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LSVW Penthouse?

I never once offered it to you, you spread your own cheeks.

Either way, really, you don't want one, but if i ever have the opportunity to get rid of it, you can have it.
a Sig Op said:
Have you used it more then once? Really, these are absurd pieces of kit. If you find the penthouse difficult manage, you don't want a DRASH. I've set up single, double, and quad penthouses, and one crazy bastardized combination of 8 penthouses, and found them all easier to setup and manage then the DRASH series.

My major beef with it is that, given that we've got no HIAB equipped trucks in our unit, it's got to be man-handled in and out of it's transport, which requires a half dozen troops at least (I can handle a penthouse with three) which cuts the service life substantially. Repairing it is ridiculous, if one of the struts snaps near the door, it's a 10 minute fix, if it snaps in the centre somewhere, it's a several hour fix. Since the struts snap regularly, the garrison repair kit gets cleaned out rather quickly, and oh, look at this, there's no NSN on the repair parts, they've got to be bought out of the unit budget.

Also, don't believe the manufacturers claims it can be set up and torn down by 4 troops. That's under ideal circumstances. Say for example, you're in a flat grassy field, it's a lovely sunny day, and everyone sets up and tears the things down on a regular basis, AND you have a HIAB equipped truck to drop it off for you. Anything less then those circumstances, and you'll want double that number of troops. Not to mention the "simple" setup and tear down process suffers from skill fade rather rapidly (Which by the way, if you don't follow to the letter, causes more damage).

Actually, setting up, not hard. Not hard at all. It's packing the silly thing. Getting it to fit back into that bag is absolutely the bane of my existance. Don't even bother trying if it's been set up in snow or ice.

Finally, no, you can't have ours. Everyone who doesn't have to maintain or transport the damned thing loves it too much. The only way I'll be free is if it myteriously catches fire, is stolen by local hoodlums, or possibly rolls into the sea at high tide. (If local hoodlums would steal it, set it on fire, and roll it into the sea, that would be fantastic, till then, I'm stuck with it).

"Behold, DRASH!"

[Cue Musical montage]

"On second thought, let's not go to the DRASH, tis a silly place."

Four is fine for setup/ tear down in the most austere conditions. Perhaps a little PT? It's really nothing for 4 basic level fitness persons to lift even into the dizzying height of an HL. Windy? Stake a corner. Snowy/icey? Shovel or shoe it down (but prepare for the wet mess if shoes are used).  Use the floor system to roll (and do use bodies as you roll, I mean full body weight) wrap the flooring over the tentage, cinch it all down and wrap the big condom onto it and PRESTO! DRASH ready for shipment and drying/maint once back in garrison. Perhaps I should make a youtube video. Changing out the broken pieces is really quite simple if one is not spatially challenged.
I maintain my desire for it to spontaneously combust and reduce itself into a pile of smoking plastic.

Regarding the videos, every one of them ships with an instructional video. If you send NORLEANS Tech (The Canadian supplier, who by the way, also sell lots of other odd and wonderful things) an e-mail, they'll send you as many more videos as you like (Also, interesting swag... those plastic material tags have a thousand and one uses... those blue plastic bottle clips are just... odd...). They'll also provide yearly refresher training on it's use (It comes included with purchase price).

As much as I'll give them credit for standing by what they sell, I wouldn't have bought it to begin with.
When my Signals Section deploys to the field, we use a 4XB Drash whenever possible (not held by unit, hopefully changes soon).  I've had the Sqn CP operating in under 45 minutes, complete with tables, CI Ext cables, laptops deployed and lighting kit strung. That's with 4 people, and none of us are similar in size to the Incredible Hulk. Using a MLVW, we could probably transport 4-5 4XB shelters along with their assoc. boots. Granted we'd need another MLVW to bring stores, but its totally worth it. I really can't see any of the issues you're having with the system.... should be lucky your reserve unit has such new items, while some Reg F units have to beg, borrow and steal to get them. A few set ups and tear downs and my guys are very confident in the system, far easier to setup, tear down, and store than a similar sized Modular Tent.

For your issue with transporting it.... try using a MLVW with the solid stairs (not the ones with folding steps). Gently set the DRASH on its side in the truck, roll it down the steps. Reverse for getting it back up there. I'm pretty sure people have been using ramps for centuries without breaking things. You can't throw these things around like Mod Purlons, but they're sure as heck a step into the 21st century for tentage.
No HLs, no servicable MLs left, until the MSVS stop catching fire, we've got to wrangle the damned thing in and out of a LSVW trailer.

I've had the opportunity to trial the DRASH against it's competitors. The DRASH looses hands down to the BASE-X, all the same features, very few of the drawbacks, same unit price.
We just drove 4 MSVSs from Kingston to Petawawa, used them as stores and troop lift for 2 weeks, and then drove them back. No fires. My unit's MSVSs weren't released until they solved the fire issue, but you may just be waiting for yours as the Res units are all getting 1 for 1 exchange ML to MSVS.

I can see a LSVW trailer being a tight squeeze, a 4XB would fit but 6XB would be pushing it. It seems all your issues are related to the serviceability of your unit's vehicles. If the shelter is small enough to roll sideways into the LS trailer, get your SQ to LPO some motorcycle ramps and use those to roll it up. If your unit loves the DRASH so much, they should be willing to drop a couple hundred bucks to make sure they stay serviceable.
You'd think they would, but I've been waiting on new spare parts for a year and half, because no one seems to want to pay for them. Supposedly we have however purchased the hard doors (Where am I going to put those? Now that's another question all together.)