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New Promotion System

  • Thread starter Thread starter RGauthier
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Exactly, thats why were starting to see corps with to many chiefs and not enough Indians.
:cdn: :salute:
ummm, i wuz just wunderin, i wuz told at suma camp dat privates to mcpl's were junior nco's, and sgt and above wuz senior nco's, but all the guys in my corp disagree, im just makin sure...
Obviously not using spellchecker.
Scott, it's the new english, you frickin dinosaur!
Jeez, guess I musta mist dat. Tanks, Inch, you da man.
Read through ALL of the thread then learn to understand sarcasm and humour. Ta ta until then.
I think that any kind of promo system that allows a corps to have a disproportionate number of senior NCOs is a bunch of bs.  OUr corps has a system that works extremely well.  OPur cadets understand that promotions mean something.  The Red Stars that have done a camp successfully have the rank of trooper.  The Silver Stars that have done one camp have corporal and the Gold Stars have MCPL.  After that there is one Sgt, that has written NSCE but failed only barely, and myself and the RSM, who have passed NSCE with marks in the top three of the province, and i have completed Advamced Training in the form of the Basic Para course, that hold the Ranks of MWO and CWO respectively, after that all of the other cadets have no rank whatsoever.  This system allows the cadets to appreciate the gravity of a promotion and it allows the Seniors to demand respect from the lower ranks.

An important thing to look at in this discussion is who decides when you get promoted. The CO of the unit looks at several different things including star levels, attendance, camps, attitude, potential, overall performance in the previous rank and yes Quotas are still used. In some regions there is a requirement by the detachment to send in justification for promotions over Sgt.
.. second private?....

ranks go

Recruite (unofficial)
Cadet (after 6 weeks, again unofficial)
so on, and so on
ARMYBOI..this is not a sh**throw forum..  Some people are given advanced promotions becasue of age because maybe the officers see leadership potential or for any other reasons they have..If you must know..ASK YOUR OFFICERS!.  There is nothing that says age = rank. its qualification and ability.. If you behave like a little clown its not going to get you promoted.
hmmm...you joined the ARMY cadets right?

As it has been said before..

Tough..the army is not fair..Ruck up and soldier on.  This is cadets not the real army..this kid doesnt have 5 years like you do to become a high rank.
I am very professional with Cadets

Please explain how you are professional when youre 1) A private not holding that much responsibility(correct me if im wrong) 2) How can you be a professional cadet when its not a profession?
Burrows said:
hmmm...you joined the ARMY cadets right?

As it has been said before..

Tough..the army is not fair..Ruck up and soldier on. This is cadets not the real army..this kid doesnt have 5 years like you do to become a high rank.
I joined at 14 and I dont expect to get promoted to LAC or something just because i'm a bit older then the other people. As everybody else was saying it circumstantial to the situation. Although I did get bumbed to level 2.
If you are going to come on and whine and complain "it's not fair" about a promotion, then you probably need a little work in the maturity department anyways.  Getting promoted doesn't just mean you get to boss more of your buddies around, it is a mature and responsible position, and if you officers didn't "give it" to you then you don't deserve it yet.  Demonstrate that you can handle the job and show some patience and you will get what comes to you.
Alex, are you absolutely positive you know what you are saying when you said

"How can you be a professional cadet when its not a profession?"

I would really like this to be explained to me from Alex.
I agree that rank is not based on age.

their may be people that join older than you, and get promoted sooner...but I am sure that because of their age, they are bumped up a star level or 2, provided they challenge the required tests, and pass them.

also, it is possible to send someone to their first year of camp, as a 15 yr old to CL, and not just Basic
No prob Dano, youre right i guess i left it a little to vague. A CIC or Cadet Instructor Cadre officer is a profession or a job whatever you want to call it. Now maybe because Ive just had bad experiences with cadets and this is somewhat a biased opinion, Cadets is an organization right? Now I'll give some lee-way in saying that some cadets who hold a higher rank eg WO, SGT etc it can almost be a profession(correct me if im wrong again) Youre not employed by anyone therfore not making it a profession. Now on the other hand you can have cadets who work in professional ways. Any better Dano?