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LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

Redballoon - find a good job without the woke nonsense.

Seems like an unbiased site. :rolleyes:
It's a nuance but I'm going to say I have a right to my beliefs, period. There's no until.

I think you misunderstood Mc-Wannabe, or that he did not express himself quite clearly.

Of course you are entitled to your belief. However, you have absolutely no right whatsoever to act on them if such act is against the law or seeks to impose your belief on anybody else.

I may believe that to be reunited with my master in Hell, the Devil requires me to sacrifice a human first born male every six months, but if I act on this, I am going to jail and no claim of freedom of belief is going to save me.

And BTW, the courts have held, over and over again that no right, no matter how fundamental and constitutionally protected, is absolute. The very first limit is found whenever it infringes on someone else's similar right.
I think you misunderstood Mc-Wannabe, or that he did not express himself quite clearly.

Of course you are entitled to your belief. However, you have absolutely no right whatsoever to act on them if such act is against the law or seeks to impose your belief on anybody else.
Right, of course.

What if you were a biological male but you believed you were female and demanded to be addressed as Miss. And I know you're a biological male and I believe you're male thus choose to call you Mr. Who's beliefs will come out on top in Canada?

Here's a good 5-minute clip from a doctor who's worked with children for quite a while. She makes some interesting arguments and cites facts from Scandinavian countries on what they've found regarding transgenderisim and children.

I was discussing some things with friends over a coffee today and the topic many genders are there according to this website there are 107.
I quickly scanned the list and was astounded by the variety and admitted I was confused. To me, there are still two biological genders: male and female. I understand what a transgender person is, but to my narrow mind, if you were born a biological male, you remain a male. If you have surgery to become a female - transfemale, you are still a male. You simply do not have biological parts of a female and you are still producing testosterone like a male. You may outwardly look female and in your mind you are a female, but biologically you are still a male.

Sometimes the use of the term "Christian" has very sinister connotations. One example would be "Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire Inc". And yes, they are still a duly registered corporation in the State of North Carolina.

Some of the "business" of that organization was the burning of the Macedonia Baptist Church.

The jury assessed punitive damages of $15 million against Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the national Klan organization based in North Carolina; $15 million against Horace King, the 65-year-old grand dragon of the South Carolina chapter of the Klan; $7 million against the South Carolina chapter itself; $100,000 each against three of the klansmen involved; and $200,000 against the fourth.
Sometimes the use of the term "Christian" has very sinister connotations. One example would be "Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire Inc". And yes, they are still a duly registered corporation in the State of North Carolina.
They are not Christians at all. And neither is Osteen - that vain preening multi millionaire who fleeced the masses.

Hang out with hookers, druggies and the poor and attempt to help them if you want to be called a "Christian". Defend the weak and frail. Take care of the young and old. Live and let live.

You don't need a magnificent building to worship God if that is your choice of deity to worship.
It was a long hard road, still being trod, to persuade people to stop bringing up examples of the worst of Islamic fundamentalism every time someone uttered the word "Muslim". If only some people could grasp the general principle.
Sometimes the use of the term "Christian" has very sinister connotations. One example would be "Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire Inc". And yes, they are still a duly registered corporation in the State of North Carolina.

Some of the "business" of that organization was the burning of the Macedonia Baptist Church.

Islam enters chat, along with radical Hindui's
Canada's woke nightmare explored by a guy from the UK. Christine Gauthier's (RCA ret'd) story starts at 16.30 ish:

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary​

Under Justin Trudeau, Canada has sought to position itself as the global bastion of progressive politics. In my latest Telegraph documentary, seen above, I went to the former British colony to find out how Canadians are dealing with Trudeau’s radical reforms; from the promotion of gender ideology in schools and the mass legalisation of drugs, to his extreme new suicide laws and clamp downs on freedom of speech.I began my investigation in one of the country’s most liberal cities, Vancouver.

Possession of up to 2.5 grams of hard drugs, including heroin, cocaine and fentanyl, has been legalised in the city as part of a three year experiment which began in January of this year. If the aim was to combat the opioid crisis that already beset the city then it appears there is still much to be done as vast tent sites line the streets, patrolled by roaming zombie-like drug addicts.As we filmed on Hastings Street, infamous as the epicentre of Vancouver’s homelessness crisis, I witnessed a topless man shoot a needle into his arm five feet from me.

Though it wasn’t quite as bad as San Francisco, where my cameraman and I came under attack from angry vagrants, the scenes were still shocking.It’s not just the homeless who patrol the streets of Vancouver. Chris Elston, better known online as Billboard Chris, campaigns against the imposition of gender ideology on children, whether through Canada’s education system or via dangerous operations to “transition” young adults. As his nickname suggests, Chris walks around Vancouver wearing signs protesting gender ideology, encouraging lively debates with passers-by which he puts on YouTube.Chris kindly allowed our crew to join him on a walkabout, where we found many Canadians horrified by the use of puberty blockers in children and the promotion of biological men in women’s sports.

We did encounter some opposition of course, mostly through the odd shout or flicking of the finger. So much for Canadian politeness.One aggressive gentleman, tall, ageing and angry, began a tirade against Chris with the rather bizarre singular message that he is “queer”. Part of Canada’s social revolution can also be witnessed in its extreme new euthanasia laws. In 2016, the ruling Liberal Party passed legislation enabling assisted suicide for terminally ill Canadians. Next year the legislation will be expanded to include those with mental health problems.

As Christianity declines across Canada, and the liberal obsession with “bodily autonomy” and “personal freedom” reaches its logical conclusion, a new dystopia is forming. As Dr Konia Trouton, a euthanasia advocate, told me, “we are an organised society but within that organisation we have to allow some freedoms and opportunities, this is not a communist system where we can try and reign that in”. The campaign group Euthanasia Prevention Coalition estimates that 13,500 people chose state-assisted suicide last year.To prevent wokeism from spreading it is important to have a strong opposition party. Canada’s Conservatives have been historically weak in pushing back against Trudeau, however, their recently elected leader, Pierre Poilievre, has injected fresh energy into the party.

Whilst there are some who still question Poillievre’s conservative credentials, his strategy seems to be working; one recent poll gave his party a twelve point lead over Trudeau’s Liberals. However, the most successful opponents to Canada’s social revolution have so far not been politicians but members of the public. Our film highlights some of these brave individuals, including Dr Jordan Peterson, perhaps the most high-profile Canadian in the world other than the country’s leader. During my travels I found ordinary people appalled at Canada’s surrender to drug dealers, its contempt for freedom of speech, its enforcement of gender ideology on children and a breezy willingness to terminate the lives of its own citizens.

However, for all the depressing stories of people losing their jobs, or being hounded by the government, these cases were equally inspirational. Whilst Canada is a warning to the West, there are also individual messages of hope from those brave individuals fighting for their freedom.

People can call themselves whatever they want. It's none of my business.
But don't expect me to validate your choice by participating in your virtue signalling and social engineering.
You do you, and leave me alone, to do me.
I hesitate to step into this but, what is the percentage of trans-gender in our society? Is the numbers involved worth all the ink and angst?
Canada's woke nightmare explored by a guy from the UK. Christine Gauthier's (RCA ret'd) story starts at 16.30 ish:

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary​

Under Justin Trudeau, Canada has sought to position itself as the global bastion of progressive politics. In my latest Telegraph documentary, seen above, I went to the former British colony to find out how Canadians are dealing with Trudeau’s radical reforms; from the promotion of gender ideology in schools and the mass legalisation of drugs, to his extreme new suicide laws and clamp downs on freedom of speech.I began my investigation in one of the country’s most liberal cities, Vancouver.

Possession of up to 2.5 grams of hard drugs, including heroin, cocaine and fentanyl, has been legalised in the city as part of a three year experiment which began in January of this year. If the aim was to combat the opioid crisis that already beset the city then it appears there is still much to be done as vast tent sites line the streets, patrolled by roaming zombie-like drug addicts.As we filmed on Hastings Street, infamous as the epicentre of Vancouver’s homelessness crisis, I witnessed a topless man shoot a needle into his arm five feet from me.

Though it wasn’t quite as bad as San Francisco, where my cameraman and I came under attack from angry vagrants, the scenes were still shocking.It’s not just the homeless who patrol the streets of Vancouver. Chris Elston, better known online as Billboard Chris, campaigns against the imposition of gender ideology on children, whether through Canada’s education system or via dangerous operations to “transition” young adults. As his nickname suggests, Chris walks around Vancouver wearing signs protesting gender ideology, encouraging lively debates with passers-by which he puts on YouTube.Chris kindly allowed our crew to join him on a walkabout, where we found many Canadians horrified by the use of puberty blockers in children and the promotion of biological men in women’s sports.

We did encounter some opposition of course, mostly through the odd shout or flicking of the finger. So much for Canadian politeness.One aggressive gentleman, tall, ageing and angry, began a tirade against Chris with the rather bizarre singular message that he is “queer”. Part of Canada’s social revolution can also be witnessed in its extreme new euthanasia laws. In 2016, the ruling Liberal Party passed legislation enabling assisted suicide for terminally ill Canadians. Next year the legislation will be expanded to include those with mental health problems.

As Christianity declines across Canada, and the liberal obsession with “bodily autonomy” and “personal freedom” reaches its logical conclusion, a new dystopia is forming. As Dr Konia Trouton, a euthanasia advocate, told me, “we are an organised society but within that organisation we have to allow some freedoms and opportunities, this is not a communist system where we can try and reign that in”. The campaign group Euthanasia Prevention Coalition estimates that 13,500 people chose state-assisted suicide last year.To prevent wokeism from spreading it is important to have a strong opposition party. Canada’s Conservatives have been historically weak in pushing back against Trudeau, however, their recently elected leader, Pierre Poilievre, has injected fresh energy into the party.

Whilst there are some who still question Poillievre’s conservative credentials, his strategy seems to be working; one recent poll gave his party a twelve point lead over Trudeau’s Liberals. However, the most successful opponents to Canada’s social revolution have so far not been politicians but members of the public. Our film highlights some of these brave individuals, including Dr Jordan Peterson, perhaps the most high-profile Canadian in the world other than the country’s leader. During my travels I found ordinary people appalled at Canada’s surrender to drug dealers, its contempt for freedom of speech, its enforcement of gender ideology on children and a breezy willingness to terminate the lives of its own citizens.

However, for all the depressing stories of people losing their jobs, or being hounded by the government, these cases were equally inspirational. Whilst Canada is a warning to the West, there are also individual messages of hope from those brave individuals fighting for their freedom.

What a disaster.
It was a long hard road, still being trod, to persuade people to stop bringing up examples of the worst of Islamic fundamentalism every time someone uttered the word "Muslim". If only some people could grasp the general principle.
Bang on - and still only partially successful on both fronts. #FewIdiotsRuinItForTheGroup