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NORAD renewed indefinitely and to have maritime surveillance

Bart Nikodem said:
I wouldn't mind since NAS Whidbey has 4 Patrol, 2 Fleet Air Reconnaissance squadrons, while Comox has 1 Patrol squadron. I think BC has more coastline than Washington state, but I could stand to be corrected.

The USN's Maritime patrol force has, in recent years, suffered from large cuts as well as the accelerating retirement of P-3C airframes.  On the west Coast, NAS Whidbey Island stands alone as an LRPA base, as there is no longer a permanent VP presenve at NAS North Island (Coronado, California).  Therefore the VP units at Whidbey Island patrol the entire West coast of the US.  They have their work cout out for them just as much as we do.


CanuckTroop said:
We in Canada aren't that wimpy that we'll "give up" if we see our dead returning in caskets. He's not giving us much credit there.

Disagree and agree.

Disagree- in my view, the large majority of Canadians are by and large over-comfortable, disrespectful, sanctimonious wimps too lazy and chicken shit to shut their mouths, pick up a rifle and man a post.  

Agree- he's not giving credit. Canadians haven't earned it. The politicians haven't earned it. The press certainly hasn't earned it. The soldiers did. God knows the families are owed heaps of credit- lets give them a little leeway to alter tradition, but I'll be damned if the media should have the influence they think they are "entitled" to.

Would Canadians, the press and the liberal party be demanding the flag be half masted and ceremony's be carried live if a soldier died at Oka, Ipperwash or Caledon while carrying out the orders of Parliament? Not likely. Hypocrites, I say.

Anyway, way off topic here ...
in my view, the large majority of Canadians are by and large over-comfortable, disrespectful, sanctimonious wimps too lazy and chicken crap to shut their mouths, pick up a rifle and man a post.

Do you really think that? What happened in WW1 and WW2 then? Alot of lazy over-comfotable, disrespectful wimps did a pretty good job then hey. Can't believe a military member just said that.

I think that as far as the dead go, it should be up to the families to decide what they want to do- end of story. What I don't like about it is that Harper is doing it for political reasons, and taking another page outta Bushies book. It's not a big deal, but one more point against him.
paracowboy said:
is it in the water lately?

Why is it the loons with the weirdest agendas are always the ones least capable of making sense, but most capable of finding this site?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? lol
Sounds like his thread is about done if we are bashing trollers again....definately off-topic.  ;D
Just for the record CanuukTroop...whats your credentials?  I usually take an empty profile as "none".  My profile is there...I grew up in an ASW family.  Lets see you put your cards on the table so we know what kind of expertise you have, real life experience, or if you are just spitting out garbage like you know something?

Oh, I will assume you aren't a sniper, cause you sure are not staying on target.  Lots of Harper-bashing going on, not alot of discussion on the pro's and con's on the topic of the thread.

Maybe you should listen to AesOP and folks like him...do you know "what" as AesOp even is??????  If not find out I suggest.  He earns his pay over the places this "new" maritime surveillance is taking place...sheesh.  I guess when my Dad was flying over them when I was growing up (his Sqn is identifiable by the Swordfish), they were looking for fluffy white bunnies or pink elephants.  I will call him and tell him he was mis-informed the 28 1/2 years he spent in the Air Force or his 10,000 flying hours doing "maritime patrol" (potentially when you were still crappin' in diapers).  I am sure he would like to know that.

My suggestion is...go to the shower...turn it on "reality" and jump in...rinse twice. 
CanuckTroop said:
It's tying us in to US foreign policy that worries me, not whether we are "joining forces" to do maritime surveillance. You guys are missing the point. Norad is fine for the time being. It's one ocean so it doesn't make sense  to not be "somewhat" integrated. What I 'm saying is that's as far as this better go. The point I was trying to consider is that what this group that's coming up with "complete integration of our military and foreign policy with the US" is trying to do. I tried to start a thread discussing them and their ideas, as its own conversation, but the moderators who apparently are Harper/US puppets as well locked it! There's  some democracy for ya!

Jesus.  And all these years I thought we had more than one ocean.  Sheesh.  I get what you are saying.  Despite the fact that Canada and the US have been under the NORAD protective umbrella for "how many" years...we should not improve it because Bush is a dumb dumb, Harper is a puppet AND the experienced, dedicated professionals in both country Armed Forces who have "included" this is the "new" NORAD agreement are all a bunch of fools who don't know what they are doing. 

Wow.  Its clear now... :boring: Ok well I am bored of this thread now that it is off the rails...can we bring it back on to the original topic???? 
Mud Recce Man said:
Just for the record CanuukTroop...whats your credentials?  I usually take an empty profile as "none".  My profile is there...I grew up in an ASW family.  Lets see you put your cards on the table so we know what kind of expertise you have, real life experience, or if you are just spitting out garbage like you know something?

Oh, I will assume you aren't a sniper, cause you sure are not staying on target.  Lots of Harper-bashing going on, not alot of discussion on the pro's and con's on the topic of the thread.

Maybe you should listen to AesOP and folks like him...do you know "what" as AesOp even is??????  If not find out I suggest.  He earns his pay over the places this "new" maritime surveillance is taking place...sheesh.  I guess when my Dad was flying over them when I was growing up (his Sqn is identifiable by the Swordfish), they were looking for fluffy white bunnies or pink elephants.  I will call him and tell him he was mis-informed the 28 1/2 years he spent in the Air Force or his 10,000 flying hours doing "maritime patrol" (potentially when you were still crappin' in diapers).  I am sure he would like to know that.

My suggestion is...go to the shower...turn it on "reality" and jump in...rinse twice. 

Ooookay...you haven't addressed anything I've been saying; you just started ranting about my credentials and about NORAD being great. You missed the fact that I said there was nothing wrong with NORAD as it is now. It's the future and where it may head that I'm talking about. Do you want to be 100% integrated into US foreign policy or not? That's what I'm asking. And as far as my credentials I'm a former member of the Reserve Infantry. You can ask me some skill testing questions if you're that concerned, however, for the purposes of anonymity I will not give you my former rank or unit. Ask me how much of a bitch it is to clean a C-9 or something.

PS nice metaphor....  ::)
Oh, I will assume you aren't a sniper, cause you sure are not staying on target.
Again, sorry but... :boring:

Do I want to be 100% integrated into US Foreign Policy?  I live in Halifax...still part of Canada no?  I guess I will have to check to make sure some sneaky CIA agent didn't replace the Canadian flag on my uniform to the American one...

Thanks for coming out though.

PS - Asking you questions about your credentials in not "ranting".  What are you doing on here about the PCs, US Foreign Policy being adapted by Canada, etc etc would much more closely qualify as ranting.  My 2 cents.  :blotto:
Oh, I thought you might find this piece alittle interesting...


Air Defense Identification Zone
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North America is surrounded by an area called the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which is jointly administered by the United States and Canada. This area, which is almost exclusively over water, serves as a national defense boundary for air traffic. Any aircraft that wishes to fly in or through the boundary must file either a Defense Visual Flight Rules (DVFR) flight plan or an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan before crossing the ADIZ. The pilot must have a transponder and a two-way radio while approaching and crossing the ADIZ. In the U.S., the FAA handles these requests; Transport Canada handles Canadian requests. Any aircraft flying in these zones without authorization may be identified as a threat and treated as enemy military aircraft. This has not yet occurred, although even civilian aircraft making a simple mistake will be intercepted by military fighter aircraft and forced to land.

Mud Recce Man said:
PS - Asking you questions about your credentials in not "ranting".  What are you doing on here about the PCs, US Foreign Policy being adapted by Canada, etc etc would much more closely qualify as ranting.  My 2 cents.   :blotto:

No, Mud.  You are not ranting.  Want to see some ranting?

CanuckTroop said:
People need to get their heads outta their asses. If Israel can have nuclear weapons, then Iran should also be able to have nuclear weapons to balance things out. Until such time as Iran gets its hands on the nukes, there will deffinately not be peace in the middle east. Israel has no reason to talk when they are the dominant power. I think the US has been sucking up to that god-aweful creation for far too long now anyway. Israel should be moved somewhere far away from the Arabs, like Russia or something. Hell we could donate somewhere in Northern Ontario for their new home. Then everybody wins. We could use more people here anyway, and they'd bring their army too so we 'd have apaches! If not we should let them deal with each other. Both sides become a glass parking lot and the rest of us can go on with business as usual.

This whole affair smells rotten. The double standard is plain for everyone to see, except the US policy makers, who are in the pocket of the big arms dealers. Can't have world peace...oh hell no, that would be bad for business. Must keep the war with Eurasia or East Asia or wherever going to support my Haliburton shares and Lockheed.  So many are ignorant out there ...they just dont' have a clue.

GIVE IRAN THE BOMB FOR PEACE THROUGH MAD (mutually assured destruction)

So really, this kid is working his way around to saying that NORAD is going to be very usefull in the future, because if he had his way, everyone would have nukes. 
"When you make nuclear bombs criminal, only criminals will have nuclear bombs".
Hey Zip,

Hmm I think you are right.  that IS a good example of ranting.  "let's give Iran nukes"...god I hope CSIS is reading THAT one...


Ok, CanuukTroop.  You convinced me.  What is the name of the cult or foundation I can donate all my pay to the "Nukes for Iran" program?  Or does their commercial play just following the ones on TV about all the starving and poor kids in our world?

And no, plse don't answer me.  Unless, well, ya, after a day at the HQ...I could use a good chuckle.

I AM interested in hearing from any folks out there from VPs or the like if they see this changing anything in their day to day CONOPs though...

CanuckTroop said:
You can ask me some skill testing questions if you're that concerned...

Well, there IS only one skill testing question that matters...

What...is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?  (insert best Bridgekeeper's voice here...)

Mud Recce Man said:
Well, there IS only one skill testing question that matters...

What...is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?  (insert best Bridgekeeper's voice here...)


OOOO...I hope he says "I don't know".  :dontpanic:
Hey CanuukTroop...another link for you...


Free info is avail on the Internet.  The Air Force website is useful to find out what Wings/Sqn's do what and where. 


Come on buddy,

YOU wanted  to get your 2 cents on a "Maritime Warfare and NORAD" thread...yappin' @ Aesop081 an got caught with a bit of actual factual info and bailed??
