I'll believe it when I see it.
Spec pay won’t make a difference if the other side offers 140k.
My understanding is that spec pay is closely watched by TB, and they are already looking at taking it away, they just want a reason.You'd think they would of atleast be given sprc pay though
I wonder how many are coming in with skills the CAF desperately needs? Like air crews, pilots, marine engineers, etc...feel like we would want to fast track those individuals. Maybe even offer expedited citizenship for those that serve?
AMOR is imperfect but important. Org design across the enterprise is important too - since we do little lateral entry, rank pyramid is important to have healthy promotion ratios - to select out.
The classic example was Int Op wanting more MCpl than Cpl, more Sgt than MCpl. WO at least was smaller than Sgt - but greater than Cpl.
That's been mostly fixed, but stupidity like "A Cpl can't brief a Col" needs to be stomped out - hard - whenever it recurs.
My understanding is that spec pay is closely watched by TB, and they are already looking at taking it away, they just want a reason.
To paraphrase my source "TB doesn't care if we are short 17K, we aren't going to see massive pay increases".
Edit: In fairness to my source, who may or may not frequent these forums, they weren't taking TB's side, just pointing out the reality in which we live. A reality which has inspired me to look at opportunities outside the CAF.
100%I've been saying recently; the CAF cares that we are short XXXXX people but I'm not entirely convinced the current GoC particularly cares.
When I went thru Cornwallis, we were taught "service before self". For many, many years I tried to live up to that motto.
Now, my motto is slightly different...and I don't feel the least bit guilty for the change, either, as it was born from the actions of successive governments.
They're just asking for more than I can/am willing to give.
Well, there was the one time you told me there was no risk of a thunderstorm, with a CB clearly visible 10 NM off the port bow.I've met a few in my "new" branch...
I've had a couple of people try to take on my briefings. I gave them as polite of a "f**k-off" as I could muster, and proceeded to conduct the brief myself. I may not be great, but I at least understand what I'm talking about better than most people in the room.
In this case I’d say the PM.The top as in the CDS? MND? PM?
In this case I’d say the PM.
It wasn’t on Gen. Vance, nor is it on Gen. Eyre. (It happened before Eyre was even CDS)
It wasn’t on our current MND, as it was before her time also. And it wasn’t on our former MND, as this wasn’t in his portfolio.
I’m going with the PM.
I’m going to bet that the processing time for the 2 Chinese scientists employed at our National Microbiology Lab was faster than the 2 years the article was suggesting for a PR. (If they were even subject to a background investigator prior to employment, or were they strapped in from elsewhere?)
Not to blindly throw hate on the PM (although I’m biased right now, I think he deserves as much as he’s getting right now…)
This is the same PM that wouldn’t ban Weihei until the last moment.
The same PM that allowed planes to land here in Canada that were a direct flight from China.
And a PM that just awarded a contract to a Chinese company who’s parent company is currently charged with 21 espionage…
I don't want to hear anyone say "but" unless, first, they are going to address the extreme number of GOFOs we have to 'command' our miniscule (semi) Armed Forces.
in WW2, the yanks had a 1:6000 GOFO:soldier ratio, in 2017 the US military had about 1:1400 ratio, while the ADF is currently running a 1:180 ratio. The US army is about half a million personnel, they have recently had their GOFO number reduced to 220, which is only 15 more than what we have in the ADF, which numbers less than 60000 full time. We are currently employing nearly 10 times the number of flag officers vs the US army. Clearly, the rank bloat at the higher levels goes beyond needing experts in key areas.
They can have my DEU back if it’s worth a couple %.To be fair to the CAF, we are held hostage by TB...
Apparently TB considers our crappy, ill-fitting uniforms as part of our overall compensation package, so they won't bump pay without taking something else away.
I fully agree. The PM was the one that said he admired China. I took that as a warning but it seems that the chattering class went gaga over it.In this case I’d say the PM.
It wasn’t on Gen. Vance, nor is it on Gen. Eyre. (It happened before Eyre was even CDS)
It wasn’t on our current MND, as it was before her time also. And it wasn’t on our former MND, as this wasn’t in his portfolio.
I’m going with the PM.
I’m going to bet that the processing time for the 2 Chinese scientists employed at our National Microbiology Lab was faster than the 2 years the article was suggesting for a PR. (If they were even subject to a background investigator prior to employment, or were they strapped in from elsewhere?)
Not to blindly throw hate on the PM (although I’m biased right now, I think he deserves as much as he’s getting right now…)
This is the same PM that wouldn’t ban Weihei until the last moment.
The same PM that allowed planes to land here in Canada that were a direct flight from China.
And a PM that just awarded a contract to a Chinese company who’s parent company is currently charged with 21 espionage…
Just because someone else is worse doesn’t make the CAF situation with GOFO’s reasonable.Tangent
I was tending to agree, until I realized (and posted in a different thread) the ratio of GOFOs to troops in the Australian Defence Force.
Long story short, they have 205 Reg F GOFOs for 58k Reg F mbrs, and 400+ Res F GOFOs for about 30k Res F mbrs. We have 137 GOFOs, Reg and Res, for about 90k mbrs. I haven't taken a look at the UK or NZ ratios.
A Reddit thread comment says this:
I was tending to agree, until I realized (and posted in a different thread) the ratio of GOFOs to troops in the Australian Defence Force.
Long story short, they have 205 Reg F GOFOs for 58k Reg F mbrs, and 400+ Res F GOFOs for about 30k Res F mbrs. We have 137 GOFOs, Reg and Res, for about 90k mbrs. I haven't taken a look at the UK or NZ ratios.
A Reddit thread comment says this:
Since we're all about bows, ribbons and signaling over substance then I propose we make EITS' naming suggestion official....They also have…F-35s, P-8s, AWACS…the list is likely longer for their navy and army for actual forces that exist in comparison to ours.
They are more Armed than semi-armed which I believe is the accurate name for the CAF. Maybe their ratios are equally as bad but at least those GOFOs command more potent forces. Combat capability should be a more important metric overall than ratios.
Maybe one of the mistakes is that we have a service model where want everyone to stick around for 25 years. Maybe its good enough if the bulk stays for 3 or 4 years full-time and another 5 years part-time.Sure, there are definitely some cases where we can look at the civvy world and say "close enough for government work".
The problem is, we don't offer anything competitive enough to draw most of the civvy collage people we want... To the average 20-30 year old, a pension after 25 years isn't much incentive when compared against more take-home money now, and no silly military BS.
Since we're all about bows, ribbons and signaling over substance then I propose we make EITS' naming suggestion official....CSAF
CSAC? Canadian Semi-Armed Conveners?Is “Forces” too aggressive though? What if that word makes some people and/or non-people sad or uncomfortable?
Until the not-so-recent past, we were the "Canadian Forces"...Since we're all about bows, ribbons and signaling over substance then I propose we make EITS' naming suggestion official....CSAF