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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

milnews.ca said:
I'm only about 85% sure that if they're Canadian, they can't be sent back, even if the passport's withdrawn.  Then again, that might be changing under the proposed new rules.

We have seen people deported to Jamaica in the past.  I don't recall their citizenship status, but it has been a problem with Jamaican criminals residing in Canada.

If this case is an Iraqi, holding dual citizenship, then if he were to travel abroad on his Iraqi passport, he would have to produce that to CBSA should he wish to re-enter Canada (as he would not have a Canadian one) and that SHOULD raise ALARM bells -- Canadian citizen with an Iraqi passport.
George Wallace said:
We have seen people deported to Jamaica in the past.  I don't recall their citizenship status, but it has been a problem with Jamaican criminals residing in Canada.

If this case is an Iraqi, holding dual citizenship, then if he were to travel abroad on his Iraqi passport, he would have to produce that to CBSA should he wish to re-enter Canada (as he would not have a Canadian one) and that SHOULD raise ALARM bells -- Canadian citizen with an Iraqi passport.
Very good point on the dual citizenship-dual passport thing.  Still, I think once you're a citizen here, no deportation for YOU!
Would some sort of intel agency be contact?  If the person is awake at the switch is awake, then yes.  CSIS/RCMP/CBSA intel etc... You could sit him down and have a long chat, but it wouldn't be about his immigration status in Canada.  And on the customs side, especially at the airport it doesn't take that long to go through a bag to determine if his goods are admissible.

The one option that I can see being is CBSA detaining for one of the 83.x offences in the criminal code while waiting for RCMP/CSIS to show up.


83.19 (1) Every one who knowingly facilitates a terrorist activity is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
Marginal note:Facilitation
    (2) For the purposes of this Part, a terrorist activity is facilitated whether or not
        (a) the facilitator knows that a particular terrorist activity is facilitated;
        (b) any particular terrorist activity was foreseen or planned at the time it was facilitated; or
        (c) any terrorist activity was actually carried out.

83.191: Everyone who leaves or attempts to leave Canada, or goes or attempts to go on board a conveyance with the intent to leave Canada, for the purpose of committing an act or omission outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be an offence under subsection 83.19(1) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years.

Bin Laden told of al Qaeda suspect's plot in 'chilling' letter: U.S

By Nate Raymond | Reuters – 8 hours ago

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. prosecutor told jurors at the terrorism trial of accused al Qaeda operative Abid Naseer that his plan to bomb a shopping center in England in 2009 was described in a "chilling" letter recovered during the military raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

In an opening statement at trial in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, prosecutor Celia Cohen said the letter from al Qaeda's head of Western operations updated bin Laden on plans by Naseer and others to carry out attacks in New York, Copenhagen and Manchester, England.

"You will see that chilling reminder in the letter to Osama bin Laden that al Qaeda's goal was to attack infidels in their home territories," Cohen said.


Prosecutors say Naseer was leader of an al Qaeda cell plotting an attack on Manchester and that another cell conspired to bomb the New York City subway system, while a third planned to attack a Copenhagen newspaper that had printed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Two men, Najibullah Zazi and Zarein Ahmedzay, pleaded guilty to charges stemming from the New York plot. A third, Adis Medunjanin, was convicted at trial and sentenced in 2012 to life in prison. Zazi was the first witness called Tuesday.

Cohen said Naseer like Zazi coordinated his plans through a Pakistan-based al Qaeda facilitator, "Sohaib," using email addresses intended to disguise his identity and describing the attack as a "wedding" or "marriage."
Homegrown jihadi terrorists in Minneapolis in the spotlight:

Yahoo News

Preventing homegrown terrorism within the United States
By Bianna Golodryga | Yahoo News – Tue, 17 Feb, 2015

This weekend’s terror attacks in Copenhagen, Denmark, are the latest in a string of violence targeting some of Europe’s largest cities. Those behind the attacks share a common thread — young, local Muslims who have been radicalized by events taking place thousands of miles away in the streets of Syria, Iraq and Libya. And while recent attacks have been carried out in other countries, U.S. law enforcement officials warn that American cities are targets as well. What worries them most is that, like in Europe, Canada and Australia, would-be perpetrators are likely citizens within the country. Thwarting homegrown extremism has quickly become one of the biggest priorities for counterterrorism agencies. So much so that this week, President Barack Obama will host a counterterrorism summit in Washington — the first of its kind — alongside other world leaders.

The Department of Homeland Security has estimated that at least 100 Americans have traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS. Nearly a quarter of those men are from the Minneapolis area, which is home to about 100,000 Somali immigrants, the largest concentration of Somalis in the country. A majority of them are Muslim.

Since 2007, the FBI has been investigating the city’s Somali community in an effort to better understand the reason that there is a growing number of men turning to radical Islam and, in particular, sympathizing with the Islamic State. Investigations like these have landed the city in the middle of a national debate as to whether Muslim communities within the U.S. are breeding grounds for extremism and so-called “no-go” zones, alleged communities where non-Muslims are not welcome and where Sharia takes precedence over federal law. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has warned of them, as has Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which is based in Washington, D.C. Perkins went on to specifically call out such areas in Minneapolis and Dearborn, Michigan.

Hello, Force

I have just read through all of your posts and thank you for them, and for your insight.

We have much to learn. Please keep educating us.
Some politicians have a more direct way of dealing with terrorism in their midst. Video at link:


VIDEO: Jerusalem Mayor Takes Down Knife-Wielding Terrorist

The mayor of Jerusalem and his bodyguard took down a knife-wielding terrorist today, a takedown captured on Jerusalem Municipality Emergency and Safety Department footage.

According to YNet News, the 18-year-old Palestinian teen from Ramallah stabbed a 27-year-old Haredi man in central Jerusalem’s Safra Square.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, 55, was in his car nearby, jumped out of his vehicle along with his security guard, and rushed the suspect. They also gave first aid to the victim, who suffered “moderate” wounds, until paramedics arrived.

Barkat, who was a paratrooper during his six years of IDF service, is in the white shirt in the above security footage.

UPDATE: Looks like the victim is going to be OK.

Read more: http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015/02/22/video-jerusalem-mayor-takes-down-knife-wielding-terrorist/#ixzz3SVxMI9fv
Supporting terrorism is just as bad as conducting terrorism itself:


U.S. charges three with conspiring to support Islamic State

By Joseph Ax
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three men were charged on Wednesday with conspiring to support Islamic State, including two who planned to travel to Syria to fight on behalf of the radical group, U.S. authorities said.

One of the men, Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19, of Kazakhstan, was arrested on Wednesday at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, where authorities said he was attempting to board a flight to Turkey on his way to Syria.

Another defendant, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 24, of Uzbekistan, previously purchased a ticket for a March flight to Istanbul, said Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn.

Abror Habibov, 30, of Uzbekistan, was accused of funding Saidakhmetov's efforts.

Such violence-prone radicalism should never be allowed to fester in an institution of learning of all places...

(even if some university faculty members may themselves hold radical views that may resent or reject the greater, free society in which they teach)

Sky News

'Toxic Environment' At Emwazi's University
Sky NewsSky News – Sun, 1 Mar, 2015

A former student at Mohammed Emwazi's London university has told Sky News it allowed a toxic environment of radical Islam, where holy war was glorified behind closed doors.
The University of Westminster has insisted it condemns the promotion of radicalisation and is trying to stop it, after Emwazi was unmasked as the Islamic State militant "Jihadi John".

The unnamed ex-student said groups active at the university "created a hostile environment towards non-Muslims, were anti-Israeli and homophobic remarks were rampant at the campus".

He added: "If this toxic environment endured after I left I am not surprised a 'normal' young Muslim struggling to find identity became radicalised."
The former student added the university was "excellent" but "their tolerance was abused by people who played a double game".

Cage is just a group using a "victim narrative" of how Emwazi was inspired to radicalism to shift blame from themselves to the British government.  ::)


Charities that funded Cage, one time supporter of IS's Emwazi, under pressure

By Ahmed Aboulenein, Michael Holden and Simon Falush

LONDON (Reuters) - The financial backers of a campaign group that had contact with the man later known as 'Jihadi John' are under pressure from British politicians and a regulator's investigation to explain why they gave it several hundred thousand pounds.

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, a Quaker foundation, and The Roddick Foundation, set up by the late founder of beauty retailer Body Shop, are among those now being asked how they came to fund Cage, a small activist group that called Mohammed Emwazi, killer of American, British and Syrian hostages, a once "beautiful young man".

"I condemn anybody who attempts to excuse that barbarism away in the way that has been done by Cage," British interior minister Theresa May told parliament in response to the comment by Cage's research boss Asim Qureshi to media last week.

Cage was set up by a group of London Muslims with the aim of supporting British suspects being held by the United States in Guantanamo Bay. Its activists blame U.S. and British foreign policy for radicalizing Muslims and accuse the security services of harassing those who refuse to be informants.

Russel Brand is blaming it all on the west. 

Re-printed under the usual caveats of the Copyright Act.
Terrorist threat sees three Regina schools pull out of cheerleading competition

By CJME — The Canadian Press — Mar 3 2015

REGINA - Three Regina high schools and one in Saskatoon have pulled out of a cheerleading competition after threats were made against West Edmonton Mall in an online video.

And that has one mother suggesting the terrorists have won.

The video purportedly came from the Al-Shabab group and urges Muslims to attack malls including the Mall of America in Minneapolis and the one in Edmonton.

Denise Fisher of the Alberta Cheerleading Association says a dozen teams have pulled out of the competition scheduled for this coming weekend.

They include Campbell Collegiate, Balfour Collegiate and Winston Knoll Collegiate in Regina, and Bethlehem High School in Saskatoon.

Tina Caderna says her daughter, Trinity, was panicked when told about the cancellation, as she is serious about her cheerleading and trains for 30 hours a week.

"Whoever it was that posted that video has now won because we're making a decision not to go based on the surfacing of that video naming West Edmonton Mall," says Caderna.

The Regina Public School Division says it had heard from some parents who were concerned about the trip and would not be sending their children to the competition.

"The school division determined that due to the parents' safety concerns and because we the school division can't ensure the safety of the students travelling to the event, that we would not be participating as a school division," explains Terry Lazarou, supervisor of communications with the school division.

Caderna, whose daughter also competes on another squad, says she will drive her daughter to Edmonton if she has to.

"This is something that she's been doing for a long time and it wasn't even an option not to go," she says. "We were going, regardless."

The Edmonton competition is a qualifier for cheerleaders to go to the 2015 World Cheerleading Championships in Florida in April.

The association's website says the mall's administration has confirmed "there will be significantly increased mall and police presence in the mall during the competition, although many will be plain-clothes officers."

It also says the cheerleading association has contracted some additional security of its own, and has been working with an independent company to have onsite first aid and to ensure that its response plans align with West Edmonton Mall's plans.

The event promises to feature 3,200 athletes representing 180 teams from British Columbia to Ontario.


Article Link

Ms Tina Caderna is right, when we allow the terrorists to dictate our actions, then they have won without even firing a shot.
jollyjacktar said:
Russel Brand is blaming it all on the west. 


There's a reason Katy Perry dumped him.

He's an idiot.
Way to go, CBC, for phoning up a guy on the watch list so he can get a decent head start.  He'll just go under ground and slip away.
Hamish Seggie said:
There's a reason Katy Perry dumped him.

He's an idiot.

I go to pains not to google him or read/listen to his rants, what little I see on FB is enough to convince me that he does not like himself, so lashes out at the world.
recceguy said:
Well, that, and Katy Perry is a girl. ;)

There are times when being old has advantages ... I am, vaguely, aware of who Katy Perry is, but I doubt I would recognize her (and I'm not going to Google her) and I have absolutely no idea who Russell Brand might be, nor do I care.

I sort of remember 1950s movie tough guy Neville Brand
. But I doubt there is any connection.
Deport him!


Canada alleges Pakistani man plotted Toronto attacks

TORONTO (Reuters) - A Pakistani man inspired by Islamic State planned to attack the U.S. consulate in Toronto and other targets in the city's financial district, an immigration review body heard on Wednesday, according to media reports.

Jahanzeb Malik was arrested on Monday but has not been charged with any criminal offense, the reports said. Instead, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is seeking his continued detention until he can be deported.

The CBSA said Malik told an undercover police officer he had attended training camps in Libya, and sought to build an explosive device for use in Toronto, the reports said.

He also claimed to have been in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born spokesman for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who was killed in a CIA drone strike in 2011.

Kat Stevens said:
Way to go, CBC, for phoning up a guy on the watch list so he can get a decent head start.  He'll just go under ground and slip away.

Isn't that why we should start having immigration exit controls in Canadian airports as well? Doesn't CBSA/CIC only have entry controls (immigration officers who check your passports/visas at entering Canada) at airports but not when you leave?


Canadian police say man on high-risk watch list fled country

By By Andrea Hopkins | Reuters – 2 hours 13 minutes ago

By Andrea Hopkins
TORONTO (Reuters) - A Canadian man who was on a police watch list for high-risk travelers has left the country illegally and is being sought for arrest, police said on Wednesday.

Mohamed El Shaer is one of about 90 high-risk travelers the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has been watching because of what it says are their ties to foreign fighters or terrorist groups. He left Canada without a valid passport after being released from jail in mid-January, the RCMP said.

El Shaer was charged in June 2014 with making false statements to obtain a passport, but skipped his court dates in August and September and fled the country. He was arrested in November at Toronto's Pearson International Airport when he returned to Canada. He then pleaded guilty to passport fraud offenses and was sentenced to 90 days in jail, the RCMP said.
