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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

This certainly seems to shed a different light on the abuse directed at the board members "thanks to the Conservatives". Sounds like the abuse came from their peers.

I'm sure the names and addresses shell game was an accident. After all, China just wanted to help students.

Former Trudeau Foundation CEO quit over tensions with the board on Chinese donation

OTTAWA — The former CEO of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, Pascale Fournier, said she stepped down on April 10 alongside eight members of the board after she sought to shed some light on the Chinese donation of $140,000 but was met with fierce resistance.

Fournier, who was appearing in front of the parliamentary committee of ethics Friday morning, told MPs her last weeks at the foundation were “very heated” and that she was personally attacked for insisting that certain board members recuse themselves from the investigation.

Fournier said she found discrepancies between the donation contract, the two cheques — one sent in 2016 from an address in China and a second one in 2017 from an address in Quebec — and the tax receipts that were issued to the Canada Revenue Agency at the time, as well as the foundation’s annual reports.

Fournier also found a number of emails from the China Cultural Industry Association, directing the foundation to tell them what to write on the tax receipts, including names and addresses. She told the committee that she found the content of those emails “very curious and troubling.”
That doesn't sound illegal at all. :rolleyes:

Not one bit.

Former Trudeau Foundation head says past leadership misled Canadians on Chinese donation

Former Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation president Pascale Fournier told MPs Friday she believes the non-profit organization's earlier leadership misled the country by characterizing a donation from wealthy Chinese benefactors as a Canadian foundation

Here's another good one.

PM did not know about Trudeau Foundation meeting in office: Holland

MP Mark Holland responding to a question about 5 deputy ministers meeting with the Trudeau Foundation:
Well Mr Speaker. The meeting was in a building yes, and there are many meetings that take place all over this parliament hill.

MP Garnett Genuis:
You know what building it was, it was in the Prime Minister's own office.
In other news, Trudeau explains why no one will buy our Lithium...

Canadian prime minister slams rise of ‘authoritarianism’​

In a speech, Justin Trudeau called on ‘like-minded democracies’ to use economic incentives to combat authoritarianism.

He later noted: “The lithium produced in Canada is going to be more expensive because we don’t use slave labour.”

Another day, another example of Trudeau's shining leadership.

2 years ago CSIS warned the government that China sought to target Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family. Chong was never warned or briefed. Compare that to when the Liberal government was made aware Liberal MP Han Dong was under investigation by CSIS, they immediately warned him.

The Chinese diplomat involved in the alleged plan to target Michael Chong was left to continue working in the Toronto consulate of Beijing for the last two years.

Any bets on whether or not this is another case where Trudeau 'had no idea what was going on'?

Conservative MP Michael Chong says feds did not brief him on alleged threats to his family in China

Poilievre demands Trudeau expel Chinese diplomat involved in alleged targeting of Michael Chong

The fact the Liberals still poll so high is testament to the mess this nation is in.

Instead we're going to see legislation that removes legally procured property from law abiding citizens.

Someone needs to rescue us.
The fact the Liberals still poll so high is testament to the mess this nation is in.

Instead we're going to see legislation that removes legally procured property from law abiding citizens.

Someone needs to rescue us.

The shift is just incredible. Makes me wonder when the internet purges will begin; all those who wrote disparagingly about the CCPs man in Canadian parliament report to the nearest camp.
The fact the Liberals still poll so high is testament to the mess this nation is in.

Instead we're going to see legislation that removes legally procured property from law abiding citizens.

Someone needs to rescue us

The only problem with Canada is the portion right next to the US border.

Trudeau says no decision yet on expelling Chinese envoy implicated in threats to MP

Trudeau was briefed that there were threats to Michael Chong and his family and he hid it from MP for 2 years. And is doing his usual rendition of Shaggy's hit song. Trudeau is flopping around on expelling the diplomat involved.
"We don't want to endanger any Canadian in China!" is the weak excuse people are using.


Trudeau cites smear campaign against Freeland in justifying banishment of Russian diplomats

I mean, after the two Michaels, I'd imagine any government would be cautious.
Foolishly so.

Perhaps I'm being hyperbolic, but... You do not negotiate with terrorists. If a State is in the business of kidnapping your nationals, you don't keep sucking their teat. You put out a DNT and anyone clueless enough to go there anyway can get f***ed.

Sadly, our elites are weak-kneed and morally bankrupt so they'd rather make that easy money while virtue signalling at home instead of making an actual difference in the world.

The year 2000 is calling and wants its policy of accommodation back...

That 3.7% is 22B$, barely more than tiny UK. Not worth stepping over our dignity and morals. But apparently those don't exist anyway: meaningless ''post-national state'', right?
That might explain why the Canadian government hid the threat to Michael Chong's family for 2 years.
I don't think they "hid" it for 2 years. A call was made 2 years ago and the matter was dropped.