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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

I think your view on a strategic misstep could be debated. PP seems to be doing something right.

I really don't think you have to be concerned about a PP led CPC forming a majority government. At best they will get a minority, and even then I would expect an LPC led coalition to form blocking the CPC from forming altogether.

Does he? Gaining a few points on polls seems like the bare minimum (or below) when the situation is
-a stale government coming up on a decade in power that is
A- being led left by the NDP to stay in power
B- coming off of/through a year of significant financial hardship for a lot of Canadians
C- scandal ridden to the point where they should be unelectable

The above is a recipe for a dominant performance, not eking out a minority.

I agree with your assessment of outcomes in the 2nd paragraph, and I think that it will be bad for the country.

Combine those two things, and you get the strategic missstep and a missed opportunity.
The above is a recipe for a dominant performance, not eking out a minority.
Not really.

Trudeau and crew have spent 8 years terrifying Canadians at the prospect of Conservatives getting elected.

Abortion, firearms, privatized health care, deportations, racism, neo-nazis, crime, anti-immigration.

Other Canadians just don't care about ethics and corruption as long as they're not physically impacted.
People are against private health care until they're sick and paying for it is a matter of life and death.

There was an article not too long ago about a life long Liberal couple who were anti private health care until one of them needed a hip replacement and they could get it much sooner by going private. Imagine that.
Private healthcare isn’t going to fix anything in this country. The issue isn’t public or private at this point it is the severe lack of qualified personnel and a failure to long term plan going back decades leading to this point.

Personally I am not for or against private or public, there is merits to both. Just that suddenly having private healthcare isn’t going to fix the systemic issues in our system.
Does he? Gaining a few points on polls seems like the bare minimum (or below) when the situation is
-a stale government coming up on a decade in power that is
A- being led left by the NDP to stay in power
B- coming off of/through a year of significant financial hardship for a lot of Canadians
C- scandal ridden to the point where they should be unelectable

The above is a recipe for a dominant performance, not eking out a minority.

I agree with your assessment of outcomes in the 2nd paragraph, and I think that it will be bad for the country.

Combine those two things, and you get the strategic missstep and a missed opportunity.

The Cons will probably win a minority Gov in the next election, that doesn't mean they will form a Gov. Beating the current cult of personality is no small task, as he has followers that seem willing to ignore any of his failings and continue to support him. That's roughly equal to 30% of the population.

And think that's a statement about a politically fractured country, not the CPC as a party or their leader. Folks, on these forums and elsewhere, can't actually tell you what's wrong with PP other than they don't like him. There is no substance, its just a perception. And I suppose that's their right. And I probably shouldn't expect much more.

If PP is allowed to form a minority Gov, I don't see it lasting long. And then I predict a sweeping Con majority as Canadians punish the LPC for forcing another election. Kind of a repeat of Harper.
Private healthcare isn’t going to fix anything in this country. The issue isn’t public or private at this point it is the severe lack of qualified personnel and a failure to long term plan going back decades leading to this point.

Personally I am not for or against private or public, there is merits to both. Just that suddenly having private healthcare isn’t going to fix the systemic issues in our system.
Private healthcare is how we might re-establish a pricing system which tells us how much the people should be paid for what they do, and what the goods and services are worth relative to the other things on our shopping lists. We're in the "spending other people's money on myself" quadrant right now, which is the sh!ttiest one to be in. (The "spending my own money on myself" is the one we want to be in if we want greatest bang for buck.)

[Add: reference.]
I will probably in enthusiastically vote for PP only because I have always voted Reform/CPC and Trudeau is singularly awful, but I live in a riding where if you paint a fence post red, it would win. Unless you have an election where Liberals stay home and NDP’ers vote NDP. That won’t happen with PP leading the the Tories. And the Tories will probably run their own fence post like they have since I moved here.

And that’s why I think he’s a terrible choice. I see no evidence that he and the boys in short pants that surround him will not govern by trolling. I don’t see a competent manager, but an attack dog that thinks owning the libs/liberal tears is the name of the game. While PP’s cult will be ecstatic, those who oppose him will be enraged and motivated and the normies he needs will be turned off.

He doesn’t need to change my mind. He needs to change the minds of a lot of swing voters who live in the suburbs around our biggest cities that he’s not a troll. In this environment, he should be well ahead of Trudeau but the people he needs to vote for him don’t trust him.
Folks, on these forums and elsewhere, can't actually tell you what's wrong with PP other than they don't like him. There is no substance, its just a perception. And I suppose that's their right. And I probably shouldn't expect much more.

That's not accurate, or fair! I gave actual examples, and other have as well. The letter to the former GG, the constant blaming of Trudeau for literally everything even when it's obviously not within their mandare, an unwillingness to actually participate in security briefings for the sake of being able to continue politicking, pushing crypto, marching with James Topp, Tar babies, questionable support for vaccine mandates, apparnelty no plan to tackle or address climate change, no statement or indication that he will stifle the socially conservative wing of his party...
Yes. PP does need to grow up and act like someone running to be PM and leave the attack dog sh!t to a new crew of attack dogs. He should have figured it out by observing Harper versus Baird and himself, but...
I’ve indicated several thing I don’t particularly like. For now I’m sticking to policies, actions and his demonstration that he can govern like a mature PM. So far I don’t like what I see or have seen. It isn’t all bad mind you but he can’t help his nature.

As always campaigns matter and we’ll see when that time comes.
I will probably in enthusiastically vote for PP only because I have always voted Reform/CPC and Trudeau is singularly awful, but I live in a riding where if you paint a fence post red, it would win. Unless you have an election where Liberals stay home and NDP’ers vote NDP. That won’t happen with PP leading the the Tories. And the Tories will probably run their own fence post like they have since I moved here.

And that’s why I think he’s a terrible choice. I see no evidence that he and the boys in short pants that surround him will not govern by trolling. I don’t see a competent manager, but an attack dog that thinks owning the libs/liberal tears is the name of the game. While PP’s cult will be ecstatic, those who oppose him will be enraged and motivated and the normies he needs will be turned off.

He doesn’t need to change my mind. He needs to change the minds of a lot of swing voters who live in the suburbs around our biggest cities that he’s not a troll. In this environment, he should be well ahead of Trudeau but the people he needs to vote for him don’t trust him.
I meant to say "unenthusiastically".
Yes. PP does need to grow up and act like someone running to be PM and leave the attack dog sh!t to a new crew of attack dogs. He should have figured it out by observing Harper versus Baird and himself, but...
what he needs is a cons. version of the RAT PACK
I will probably in enthusiastically vote for PP only because I have always voted Reform/CPC and Trudeau is singularly awful, but I live in a riding where if you paint a fence post red, it would win. Unless you have an election where Liberals stay home and NDP’ers vote NDP. That won’t happen with PP leading the the Tories. And the Tories will probably run their own fence post like they have since I moved here.

And that’s why I think he’s a terrible choice. I see no evidence that he and the boys in short pants that surround him will not govern by trolling. I don’t see a competent manager, but an attack dog that thinks owning the libs/liberal tears is the name of the game. While PP’s cult will be ecstatic, those who oppose him will be enraged and motivated and the normies he needs will be turned off.

He doesn’t need to change my mind. He needs to change the minds of a lot of swing voters who live in the suburbs around our biggest cities that he’s not a troll. In this environment, he should be well ahead of Trudeau but the people he needs to vote for him don’t trust him.
Politicians being politicians, attacking their opponents during election campaigns has always been part of the game.

I feel like the first attack ad I see during an election campaign, the person doing the attacking just lost my vote. It smells too intensely of 'career politician and this is always Plan A'

That being said, I don't find PP really trolling Trudeau in a negative way, or attacking him merely for the sake of attacking him.

He calls Trudeau out for never answering questions, even when they are pointed "Yes or No" questions.

He also calls him out for all the vacations he takes, the fact that the federal service is now over 100,000 bigger than it used to be & every single federal government service seems slower than ever.

Between the above, our economy running a large deficit, proposed gun laws that make no sense, the introduction of C-11, obvious conflicts of interest (Trudeau foundation), attempted criminal acts (WE Charity), etc etc...I don't know if PP is trying to be a deliberately sparky troll, or just being an effective leader of the opposition.

(It isn't PP's fault that some of the things that Trudeau says are so mind-numbingly stupid, it's hard for any of us not to take notice!)

PP is the only federal politician that talks about repealing some of the draconian & unnecessary laws that have & are coming into effect.

He's the only one who talks about empowering citizens while shrinking the role of government.

On a whole host of issues, I find PP simply advocating for some common sense in how government approaches things. (Re allowing for a public inquiry into foreign interference, not putting friends & family into important government positions such as Ethics Commissioner, developing industry, allowing projects to move forwards, lowering the cost of housing, etc)

Trudeau, in my opinion, is the worst PM of all time. I can confidently say that if presented with some of the same choices he's been faced with - every single person on this forum would have done something much different.

Jagmeet sold out the very concept of democracy when he partnered with the LPC. Now if someone wants to throw their vote, they can't even do that without it essentially becoming another vote for Trudeau.

I imagine that if/when PP is elected to be PM, his 'troll attacks' will disappear, and his focus will become fixing everything Trudeau has managed to break
He also calls him out for all the vacations he takes, the fact that the federal service is now over 100,000 bigger than it used to be & every single federal government service seems slower than ever.

The problem is things like: I got my new Passport in 9 days, record time.

When you're always doing 'Chicken Little' you eventually turn into the background noise we're all trying to ignore right now, which is where PP is sending himself.
Not only that, all his ministers are equally as incompetent and clearly chosen based on demographics.

It might take more than one mandate for PP to unf*ck everything the LPC has accomplished.

If he dropped the carbon tax and fixed our firearms laws he'd get my vote for a long time.
If he dropped the carbon tax and fixed our firearms laws he'd get my vote for a long time.

Pretty sure "axe the carbon tax" is on his platform. I could care less about firearms since that's not my thing, but even I'm not dumb enough to believe that registered firearms are the problem. Don't even get me started on the scary looking assault style people killers the Liberals are trying to confiscate to keep their votes from the GTA urbanites. Classic tactic to scare and disarm the population.
The problem is things like: I got my new Passport in 9 days, record time.

When you're always doing 'Chicken Little' you eventually turn into the background noise we're all trying to ignore right now, which is where PP is sending himself.
I applied more than 60 days ago, still don't have my new passport.

(Also learned the hard way that 'deluxe travel insurance that allows us to cancel for any reason' is total BS, and doesn't let you cancel even with a few days notice...)

If I got a new passport in 9 days, I'd be questioning this 100,000 new employees a lot less than I do now!

Lucky bugger...

Genuinely not trying to focus on the LPC today, but this did pop up on my YouTube so I thought I'd share.

Interesting how the mainstream media in other countries is calling out our mainstream media
I applied more than 60 days ago, still don't have my new passport.

(Also learned the hard way that 'deluxe travel insurance that allows us to cancel for any reason' is total BS, and doesn't let you cancel even with a few days notice...)

If I got a new passport in 9 days, I'd be questioning this 100,000 new employees a lot less than I do now!

Lucky bugger...

Well, I walked in and did the thing in person, which took a couple of hours but seemed to be the least risky option!