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Anyone who has worked overseas with LEP translators understands this.
CF Linguists...now that would be nice.


Hiring locals puts Canadian army at risk
Murray Brewster
Canadian Press
Saturday, December 31, 2005

OTTAWA -- As Canadian troops prepare to head back en masse to Afghanistan in the weeks to come, documents obtained The Canadian Press suggest the practice of hiring local translators to help the Canadian military poses a security risk.

"The use of local interpreters as language and cultural advisers is an operational security concern," said a briefing note prepared for the military's head of intelligence and obtained under access-to-information laws.

"Locally engaged personnel do not have a Canadian security clearance or any other credible police or security check when they assist in high-level political discussions, delicate local discussions, or support-sensitive activities such as (intelligence) and counter-intelligence teams abroad."

The military has been using local translators for years. While the army found the practice important enough to flag, there is no indication that the use of locals has led to a leak of military secrets or intelligence.

The February briefing note - which expressed concern about operations in both Bosnia and Afghanistan - lays the blame for the situation squarely at the Defence Department's door, saying it has failed to encourage people to take up a military career in languages.

"The recruiting of Canadian Forces members as language and cultural advisers remains ad hoc, inefficient, problematic, time intensive for national staff and decentralized," said the document.

Indeed, as troops head back to one of the world's most dangerous hotspots, even Gen. Rick Hillier, chief of defence staff, concedes that the military is falling down in attracting ethnic Canadians.

Hillier said in a recent interview with The Canadian Press that he's confident the military will be able to hit its overall recruiting target of 8,000 regular and reserve members over the next five years, as set out in last February's budget. But he has one qualification.

"Right now, we're meeting all of our goals," he said. "But we're not getting the piece of the demographic from Canada that I'd like to have to change our Forces."

Currently there are about 1,000 soldiers in Afghanistan who are helping to move the Canadian command post from relatively quiet Kabul to the more hostile, insurgent-infested southern region near Kandahar.

March, the army will have more than 2,000 combat troops on the ground for a dangerous two-pronged mission that is expected to produce casualties - something Defence Minister Bill Graham has been quietly trying to steel the public to anticipate.

The dangerous mission comes fresh on the heels of a year spent celebrating the achievements of battles long past and following a cash infusion from Ottawa that will mean much-needed new equipment for the military.

The Year of the Veteran feted the victorious troops that swept across Europe 60 years ago and served as a reminder to a new generation of Canadians that a career in the military can be a noble one.

But a generation ago, the Canadians who helped defeat Nazi Germany and Japan were drawn from cities and farms of what was then a mostly white, middle-class English and francophone country, and recruiting wasn't an arduous process.

Today, Canada is a multicultural country, its closest ally is mired in a brutal, unpopular war in Iraq and a booming economy is forcing Ottawa to compete, cajole and outright buy - through signing bonuses and incentives - the raw talent it needs to fill the ranks.

The inability of recruiters to tap into Canada's growing ethnic population in large numbers, especially those from the world's trouble spots, is becoming a source of unease in overseas deployments.

Without properly qualified advisers who are well-versed in local dialects and customs, commanders on the ground are at the mercy of civilians hired on the spot in some of the most treacherous places on Earth.

Hillier says there will be enough Canadian-trained language advisers to fill key roles at headquarters and some combat units in Afghanistan this winter, but 70 per cent of translators will still be local hires.

And a defence analyst said the military can't be blamed entirely for the poor turnout from ethnic communities. "Some first-generation immigrants come from countries where there's a deep suspicion of the military and police," said David Rudd, president of the Canadian Institute for Strategic Studies.

He pointed out that statistics have shown that those in minority communities who do decide to serve usually pick reserve units over the regular forces.

"Some people are very family-oriented and reserve units are in their communities, whereas regular army bases are often in remote or far-away parts of the country," said Rudd. "And then there's the whole notion of deploying overseas, which can be unattractive."

Separate from diversity, some critics have suggested the military's overall recruiting target of 8,000 regular and reserve forces in five years may be too ambitious, especially given the increasing attrition rate in the aging military.

Currently there are about 52,700 trained personnel who can be deployed around the world. Defence planners aim to have enough troops to indefinitely maintain at least two full-scale overseas operations.

As a reconstruction team goes about the business of trying to rebuild infrastructure and civilian agencies in Kandahar, Canadian patrols will attempt to flush out the remnants of Taliban resistance in the mountainous areas around the city.

To prepare for the hazards of the mission, the Defence Department is spending $234 million on new equipment, everything from light armoured vehicles and reinforced protection for existing ones to new radios and satellite phones.


Some facts and figures about a career in the military, according to the National Defence Department:

-Base starting salary for Officer Cadet: $1,328 a month. After three years: $1,412

-Base starting salary for a Major: $7,110. After seven years: $7,974.

-Vacation benefits: 20 working days of vacation in each of the first five years of service and 25 working days per year after that.

-Medical benefits include home care, rehabilitation and long-term care.

-Dental care includes major orthodontic and surgical services.

-Sports facilities on bases: fastball, hockey, broomball. Some bases have pools, gymnasium, sports fields, skating rinks, curling clubs, ski hills and golf courses.

-Second-language training provided not only to Forces members but also to their spouses.

An old problem, and one we have dealt with in the past.  Several Interpreters were caught in Bosnia, not exactly doing their job and translating truthfully.  They were fired on the spot.

Again, though this Paper Chain has very sloppy Reporters.  Anyone find statements like this rather odd: "Some bases have pools, gymnasium, sports fields, skating rinks, curling clubs, ski hills and golf courses"?  I have yet to be on a Base that did not have a Pool, Gym, Skating Rink, Sports Fields, etc.  Ski hills are a rarity, but on a whole this is a very poor statement to be made in a major newspaper chain.  I only pointed out this very outstanding statement over all the rest that are also just as bad, such as the Base Starting Salaries, which although correct, are not qualified to state why and OCdt will still be an OCdt after 4 years....think RMC.  And a 7 year Major?  No mention of what a 4 year Pte makes?  Medical and Dental benefits mentioned, but in a very selective way.

Of course the last statement, ties into the main just of the story: "Second-language training provided not only to Forces members but also to their spouses."  A statement made, with no justification and very deceptive in its lack of explanation or qualifications as to how it is implemented.

Oh well....such is the life of the newpaper reporter.
Perhaps the military should re-think the policy of forcing all officers to learn Quebecois French, and offer other languages?

However, beyond teaching a few mjaor languages - Spanish, Arabic, French - I fail to see how the CF could be expected to prepare for possible missions. Too many countries, cultures, languages, dialects, etc.

Perhaps hiring Canadian civilians as linguist contractors? I recall Italian Carabieneri in Bosnia who had an Italian civilian of Yugoslavian extraction as their interpreter. (and she was freaking hot....)
I've seen other militaries (notably the British forces) offering linguist as an occupation (under the intelligence corp in the UK).
There are a number of people, not neccessarily members of non-european ethnic groups, who are naturals when it comes to learning foreign languages and they can't be such a small group of unreachable people that they the CF is unable to recruit them at all.

Or am I way off in assuming the CF currently offers nothing like this.
291 trade offers linguist training for at least 6 different languages
Another thing of note in that report is that Second language training is available to CF members and dependants - but that is only French or English.  As a general rule (up until very recently) you weren't considered Bilingual unless you spoke French and English - any others didn't count.  Oddly enough, now they do.  Perhaps the DND should get it's backside and realize that we're getting sent to places that don't always have either of those languages spoken and pers that show an aptitude and or desire should be sent on language courses, and not only if they are getting posted to an embassy.  Either that, or we'll have to get more 291's and other trained spook trades out in the field with the units, since there is no great guarantee of hiring and clearing locals or recruiting native speakers here in Canada in a timely fashion.

It should also be noted that the "second language trg" provided in places like Edmonton is extremely poorly done, often by nominally qualified instructors, and with no provisions made for a french/english profile if you ever reach a certain level of proficiency. So it's there, but it is a sham - I've done it.
damageinc_101 said:
i was just woundering if you could learn any other language other then french?

Well, you can check the website of the Canadian Forces Language School.  Here's a quick link:
As near as I can figure - in the last 2 years or so - plus or minus - big picture numbres of troops that have been over to the wild's of you know where = 10,000 or will be when we get 2 years of rotations in

Does anyone out there think local language training would assist? Is local language being done to any extent?

My idea is if Joe or José Canuck shows up in the area speaking pretty good local lingo the word would get around that here`s some people we can get on .........

Think out of box now.

Is any offered or do they rely on English speaking Afghans?

If there was some offered would it be given a choice to a civilian or a CF member with a background relating to the customs. The customs are half of it. They taught us some basic pidgin Vietnamese when I was over, but I still managed to tell one village chief he was a fishhead. ::)

( But what do I know about accents?) ;D
Armymedic said:
"The use of local interpreters as language and cultural advisers is an operational security concern," said a briefing note prepared for the military's head of intelligence and obtained under access-to-information laws.
"Locally engaged personnel do not have a Canadian security clearance or any other credible police or security check when they assist in high-level political discussions, delicate local discussions, or support-sensitive activities such as (intelligence) and counter-intelligence teams abroad."
The military has been using local translators for years. While the army found the practice important enough to flag, there is no indication that the use of locals has led to a leak of military secrets or intelligence.

Having worked with both local and nationally-approved interpreters, I would strongly agree with the operational concerns and disagree with the lack of 'indications'.  Local interpreters are open to blackmail and coersion, if not open cooperation with  possibly hostile organizations.  After these meetings they are able to pass on information to other parties who may ask questions about certain visits.  The same information you gain, they gain.  Locals cannot be trusted for meetings where sensitive information is being passed, period.  There is also the problem that can occur if the translator and the person being interviewed have the same language but opposing ethnicity or religion.  This is usually not a problem in countries where humanitarian aid is needed, but can occur in countries that have undergone recent periods of warfare between the opposing ethnicities and/or religions. 

(I.e. in Somalia, some interpreters would have to discuss with the interviewees their family and trible histories to find out if they could talk to each other or if their clans were enemies.)

Reference another comment made, Canadians who can speak the local language are invaluable.  They are excellent for daily patrols and logisitics work, where all that is required is translating and pleasantries.  However, for higher level work, unless they were raised in that specific country, they are usually unaware of subtle language nuances, and may lack an understanding of local slang, customs, ideology, and prejudices. The advantage is that they gain more respect for being a 'foreigner' who speaks the local language, and are less likely to draw distrust and prejudice based on ethnicity or religion.