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Pay Increase

What will our pay raise be?

  • 6.6% or higher

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • 6.5% or lower

    Votes: 35 36.8%
  • Quit wondering

    Votes: 44 46.3%

  • Total voters
All new pay rates have been published and can be found at:


CTD said:
.... I do feel for a Pte who has a family and has limited income, at the same time you shoudl have done the research to see if it was viable for you to have joined the military. The amount of money you make and military housing prices can all be found on the internet if you look hard enough. It is all about career descisons, what i want, what do i expect my employer to give me, what am i willing to give to my employer. Then you need to look at the situation and the money aspects, and long term goals of such. If the military does   not pay a competitive wage and provide with competitive benifits then why join in the first place. You should have known how much the pay was and if you could live off of it or not. So please do not say you dont make enough money to support your family, and if things are that bad then go see a financial expert who can help you manage your money   alittle better....


Well said.  My impression is that most criticism is aimed at/or comes from the Pte/2Lt pay levels.  I wholly agree that the "hypothetical" 32 yr old with a spouse and three children should not expect to be paid 'journeyman' wages when he is really an 'apprentice'.  Because you had a previous career and have chosen to change employment doesn't mean you necessarily should make what your last job paid you.  Finally, once you reach the rank of Cpl/Capt (4 yrs max in most cases) the wages are more than adequate [ie. $48,828/yr for a first yr Cpl] IMHO.

Finally, once you reach the rank of Cpl/Capt (4 yrs max in most cases) the wages are more than adequate [ie. $48,828/yr for a first yr Cpl] IMHO.

Funny you did not include your rank level in there Sir as a Major making:
$85,320 to $95, 688
come on now does anyone really think that  any of us do this job for the pay it used to be like that about 20 yrs ago now it is not even close to why we do this job for,  we do what we because of the pride and patriotism  :salute: we have for this great country of ours nobody here honestly thinks that they could not get out and make a decent job and make a living and you would not have to worry about the constant deployments or exercises i was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago and in two years he has been with his family for 90 total calender days that person is not doing this job for the money.  but come on now lets be realistic here if we want to sustain the military at the present tempo of deployments and or taskings there has to be some monetary reason to keep these people in if not there will not be a military and we might as well all vote NDP
Funny you did not include your rank level in there Sir as a Major making: $85,320 to $95, 688

I agree with Sapper6.  Cpls making $48K a year are making a very good salary by Canadian standards.  If a Cpl wants to make the same salary as a Major, he/she can also take all the responsibility and requirements that go with it. 

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I am glad about the raise, I will not turn this or any future raises down, what other people do with their raise whether they give it to charity or what not (cause they obviously feel they don't need it)I frankly don't care. Some of us can make good use of it. I for one, am not one of those who are financial irresponsible as some alluded to, but I like the idea of being brought in line with my civillian counterparts.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Funny you did not include your rank level in there Sir as a Major making:
$85,320 to $95, 688 


No, I didn't, but in my profile I'm not hiding the fact that I'm an officer.  I, for one, am not staying in the military because the pay is great.  Given the fact that I have an Engineering degree, some project management experience, and quite a bit of leadership opportunities...I'm guessing that I could probably get a job on civvy street making between $85-96K with a whole lot less responsibility.



Frankly, I was not expecting that big a raise. I will gladly take it, as it has been determined that the work I do is worth the money they pay me...  :)
There are people who do this partly for the money. They are usually younger members, and don't stay very long... On my first tour, 20 years ago, I was getting $153/month in allowances. NOBODY even talked about that money back then... Now, when a unit receives a warning order, the first thing you hear is kids going about how they will spend that money; some actually start spending it before deploying.
Bottom line is: some people go on tour for the wrong reason (or wrong motivation), and end up causing most of the (admin) problems. Same principle applies about joining the CF.
on those earlier pay tables there is a corporal 5a basic, 1, 2, 3, 4 then a corporal 5b basic 1, 2, 3, 4.  Is there that many levels of corporal one would have to rise up through or what is the difference?
so dumb question here maybe, are each of those levels usually one year in length or would some skip some levels?  I understand the earning of rank but all things equal as far as doing a good job etc is each level a year?
mbhabfan said:
so dumb question here maybe, are each of those levels usually one year in length or would some skip some levels?   I understand the earning of rank but all things equal as far as doing a good job etc is each level a year?

Yes, you go up one incentive every year until you max out, then the only way to make more money is a promotion. The incentives are based on your promotion date.

There are a few ways to skip incentive levels, basically if in your new rank you'd make less, you'll go to an incentive that either equals or exceeds your current pay. So instead of starting at Basic, you may start at IPC 1 if what you were making before exceeds the Basic level pay but is less than IPC 1.

Clear as mud?
Jungle said:
Frankly, I was not expecting that big a raise. I will gladly take it, as it has been determined that the work I do is worth the money they pay me...   :)
There are people who do this partly for the money. They are usually younger members, and don't stay very long... On my first tour, 20 years ago, I was getting $153/month in allowances. NOBODY even talked about that money back then... Now, when a unit receives a warning order, the first thing you hear is kids going about how they will spend that money; some actually start spending it before deploying.
Bottom line is: some people go on tour for the wrong reason (or wrong motivation), and end up causing most of the (admin) problems. Same principle applies about joining the CF.

Agreed if you are doing this job for the money then you are in the wrong line of work.

problem is that if we don't pay them well then no one wants to join up then we have no one to do the work required.  Maybe if they started to give incentives instead of cash we could keep guys longer.  You know like cheap housing or such.  Might be worth it.
You've got to admit that we do have it pretty good though. I'm pretty sure that Private and OCdt pay is not designed for families, and as an OCdt making 1250$ a month, it's nice to see things like CFAO 28-4 11.d that limits rent to 25% of gross pay. Makes me happy to be able to afford a decent place with the girlfriend even though I'm not making much. There are other perks too, like the CANEX buying plans, and education grants for your children, and CFPAF loans. I think the problem is that people don't always know about this stuff.
Wizard of OZ said:
Agreed if you are doing this job for the money then you are in the wrong line of work.

problem is that if we don't pay them well then no one wants to join up then we have no one to do the work required.   Maybe if they started to give incentives instead of cash we could keep guys longer.   You know like cheap housing or such.   Might be worth it.

I agree, and how about a Canex that offers dirt cheap prices????? How about a canex that doesn't make a profit?
I joined the Miltia in 76 when a Sapper got only what? $12.50 for a day's a pay and then we only got paid every 3 to 6 months and then it all went to pay off your Mess Chit.

As many have said if your here for the money,save our time and yours and get a Civie Job because there is no money compared to time spent vs Civie life.
Spr.Earl said:
I joined the Miltia in 76 when a Sapper got only what? $12.50 for a day's a pay and then we only got paid every 3 to 6 months and then it all went to pay off your Mess Chit.

Shoulda tried it in '68 ;) ;D
Question? If I was at a P 2 pay level for half the year, and then P3 for the other half, would my back pay reflect both pay levels? I know it sounds like a dumb question but you won,t believe the different answers I get at work....THanks...