats of innocent refugees, the anonymous official said his government was unaware of the plot.

"We do not have that particular intelligence," he said.

"Turkey has been taking very tight measures against [ISIS] with all the capabilities the government has."

More on LINK.
Hopefully this is just BS, but I fear not.  More reason for me to be uncomfortable with taking in thousands of refugees that come from that region.  How do you pick out the wolves from among the sheep? 

Suddenly the Sesame Street's " Homelamb" isn't so funny.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1zL106SGZ8
jollyjacktar said:
Hopefully this is just BS, but I fear not.  More reason for me to be uncomfortable with taking in thousands of refugees that come from that region.  How do you pick out the wolves from among the sheep? 

The usual ways: spies, snitches, bribes, blackmail and the occasional assassination
George Wallace said:
Discussions are being held in Europe to find solutions to the networks that are smuggling thousands of ISIL recruits out of European nations. 

One of these extremists caught trying to make another attack?


Ex-Criminal Turned Back in Turkey Attacks 3 French Soldiers

Associated Press | Feb 03, 2015 | by Jamey Keaten
PARIS — A former criminal who had been blocked by French and Turkish police from traveling along a route used by jihadi fighters on Tuesday allegedly attacked three French soldiers with a knife outside a Jewish community center in southern France, officials said.

France's counterterrorism agency last week flagged the suspect, Moussa Coulibaly, to Turkish authorities before he flew on Jan. 28 on a one-way ticket to Turkey, a transit point for jihadis from Europe to join Islamic extremist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq, one French security official said.

Coulibaly and a suspected accomplice were detained after the attack on the soldiers, who were conducting an anti-terrorism patrol in front of a Jewish community center in Nice as part of stepped-up security measures since a three-day spree of deadly terror attacks in and around Paris last month.

A bad idea to release him?


Jordan releases leading al Qaeda mentor: security source

AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanian authorities released an imprisoned spiritual leader linked to al Qaeda, Sheikh Abu Mohammad al-Maqdisi, on Thursday, a security source said.

There was no immediate announcement of the reason for his release two days after the al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State issued a video showing a captive Jordanian pilot being burned alive.

But another security source told Reuters Maqdisi was expected to denounce the immolation of the Jordanian pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh as against "faith values".

E.R. Campbell said:
The CBC is reporting on the two Canadians involved in the gas plant bombing in Algeria; the report is reproduced, without comment, under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from CBC News:


Canadians in Algerian gas plant attack identified
More Canadians may have been involved in attack ....
Bumped with the latest from the U.K. on one of the folks involved ....
As Canada grappled with watching one of its own turn on fellow citizens in the nation's capital last fall, the phrase "Canadian terrorist" was already a familiar one an ocean away, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, England.

One of the young men frequently mentioned at the inquest underway here was also born and raised in Canada, had converted to a radical version of Islam, and had somehow learned his way around guns and many other far more lethal weapons.

Xris Katsiroubas, from London, Ont., was also, like the Ottawa gunman, ultimately killed in the course of his twisted mission.

But in a sombre London courtroom, a coroner's inquest into the violent murder of six British men and one U.K. resident in an Algerian desert hostage-taking two years ago, his horrific legacy was being methodically reconstructed.

( .... )

Not long after the standoff ended, Canadian officials revealed the identities of at least two citizens believed directly involved: Xris Katsiroubas and Ali Medlej, friends from London, Ont. Their remains had been found at the plant.

( .... )

On the opening day of the inquest, Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent James Stokely, the senior investigating officer, said images of Katsiroubas had been captured on a cellphone by the youngest of the British hostages, 26-year-old Sebastian John, and emailed back to his wife in the U.K. within the first hours of the attack.

John — who was praised by the inquest judge as brave for taking the pictures "at considerable risk to himself," was ultimately killed in the attack.

The photos, never before revealed, have been obtained by CBC News. One of them clearly sums up Katsiroubas's role in the first hours of the attack: he is seated on the ground in fatigues, a rifle in one hand — and a phone in the other ....
Misplaced documents or a closet radical caught in the act?

SUN News

Montreal college suspends Arabic school after links to radical Islam found

MONTREAL - A Montreal college has suspended its contract with a school that teaches Arabic and the Qur'an after links to radical materials were found on its website.

Rosemont College was renting space to the El Forkane school, run by Mohamed Ridha Rahmaoui.

An investigation by TVA, QMI Agency's sister TV station, found links on the school's website to sites promoting radical Islam ideology, including Salafism, one of the more fundamental strains of the faith.

While Rahmaoui, who also runs a kindergarten under the El Forkane name, insisted that he is in favour of secular education, that's contradicted by one Arabic-language sermon that was linked to on his school's website.

"Beware of the enemies of Islam; they will always want trouble, they set traps, the largest of which is their schools," it read.

Within minutes of a phone call from TVA to Rahmaoui asking about the 155 links, they were removed from the school's site

Another Canadian ISIS recruit to be wary of:

Fox News

Mysterious woman from Canada’s rapid rise in ISIS puzzles intel analysts


Little is known about the woman who calls herself "Lama Sharif al-Shammari" on Twitter and who terrorism experts simply call “L.A.” They believe she left Canada some time after Nov. 23 to join Islamic State, arrived on Dec. 8 and was in Syria as recently as Tuesday. Analysts believe she may be a Sunni Muslim of Saudi descent.

But what sets "L.A." apart from thousands of radicalized foreigners who have flocked from North America and Europe to the terrorist army's killing fields is that her Twitter account shows she has been to virtually every corner of Islamic State's bloody realm within a three-week period, according to analysts. They believe her whirlwind itinerary indicates she is somehow significant and has risen inexplicably through the ranks.

Good job to the security services in Australia!


Australia anti-terror police arrest two in alleged plot: media

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Two men have been arrested in Sydney after a raid by Australian counterterrorism police found a hunting knife, a flag and other items, raising suspicions of a "beheading plot," the Daily Telegraph reported on Wednesday.

A New South Wales police spokeswoman would not comment on the details of the report, but said two men were assisting police with inquiries after an operation on Tuesday afternoon.

A media conference was planned for later on Wednesday.

In December, two hostages died as police stormed a cafe in central Sydney, ending a 17-hour siege. The gunman, Man Haron Monis, a self-styled sheik who harbored deep grievances against the Australian government and sought to align himself with the Islamic State militant group, was also killed.

At least this one now walks among us without a passport ....
Federal officials have revoked the passport of an Iranian-trained Montreal imam once described by the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team as a “subject of interest in an ongoing investigation.”

Ali Sbeiti, who was born in Iraq but has been a Canadian citizen since 1991, was notified in a Nov. 19 letter that his passport had been “invalidated” and that Passport Canada was reviewing his “eligibility for passport services.”

The four-page letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada advised Mr. Sbeiti he could no longer use his passport and that he had to return it immediately. While it cited federal regulations, the letter did not explain why the action was taken.

But internal government documents show that the Mounties have expressed interest in Mr. Sbeiti since 2009. He was also flagged by the Passport Canada security bureau after he altered his passport by trying to remove a sticker from one of the pages in 2007.

Mr. Sbeiti could not be reached for comment. His lawyer Mitchell Goldberg said he could not comment on the specifics of the case but that anyone advocating hatred or violence, or supporting terrorism, should be criminally charged. “None of us would want our passports to be revoked without even the right to know what allegations are being made against us, and the basic opportunity to give our side of the story,” he said, adding that fundamental rights included “the right to hold unpopular views.” ....
George Wallace said:

What happened to that Policy of Deporting them to their country of birth?
Sounds like he's a Canadian citizen as of 1991, so no deportation for him.
milnews.ca said:
Sounds like he's a Canadian citizen as of 1991, so no deportation for him.

I did not think that mattered.  They want to deport a Canadian born in Ottawa to Indian Embassy staff, to India. 
George Wallace said:
I did not think that mattered.  They want to deport a Canadian born in Ottawa to Indian Embassy staff, to India.
I'm only about 85% sure that if they're Canadian, they can't be sent back, even if the passport's withdrawn.  Then again, that might be changing under the proposed new rules.
George Wallace said:
I did not think that mattered.  They want to deport a Canadian born in Ottawa to Indian Embassy staff, to India.

I may be mistaken, but I believe children who's parent(s) is/are consular staff are born citizens of the parent nation, not of where they're born.
First, as a Canadian citizen, there is absolutely no way to deport the individual.  The only way that would be possible is if CIC looked back through his original landing documents and his application for citizenship and found that in one way or another misrepresented himself.  If that's the case, CIC can strip him of his citizenship and then start doing op a deportation order against the individual.  I believe there was a case recently (within the last 5 years) of an individual who participate in war crimes somewhere on the African continent who misrepresented himself during his PR application. 

There's a couple of things that not mentioned in the article.  Most importantly is he still an Iraqi citizen.  If so he still may hold an Iraqi passport and as such be eligible for travel anyways as he holds a valid travel document.  When returning to Canada, he would just need to show that he is a Canadian citizen and would enter by right, and nothing can be done on the immigration side (to my knowledge) to prevent it.
