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My Experinces

  • Thread starter Thread starter NateC
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van Gemeren said:
I'll add my story to the thread.
I am very satisfied with the speed at which the recruiting centre in North Bay is processing my application. I filled in the application in early January, Had my medical, interview and erc done in February. If I wasn't such an unfit couch potato and didn't have university classes then I could have been done the process in the first three weeks in January. Any delays in the process were my doing. I could have my medical done the third week in January (at the speed they were going), but the med tech only came in on Thursdays and I had classes from 8:30 a.m to 6:30 pm. I got my medical done during my reading week in fact. I did my fitness test and failed. I thought I had least met the minimum, but my VO2 wasn't good enough. The person testing me advised me that I come back when I can easily pass the tests because basic would be rough. (he had done many, many tests and was very knowledgeable.) That was the last week in April. I have improved, but I don't think I'll be ready until July, too late for this summer's training. On top of this I had trouble with my second semester studies and this slowed the process down, because it's school first, reserves second. When (hopefully) in the fall, I resume the process, I'll get my fitness done and get sworn in.

Good luck buddy.

The bad thing with me is that I put everything in first, and school in second, but I'm just in high school.

What is the VO2?  Van Gemeren said that his VO2 wasn't good enough in the physical.  Is that the Cardio test?
Yes it has to do with his cardio. If you want to see the convoluted way it's done, have at er here. http://www.brianmac.demon.co.uk/vo2max.htm
well 2 months of running,  well jogging and I was feeling great except the last two times I felt like crap, I felt like it was my first day again. Strange but I'll get over it.

Is there a good way to measure my distance without having to walk it then walk the road.  I'm on a trail and what use to take me 46 mins now takes me 21 but i don't know how far I go.
I'm trying a new workout plan, so far its been working for me and usually has me sweating so its gotta be working but here's what I do.

4 days a week-3 sets of 30 pushups, 2 sets of 25 pushups, 1 minute in between each set, the same with situps.
4 days a week-run between 6-8 km within 40 minutes

I'm hoping that this will prepare me for the infantry physical fitness portion of my training.
Sounds like a motivated group.. one thing not mentioned here is HEART period. A lot about heart rates but little about heart. I think most of you are pretty gung ho by the sounds of it. Keep your head up, and your eyes on the guy in front of you when running in formation. Don't let that spot on his back get too far away and you will do fine.

It is not until you are dead beat that HEART really counts.

"Are you going to let him get the best of you?"
"Did you come all this way to fail?"

Questions one asks oneself when facing that feeling of colapse, just before digging deeper.

Seen an awful lot of "fitter men" than i bail out of runs.....  :crybaby: cause it hurt :crybaby: ... they"could not do it.."

Heart takes over when the mind cries no

Started at 5'10 155 came out 5'10 185

PLFus 85-87
PPCLI 87-94
Civy :salute: 94-present

Good luck all......
One thing for sure...
You will learn a lot about yourself.

Okay... was just sworn in, I am now a member of the Canadian Forces and am going away for BMQ and Infantry qualification.

Aldershot and Gagetown here I come.
I just found out that im not doing my BMQ this summer because i have protien in my urin or something wierd like that... so basically i cant go... thats such a huge letdown :(
Really, they found protein in my urine and all that had to happen was for them me to get an appointment with a doctor that had to do some tests and that was it. Even with the protein in my urine I've still been selected for Infantry and awaiting a call :cdn: :salute:

Either way, good luck
Hunter911 said:
I just found out that im not doing my BMQ this summer because i have protien in my urin or something wierd like that... so basically i cant go... thats such a huge letdown :(

That really sucks Hugo. I was hoping you would come along with me to BMQ.
Well... you never know... im best friends with a guy whos incharge of reserve training in most of LFAA... so i might be able to pull some strings, but not until i get those notes from my doc.
Hunter911 said:
Well... you never know... im best friends with a guy whos incharge of reserve training in most of LFAA... so i might be able to pull some strings, but not until i get those notes from my doc.

Just my opinion, but that was an incredibly stupid thing to say out in public...

If "your friend" is any sort of professional he'll do things the right way...
No problem, put it this way, I was one of those "pre-asthmatic" people. I beat it as a kid, so here I am.

Hunter911 said:
Well... you never know... im best friends with a guy whos incharge of reserve training in most of LFAA... so i might be able to pull some strings, but not until i get those notes from my doc.

Hugo you cheap bastard :p
Nah, i wasnt really serious... just really dissapointed at the moment... and Nate... its Robins dad haha... ill see you on the field buddy
Robins dad eh? hah! Wasn't he a captain in the Navy? I can't remember.
Well I'm merit listed and awaiting the call, got a call today and I have to do another visaul acuity test to be filled out by my optomotrist. I'm stressed because my last vision test I was a V3, and I don't want to lose my chance to get into the infantry.
NateC said:
Robins dad eh? hah! Wasn't he a captain in the Navy? I can't remember.

He got premoted so hes moving to Ottawa in september

Futuretrooper said:
Well I'm merit listed and awaiting the call, got a call today and I have to do another visaul acuity test to be filled out by my optomotrist. I'm stressed because my last vision test I was a V3, and I don't want to lose my chance to get into the infantry.

That sucks man... i think youll be able to pull it off... and even if you cant... theres always artillery ;) haha