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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

S.M.A. said:
Isn't that why we should start having immigration exit controls in Canadian airports as well? Doesn't CBSA/CIC only have entry controls (immigration officers who check your passports/visas at entering Canada) at airports but not when you leave?
I'm curious - are there any jurisdictions already doing this?  I wonder because even though we'd be keeping folks from doing bad things, it wouldn't take long for opponents to paint such a scheme in this light.
S.M.A. said:
Isn't that why we should start having immigration exit controls in Canadian airports as well? Doesn't CBSA/CIC only have entry controls (immigration officers who check your passports/visas at entering Canada) at airports but not when you leave?


CBSA can and does to export checks on goods leaving the country.  Immigration wise it is difficult.  There are some methods to flag individuals, but if they're not charged with a crime it is legally very difficult.  With the new anti-terrorism law, charges do exist for traveling for/aiding/providing assistance for terrorist activities.  But again you have to have reasonable grounds. 

Also you have to look at Reward VS manpower needed, complaints generated, public wait times etc etc etc...  and that is only at Canadian airports.  The individual can also head south into the US and take a flight out from there. 
This from the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, signed by 30+ imams & religious scholars:
Historic Islamic Edict (Fatwa) on Joining ISIS/ISIL

Overwhelming majority of worldwide Islamic scholars have already individually declared ISIS/ISIL un-Islamic “out-siders” (KHAWARIJ) group.  The attached Islamic edict (Fatwa) by the Canadian Muslim Imams and scholars is the first formal Fatwa in the world regarding ISIS/ISIL and its recruitment activities.

Fatwa is the opinions of Muslim scholars based upon the jurisprudence of Islam.  There are several sources of Islamic jurisprudence but the Holy Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the main sources of Islamic Jurisprudence. This fatwa is based upon the clear guidance from Allah in the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the consensus of overwhelming majority of Muslim scholars throughout the fourteen centuries of Islamic history.

This Fatwa has been issued in order to help Muslims especially youth to understand what Islamic laws and ethics stand for and how ISIS/ISIL is violating those laws and ethics. The consistent and constant misinterpretation and misuse of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by the ISIS/ISIL to control Muslim lands and people should be exposed and condemned.

We hope this Fatwa will help Muslims and non-Muslims to understand what Islam requires from its followers. We also hope this Fatwa will help the Canadian government, Ministers and the Media not to link Islam, Muslims and Islamic terminologies e.g. Jihad with the violence and extremism caused by terrorists organizations like ISIS/ISIL.

We encourage other Muslim Imams and scholars to endorse this Fatwa OR issue their own fatwa in order to help Muslims not to be misguided by ISIS/ISIL ....
milnews.ca said:

Which only goes to show that Fatwas are like the Hadith and the Qu'ran: The Believer picks and chooses the parts he likes and rejects the ones he doesn't.

That's what happens with a religion that doesn't have a single central ecclesiastic authority to be final arbiter of the interpretation of the faith (like the Pope is for catholics). Remember, the first schism in Islam occurred right after the passing of the Prophet: it is a fight over his succession as leader of the faith and it hasn't let up since, and it is one of the reason there are, even today, not one but many Islam.
jollyjacktar said:
Good on them.  Too bad that fatwas are more noise than substance as they can be ignored by the faithful if they want to.

But it's a start.  Something has finally and officially been said by an Islamic "authority" on the subject.  Every avalanche starts with a snowball.
Kat Stevens said:
But it's a start.  Something has finally and officially been said by an Islamic "authority" on the subject.  Every avalanche starts with a snowball snowflake.


I'm with you though. They are starting to accept some ownership of the problem and are starting some corrective action. Now they have to make this a force multiplier for their side.
I am in no way a real expert on religion, but did not Christianity haves its issues as well? The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind (not the Monty Python one either).

I figure in 700-800 years Islam will have itself sorted out.
Hamish Seggie said:
I am in no way a real expert on religion, but did not Christianity haves its issues as well? The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind (not the Monty Python one either).

I figure in 700-800 years Islam will have itself sorted out.

It still has its issues.
milnews.ca said:
There have been numerous fatwas issued from many different countries and sources, both good and bad, that have been both embraced and bronx cheered by the faithful dependant upon their edicts.  One could probably find many hours of entertainment and enlightenment researching them if you had the patience.
Yes, indeed.  I am very pleased to see these gentlemen taking this stand.  Hopefully others will as well. 
More about terrorist recruits who passed through the cracks before:

Canadian Pres

US citizen brought from Pakistan to NYC to face charges he supported terror in martyrdom quest

NEW YORK, N.Y. - A U.S. citizen who authorities say travelled from Canada to Pakistan to train with al-Qaida in order to carry out jihad has been arrested and charged with conspiring to kill American soldiers, according to court papers unsealed Thursday.

A bearded Muhanad Mahmoud Al Farekh, wearing light blue prison attire, said nothing and entered no plea during a brief court appearance Thursday afternoon before a federal judge in Brooklyn. He was ordered held without bail


And now this one's regretting it? She probably doesn't like cleaning toilets for other jihadi wannabes...  ::)


British student who joined Islamic State wants to go home: Turkish MP

By Yesmin Dikmen

ANKARA - A 19-year-old British woman, one of a group of medical students that includes seven Britons, an American and a Canadian thought to have traveled to join the Islamic State group, has told her family she wants to go home, a Turkish lawmaker has said.

"A female student, 19-year-old Lena, sent a message to her family saying she wanted to go back. We will try tomorrow to bring her and those who are with her back, if we can persuade them," opposition CHP lawmaker
Mehmet Ali Ediboglu said in an interview with Reuters television late on Wednesday.

Thousands of foreigners from different countries have joined the ranks of radical groups such as Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, many of them crossing through Turkey.

An update on the ex-US Army National Guard member who tried to join ISIS:


Chicago-Area Cousins Indicted in Alleged Terrorist Plot
Associated Press | Apr 04, 2015

CHICAGO — Two suburban Chicago cousins have been indicted on charges of conspiring to help the Islamic State, with one allegedly planning to attack an Illinois military facility and the other allegedly planning to go overseas, federal prosecutors announced Friday.

Hasan Edmonds, a 22-year-old member of the Illinois Army National Guard, and his cousin, Jonas Edmonds, 29, were charged with conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq. The indictment was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court. Prosecutors say the two men will be arraigned April 8.

The men, who are U.S. citizens and residents of Aurora, were represented at a previous hearing by attorneys from the federal public defender's office who were unavailable to comment Friday on the indictment.
A threat prevented?


Islamists arrested in Spain eyed attacks on synagogues, authorities-court

MADRID (Reuters) - Members of a suspected militant Islamist cell arrested this week in Spain were trying to obtain explosives to bomb a Jewish bookshop in Barcelona, an investigating magistrate said on Friday.

Other potential targets of the group included synagogues and public buildings in the Catalonia region, the magistrate said in a report after receiving information from prosecutors.

The report said seven of the 11 people arrested on Wednesday in northeastern Catalonia have been put under formal investigation - a step just short of being charged - and will be held in custody awaiting trial, it added.

The use of the "Crusades" as an excuse by radical Muslims as justification for their actions is just a sign of their ignorance of history.  Long before the Crusades, Muslims were attacking Christians and other religions across the Middle East and around the Mediterranean, killing or enslaving millions.  Contrary to Islamist claims, the Crusades were few and restricted in area; not massive expansion but attempts to free Christians in the Holy Lands.  The time period of Islamic attacks and expansion is far larger than the time period that covers the Christian response and continues well past the end of the Crusades.  The myth that Jihad is a response to the Crusades has been perpetuated by radical Islam to justify their actions.  All false.

Here is a study done by Dr Bill Warner on Jihad vs Crusades with timelines:

George Wallace said:
The use of the "Crusades" as an excuse by radical Muslims as justification for their actions is just a sign of their ignorance of history. 

Seems to me they'll use any bloody excuse to justify the sh1t they do.  History may indeed be the judge of their deeds, but I don't know how much anyone in the future will be paying attention to the truth of the matter as is the case today.
The problem is, some people are believing it and going to join the cause.

Personally, I find it disconcerting that there isn't a more unified, large scale effort to take these POS out as quickly and aggressively as possible.