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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rian_Ca
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Just to give you a little more background Kirk, when I'm done college I'll be moving from the reserve to regular force...the reserve isn't something I want to do to help me get a job when I'm done college, the reserve will be preparing me for a full time career in the army...(so I suppose, in a way, the reserve is helping me get a job when I graduate, but not for a career a college diploma can give you, a career in the army).
Then why bother with college if you want a career in the army?  Unless, of course, you plan to enter as an officer, or want something to fall back on.

Just curious.
It's more like something to fall back on...and having an education of course

I do plan on spending the majority of my life in the army, but I'd feel more comfortable with a college degree before I go...

::EDIT:: So this is what it looks I'll be doing;

Join the QOR as soon as I can and do whatever I'm needed to do on the reserves.  Then, when I'm done college (or a month or two before I graduate) apply for a transfer to the regular force and go through training as an infranteer.  Continue on in the force until I may be given the opportunity to go to jump school and take my shot.

So far it looks okay to me, but any other advise before I set my sights on this is welcomed.
I typed Queens Own Rifles in google and found the QOR home page...and (fortunately for me) they are hiring infantrymen (paratroopers)...unfortunately for me I have two more years of highschool and three more years of college, so it looks dim that they'd still be hiring infantry men in 5 years, but hopefully lady luck is on my side and more spaces will open up when my time comes around...

I was looking around the site and found three files that I could download and fill out to help speed up my application process (it says) but there are two .pdf files I can't open with Microsoft Word or Notepad...does anyone know how to open a .pdf file?
Do a Google search for a free Adobe Reader, (lot's out there) download it and open the file in that. .pdf are Adobe files.
Thanks recceguy...

Do most infranteers who attend jump school simply go because they can and for the training...or does everyone who attend have dreams of becoming a paratrooper?  I know how difficult of a question is to answer since every single soldier is different but even if someone has a good idea for an answer, that'd be great too.

If I know it's THAT competitive then I have to think long and hard if I want to go to college for a degree I may not even use...if it's really as bad as I think it might be I think I should just enlist right out of highschool...I'll be 17 so I'll still need my parents approval not only to enlist, but to not go to college...

Jeez...it's almost gonna be harder to enlist because of my parents then it will be to get to jump school...lol
Skura, you are still a teenager, don't get your nuts wrapped around the details.   Right now, you should be worried about being a teenager and doing important things like finishing High School, cruising around the local scene, chasing some nice tail, etc, etc.

The Army, the Queen's Own Rifles, and military parachuting will be around in a few years when you are ready to join.   Until then, cut down the questions, observe the good posts on this site, and go enjoy being a 16 year old kid.
Well I've got most if not all of the information I need now...just a couple decisions I have to make now...so thank you all for help

This isn't my last post here, but I shouldn't be asking any more questions on paratrooper training and things of that nature...

And yes Infranteer, I am only 16 (15 actually, 16 in less then a week), but it's not like I'm dropping out of high school to join the army, I am, at the very least finishing high school before I do ANYTHING...college is a maybe now since I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to "need" it anymore (don't get me wrong, an education should be number one on anyones priority list no matter who you are or what career your getting in to), but if I'm going to be in the army, then what I'm going to school for won't be necessary...
D-n-A said:
Whats wrong with getting education?

Nothing...I'm working on a degree myself.  It just seemed odd, for someone so set on serving in the regs that they would put it off for a few years.  I don't have a problem with it; I was just curios.  :)
Guys in the regular force take courses to finish highschool (if they dropped out) and guys with highschool take college and university courses to better themselves.  We need smart soldiers in the army, not uneducated ones. Years ago it wasn't such a big deal but today it's very important.

Just to throw out an example guys interested in the military and plan to be there until they retire;

Our friend Skura wants a career in the army. He finishes highschool, doesn't go to college (hes going to be in the army the rest of his life after all) transfers from the reserves to the regs and he's good to go.
Within a few months he takes his jump course and does pretty well. Few months later he finds himself in a jump company and he's as happy as can be. He signs on for a second contract.

During an ex he jumps out of a plane at night, collides with another jumper, gets tangled up and they both go down pretty hard. Skura lands on his leg the wrong way and thats it, he's done. He damaged his leg to the point where he is released from the Canadian Forces, no more jumping no more infantry.
As many others, hes not very responsible with his money. He's expected a guaranteed paycheque every 2 weeks so he's bought some pretty expensive toys. He doesn't have any money stored away. All of a sudden he's a 24 or 25 year old with a highschool diploma, no money saved up and a lot of bills comming in every month. (theres a pension from being hurt in the army but i can't see someone being able to live off it).  Now you need money quick so you work construction or in a factory. You'll probably have to still sell some of your toys, your standard of living is going to take a huge drop. Going to college or university to get a better job is going to be pretty difficult.

An excellent point was brought up already by Combat_medic, don't put all your eggs in one basket.  Not going to college if you have the chance to is plain dumb. Even people who win millions in the lottery screw up and piss away all their money, nothing is ever guaranteed.
Not to mention that even in the Military as an NCM your degree or other studies further you as a well rounded individual and will carry over into your military career. Study to better yourself and always have a plan B.
What college courses do they offer in the army, and say and accident like the one ghost talks about happens, could I use the education I got in the army outside of it to get a job in that field?

(I hope this isn't in the FAQ and I'm not sure where to find it on the army.gc.ca site)
Royal Military College offers degree programs in many major faculties, but if you attend RMC, you will be an officer at the end of your degree, and will have a longer contract to subsidize the expense of your education (4 or 5 years, I think). RMC also offers some correspondance courses, but the majority of the courses you will take in the military will not be college courses, and will have very little application outside the military.
This isn't a question about paratrooper training persay...but it is a question about the recruiting process...

When I apply, do I have to go to the CFRC closest to me, apply, and then go to the QOR and apply for them, or can I apply for the QOR at my CFRC and vise versa?

::EDIT:: By the way D-n-A...thanks a lot for your help over MSN yesterday...you answered every question I could think of at the time and didn't get pissed at the rookie with his newbie questions...so thanks again :salute:

Start with the QOR, they should have a Recruiting NCO who will help prepare your file and get it to the Recruiting Centre.

(BTW: when you radically depart from the original subject of a thread, it's best to start a new topic in the appropriate forum.)

I just figured that since this thread was where I asked the majority of my questions, and now that I was done with asking questions about becoming a paratrooper...that instead of starting a new thread for one or two replies would have been pointless...but if that's what is preferred here then from now on I'll start new threads for general questions...

The easy way to find out is talk to a recruter thats the most easy way to find out real answers  :salute: :cdn: im 15 i want to be Paratrooper or a sniper.. Always have since i was 3
Theres a great website built funded and maintained by a few guys from Jump Coy 3 RCR.


I've noticed in a few of the photo's not all of the boys have the maroon beret-why is this?  :skull:

Secondly, what is the status of the Jump Coy's? Probably all full right, I mean just about every man and his dog wants to get in. Is it as simple as having the course and applying by submitting a memo then crossing your fingers?
I know that the a-stan pics, there was 1 RCR lads attached to the unit that were jumpers.
it's full, but so long as you're a good troop, and switched on and you've got basic para; you might have a shot.