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My Experinces

  • Thread starter Thread starter NateC
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Now.. I'm not sure, but isn't the Infantry the most lack on visual requirements?
Well last time I was at the optomotrist they said I was good enough for a V3, same at the CFRC. But they just called and said that due to a new policy from Ottawa I would have to get a visual acuity form to be done by my optomotrist. Either way I'm still worried that their might be an error or something and I can't go infantry. I'm not sure if I would really want to go combat support, but I might just to get a start on a career in the military. Working at a desk or whatever doesn't appeal to me as much. As well I can't get laser eye surgery for atleast another two years due to a prescription change. I'm trying to improve my vision now just to get a little bit better.
Why not try a trade? Do it for 3-4years whatever the contract is, then when your a bit older - mid 20s look into Laser Eye Surgery then, if you still want to go balls out for infantry then do it :)

That's my problem I have -1.25 both eyes, I really don't know what any of that means on my perscription form.. All I know is that I'm supposed to "wear" them when I drive.

My first choice is SigOp, I got a call today to book my testing... hopefully it all goes well and I go for SigOp..and I get and offer the position and hell maybe if I love SigOp I can stick with it and make it a career or apply for infantry after 4years..
Well I'll find out whats happening for sure, and then talk to the recruiters about different trades or routes I could take in CF.
SigOp is my first choice too, but I havnet actually applied yet.

I wonder if I can get in this year or not?

Im going to apply next Wednesday, wish me goodluck!
Better hurry up man... it took me almost 4 months to get all my paperwork and stuff done, and ive been waiting 3 weeks for it to come back from Ottawa... hussle hussle
The application process takes between average of 3-6months, thats what recruiters told me that. And Also if SigOp is your #1 pick thats great because It's in high demand right now...it might speed up your application but don't count on my word for it.
My apps have taken 7 months, and I am doing my PT test( the last hurdle) in a week, going for FCS or sig op, so I am not sure about speeding up the process.  Don't think about putting your app in, don't wait, just do it......

yoda says it best:

do or do not, there is no try...........

my take on this is: get your s&^% in as fast as possible and bug the hell out or your file worker.

all the best
True that man... im just trying to get all my stuff in so i dont have to worry abotu it all summer... im just waiting for my call sometime in august for me to pick up my stuff... and the more you bug the good men and women at CFRC... the faster things get done  ^-^
shuuuuuttt up nathan! haha... atleast your goin right? youll be fine as long as you keep some humor about the whole thing... if i can make a suggestion, take a hacky-sac... great for stress release
I got the call for BMQ, September 12 to December the 3rd for PPCLI. Unless my vision which is currently 6/120 in both eyes is not acceptable due to the new visual acuity tests I'm in.
Yeah im waiting for my call for leaving in September... doctors are really slow with notes eh haha
Futuretrooper said:
I got the call for BMQ, September 12 to December the 3rd for PPCLI. Unless my vision which is currently 6/120 in both eyes is not acceptable due to the new visual acuity tests I'm in.

What are you plans if your vision isn't good enough?
BTW, what is your perscription anyways?

Well due to the new vision requirments I was brought down to a V4, so no infantry or combat arms for me. I'm going Sig Op now, and I'm hoping that I'll enjoy it. So I guess theirs my plans right their, the recruiter called me, told me I was more then qualified for infantry except for vision, and recommended Signal Operator.
I just got a letter about the new vision requirements, so I gotta visit my optometrist and get him to fill it out.. Ugh. I hope I get good enough to get crewman
I'm sorta glad, my medical is July 21st after these changes have been made...I wouldn't want to be done the process thinking your good to go then told, you got to take another eye exam that makes you a V4 :O
Well SigOp doesn't sound too bad, I'll be learning something new by doing that trade. I'm hoping that I can do alot of fieldwork, and still be in somewhat of an infantry type role at the front if you all know what I mean.
A question to those who can answer....

I'm not quite sure what my eyesight is, but I got accepted into the RCMP earlier in the year... This is their requirements.

Uncorrected (without eyewear and without squinting): 6/18 (20/60) in each eye, or 6/12 (20/40) in one eye and up to 6/30 (20/100) in the other.
Corrected (with eyewear): 6/6 (20/20) in one eye and up to 6/9 (20/30) in the other.

So I've met that, would I qualify for combat arms, more specifically, crewman?