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My Experinces

  • Thread starter Thread starter NateC
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i agree, I find when i'm riding a bike on the hilly trials my legs are giving out before my breath does.What I find works is riding on flat ground going as fast as possible, for example a track or somewhere your not gonna get squashed by a car. I find this way that my legs arnt really doing alot of work strength wise and the cardio comes into play more.
works for me anyway, just thought I'de put the idea out
:salute: :cdn:
I called and they told me I was accepted, although next week or so I should get a call to be sworn in.

Sivad said:
I think Running is way better for ya too, BUT you should mix up your routine or u will get borred of it it doesn't hurt you to ride your bike or treadmill or skipping rope instead or running its all good aslong as your active i find i have to switch up my running (take a break) or it gets way too boring. the break is nice. and never get discouraged i couldn't run for 10 feet when i started about 2.5 months ago now i doing 5 km in 28min i know its nothing special but i'm pussing 30 and am a little over weight at 5'9" 220lbs.  :o

heh, were very close in height, and the same in weight. I am 5'10 or 5'11. I just started running this month, and have already seen major changes in my capability, I'm off to go run some more in about a half hour.
Running vs cycling
Cycling is a fantastic workout and is much "easier" on your body then running, last night I went out on my first run in 10(?) years and was reminded why I got into cycling. The one advantage cycling has is that you can ride for hours without the punishment/pounding that running dishes out, of course to get a good workout you have to put out the required intensity. I got into competative road bike racing and I'll tell you you get not only cardio but strength fitness in cycling, for example I may ride 100-150 km at a  steady 75%+ of my MHR or even higher when going hard for 3 to 5 hours. You can't do that level of training running ( of course it takes many years to be able to do that type of workout). Key principles in any fitness (especially aerobic) are; 1/frequency-how often you exercise 2/duration-for how long 3/intensity-how hard which is the most difficult to measure, measuring heart rate is usually the standard way of measuring this. For cardio training the most common errors for beginners are going to hard, not long enough exercise not done frequently enough. Remember your body adapts to a consistent workload applied to it (the run or bike ride) so sporadic, short too intense workouts are not the best approach and may result in injury or feeling whacked. I would highly recommend cycling for those with physical problems due to running and to gain endurance due to being able to ride long periods. Lastly if you are semi-serious about fitness training go buy a heart rate monitor, some are cheap under a $100 at Canadian Tire and are a great training tool.l
Well I don't think I'll invest in a heart rate monitor just yet... I can tell pretty well when I'm given'er hell... I think I'll stick to both running and cycling because I love slapping the MP3 player on and heading out on my bike into the trails on the outskirts of my city or following the Welland Canal... I'll use the MP3 player for running too, should help out. I can do 2Km's in about 9-10mins on average with 1 stop to walk a tiny bit... Pretty sad at the moment...

Just started though...

R031 Pte Joe said:
I can do 2Km's in about 9-10mins on average with 1 stop to walk a tiny bit...

that's pretty speedy with a stop to walk...
Doing both is great, I've been riding to work and back everyday, as well as running on my treadmill for 20 min 6 days/week. I am now starting to increase the duration. On my non-running day it's hockey. All this is in addition to weight training 3-4 days/week. Should be back in great shape in no time and ready for when I apply late July-early August!

I got called from the CFRC yesterday and was told that my medical file was passed! It's just a matter of waiting for it to return from Borden, and for the unit to call me now!
Zombie said:
Doing both is great, I've been riding to work and back everyday, as well as running on my treadmill for 20 min 6 days/week. I am now starting to increase the duration. On my non-running day it's hockey. All this is in addition to weight training 3-4 days/week. Should be back in great shape in no time and ready for when I apply late July-early August!

Hey bro just a little word of advise use it or don't doesn't matter.  But if your looking to increase your strength through wieght Training its best to not mix it with your cardio.  unless you looking to just loose weight, but if your looking to beef up or get stronger your muscles only grow during down times.  Basically They need rest at least 48 hours after a good hard workout.

Just my 2 cents.
I lift weights usually about 2-3 times a week. I always give my self at least one day of rest. And then after two months I give my self a one week rest from it.

I run every night that it's nice out.
depanding on your running it could be taking away from your weight lifting, your body need to recover from what ever you do. you shouldn't mix cardio and strength training on the same days. your body will take from one to feed the other try to do 3 days of weights and 2-3 days of cardio or vice versa with 2 days weights and 3 days cardio depanding on what your body needs more.  now this is all just advise your body may act diffrently and may be able to recover quicker than others I don't know but just make sure you really monitor yourself.  only you will know the best thing to do.

and good luck
Sivad said:
Hey bro just a little word of advise use it or don't doesn't matter.   But if your looking to increase your strength through wieght Training its best to not mix it with your cardio.   unless you looking to just loose weight, but if your looking to beef up or get stronger your muscles only grow during down times.   Basically They need rest at least 48 hours after a good hard workout.

Just my 2 cents.

I am looking to increase my cardiovascular endurance and lose a bit of weight to get in the best shape I possibly can. I don't want to stop weights because I want to maintain strength. Increasing strength and "beefing up" is secondary right now. Once I've reached my goal I will probably decrease the frequency/intensity of my cardio, and concentrate on increasing strength again.
R031 Pte Joe said:
Well I don't think I'll invest in a heart rate monitor just yet... I can tell pretty well when I'm given'er heck... I think I'll stick to both running and cycling because I love slapping the MP3 player on and heading out on my bike into the trails on the outskirts of my city or following the Welland Canal... I'll use the MP3 player for running too, should help out. I can do 2Km's in about 9-10mins on average with 1 stop to walk a tiny bit... Pretty sad at the moment...

Just started though...


I cycle daily to work (10 km return trip), it takes me about 17 min each way. I have a mountain bike with big tires (keep thinking I should get some road tires  ::) oh well ). I do 25 km in just under 2 hours (last time was 1 hour 50 min) and that was with a few stops along the way and a heavy back pack. Now I"m trying to do more hill riding because I don't find the riding I've been doing very challenging. I'm not much of a runner but I am going to have to just bite the bullet and DO IT!

Good luck on your training.
Well, this is my first post here. I applied for the Reserves in late December or early January. I went in for processing in late Feburary. Apptitude went fine, then comes the medical. Here is the kicker, I have athsma. It hasnt bothered me since I was at least 4 years old, and my family doctor does not expect that it will ever bother me again. I am told that I have to get those forms filled out. That I do willingly as being in the CF is something I have wanted to do since I was 6 years old. I send the forms to CFRC Halifax, who then forward them to CFB Borden. I expect it to take no time at all. How wrong I was. Here it is, June 13, and I get a letter back, dated June 6. This letter tells me that I do not meet the "common standards for enrollment". I am going to try to get this decision changed by going to a specialist and having some tests done. I mean, my athsma doesnt affect me, even with extreme physical exertion. I understand the whole thing with its really for my safety, and for the safety of the people in my section, and that I would be a risk if I did have an attack. But I have just been looking forward to being part of this group of people who serve our country. I really dont want this to turn into a rant, and I am  trying not to, but its a really hard thing to deal with at the moment. I am just wondering if anyone else has been through the same thing, or has known of anyone, and what the chances are of me getting in. Thanks for listening, I just gotta vent.
Gilmour73 said:
Well, this is my first post here. I applied for the Reserves in late December or early January. I went in for processing in late Feburary. Apptitude went fine, then comes the medical. Here is the kicker, I have athsma. It hasnt bothered me since I was at least 4 years old, and my family doctor does not expect that it will ever bother me again. I am told that I have to get those forms filled out. That I do willingly as being in the CF is something I have wanted to do since I was 6 years old. I send the forms to CFRC Halifax, who then forward them to CFB Borden. I expect it to take no time at all. How wrong I was. Here it is, June 13, and I get a letter back, dated June 6. This letter tells me that I do not meet the "common standards for enrollment". I am going to try to get this decision changed by going to a specialist and having some tests done. I mean, my athsma doesnt affect me, even with extreme physical exertion. I understand the whole thing with its really for my safety, and for the safety of the people in my section, and that I would be a risk if I did have an attack. But I have just been looking forward to being part of this group of people who serve our country. I really dont want this to turn into a rant, and I am  trying not to, but its a really hard thing to deal with at the moment. I am just wondering if anyone else has been through the same thing, or has known of anyone, and what the chances are of me getting in. Thanks for listening, I just gotta vent.

Check out the recruiting section... There's a TON of information, look specifically at the ASTHMA section!

Ya, I never really thought of that. Thanks man. You have the exact MOC I was hoping to have. Hopefully stuff will work out for me. Thanks
I'll add my story to the thread.
I am very satisfied with the speed at which the recruiting centre in North Bay is processing my application. I filled in the application in early January, Had my medical, interview and erc done in February. If I wasn't such an unfit couch potato and didn't have university classes then I could have been done the process in the first three weeks in January. Any delays in the process were my doing. I could have my medical done the third week in January (at the speed they were going), but the med tech only came in on Thursdays and I had classes from 8:30 a.m to 6:30 pm. I got my medical done during my reading week in fact. I did my fitness test and failed. I thought I had least met the minimum, but my VO2 wasn't good enough. The person testing me advised me that I come back when I can easily pass the tests because basic would be rough. (he had done many, many tests and was very knowledgeable.) That was the last week in April. I have improved, but I don't think I'll be ready until July, too late for this summer's training. On top of this I had trouble with my second semester studies and this slowed the process down, because it's school first, reserves second. When (hopefully) in the fall, I resume the process, I'll get my fitness done and get sworn in.