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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Given the immense constitutional consensus required for Alberta to be admitted by the US. it would likely be relegated to territory status for a long time.

Under the US Constitution, admission of a state can be done by simple majority vote by Congress.

The problem with getting states admitted in the recent past hasn't been a Constitutional obstacle, but partisan fears that a new state will upset the balance between the two major parties. This is a big reason why Alaska and Hawaii were both admitted at about the same time (one usually voted Republican, the other Democrat).
We welcome Alberta as the 51st state ;)
Not taking BC, and we may be willing to trade Sask and MB for Washington And Oregon.
As much as I should have moved to the US a few years ago for work. I don't want to be an American.
I am proud to be Canadian and live in Canada. Despite what the government does, I think there is still good hope to fix things.
To slow the free fall, the LPC would need to parachute in a relative outsider. I'm of two minds; on one hand I hope they ride this one all the way down, and on the other I hope Trudeau wins again.
Why? Serious question. What good do you see in 4 more years of Team Trudeau?

Canadians appear to be unhappy with the direction of the country in various ways however I remain unconvinced that a majority of those who have voted for the LPC, and Trudeau specifically, actually understand that their current circumstances are directly attributed to the ideas, policies and vision of the LPC and Trudeau and company. Ideas, policies and visions that they the voters supported.

The current environment economically, socially, politically is all directly attributable to what they supported. It’s not a mistake or an unfortunate misunderstanding.

4 more years might help the voters and citizens understand that. I’m doubtful of that and that might be actually very costly in a number of ways but if the lesson is not learned we might get to see either Trudeau return or someone similar if the LPC fails to move back to the centre and completely and totally eliminate certain aspects and beliefs that are likely deeply rooted in both the party elites and rank and file.
Canadians appear to be unhappy with the direction of the country in various ways however I remain unconvinced that a majority of those who have voted for the LPC, and Trudeau specifically, actually understand that their current circumstances are directly attributed to the ideas, policies and vision of the LPC and Trudeau and company. Ideas, policies and visions that they the voters supported.

The current environment economically, socially, politically is all directly attributable to what they supported. It’s not a mistake or an unfortunate misunderstanding.

4 more years might help the voters and citizens understand that. I’m doubtful of that and that might be actually very costly in a number of ways but if the lesson is not learned we might get to see either Trudeau return or someone similar if the LPC fails to move back to the centre and completely and totally eliminate certain aspects and beliefs that are likely deeply rooted in both the party elites and rank and file.
If Canadians haven't figured out that Trudeau & Freeland are directly responsible for our current economic & social situation as well as our absolutely BLEAK future economic forecasts (if current trends continue) than they'll never figure it out.

By the time the election comes Canadians will have had a decade to make the connection between Trudeau & everything kinda going to shit because of his ideas and policies. If they still haven't come election time, we're homeless as a country...
Given the immense constitutional consensus required for Alberta to be admitted by the US. it would likely be relegated to territory status for a long time.
Originally it was intended for "Canada" to easily become part of the states

article 11 of Confederation

If Canada [referring to the British Province of Quebec] accedes to this confederation, it will be admitted.[16] No other colony could be admitted without the consent of nine states.

also there was an attempt to put it back in with the annexation bill of 1866
Canadians appear to be unhappy with the direction of the country in various ways however I remain unconvinced that a majority of those who have voted for the LPC, and Trudeau specifically, actually understand that their current circumstances are directly attributed to the ideas, policies and vision of the LPC and Trudeau and company. Ideas, policies and visions that they the voters supported.
The Canadian electorate is both forgiving and forgetful, with some notable statistical blips.
The current environment economically, socially, politically is all directly attributable to what they supported. It’s not a mistake or an unfortunate misunderstanding.
"Perceived differently", perhaps?
4 more years might help the voters and citizens understand that. I’m doubtful of that and that might be actually very costly in a number of ways but if the lesson is not learned we might get to see either Trudeau return or someone similar if the LPC fails to move back to the centre and completely and totally eliminate certain aspects and beliefs that are likely deeply rooted in both the party elites and rank and file.
4 more years for Team Red to "fix" what they can and prosecute their far left agenda to completion while watching the CPC eat PP alive for not defeating Trudeau. Nah, I'm not good with that.
As much as I should have moved to the US a few years ago for work. I don't want to be an American.
I am proud to be Canadian and live in Canada. Despite what the government does, I think there is still good hope to fix things.
Enjoy your tax burden, and no guns ;).

But admittedly Canada isn’t a terrible place, it’s beautiful, unfortunately it’s just all those Canadians in it that ruins it :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, I think Canada is a wonderful country, I rate it #2 to America, but I have certain requirements from my country - and if individual rights wasn’t so high on them, I wouldn’t have left Canada.
Enjoy your tax burden, and no guns ;).

But admittedly Canada isn’t a terrible place, it’s beautiful, unfortunately it’s just all those Canadians in it that ruins it :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, I think Canada is a wonderful country, I rate it #2 to America, but I have certain requirements from my country - and if individual rights wasn’t so high on them, I wouldn’t have left Canada.

the simpsons scotland GIF
Posting this here since it affects all party leaders, not just one -- re: one indicator of election readiness, the latest figures from Elections Canada (quarterly contributions reporting by party, January to March 2024):
  • Team Blue: $10.9 million
  • Team Red: $3.2 million
  • Team Orange: $1.4 million
More details (summaries of contributions & transfers) attached - you can search for more granular details or other time periods via Elections Canada here.


Canadians: Where TF is all out money going.

Canadian government:

Companies tied to ArriveCan awarded federal contracts worth $1-billion, Ottawa reveals

4 people were awarded 672 contracts worth $323M.
Overall 44 people were awarded more than $1B in contracts.