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Phase 2 in Moose Jaw. Do any OJT's have questions?


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I'm currently flying the Harvard and thought I could help out if anyone has any questions about the course.
brian_k said:
I'm currently flying the Harvard

Oh the dangers of surfing the net and flying, at least your not texting ;D
surfing the net and flying, at least your not texting
Facebook update #1: This is awesome, flying at 10,000.
Facebook update #2: Parachute works as advertised.
While BFT is a few years away yet for me, I was curious of a few things:

1) How is getting back in the groove after the large lull from PFT to BFT? After a 2 month break due to weather this winter, I had rust and can only imagine a year+ off.

2) With 2nd and 3rd year ROTP students coursed for PFT this summer (previously a rare occurrence I've heard), it sounds like PFT may be sorting itself out. Is there any indication that the BFT backlog is starting to sort out? Or is weather & maintenance still plaguing courses?

3) How cool does it feel to put the helmet & mask on?  8)
How difficult is it to go from flying an aircraft with 250hp to one that has 1100hp?

Anyways, congrats.  I'm still anxiously awaiting word on when I'll be attending ASC.  Hopefully once April rolls around they'll be able to give me some more information.

1) How is getting back in the groove after the large lull from PFT to BFT? After a 2 month break due to weather this winter, I had rust and can only imagine a year+ off.
They expect that everyone is showing up with a few years since PFT and start it off right back at basics. I have PFT and only about 2 hrs on a 172 so I was a little worried but nothing is expected at the start.
2) With 2nd and 3rd year ROTP students coursed for PFT this summer (previously a rare occurrence I've heard), it sounds like PFT may be sorting itself out. Is there any indication that the BFT backlog is starting to sort out? Or is weather & maintenance still plaguing courses?
Things are picking up. There hasn't been anything major since that last big servicibility problem so now they are trying to get rid of the backlog. But it is going to take a while.
3) How cool does it feel to put the helmet & mask on?
Looks cool but its not the most comfortable thing in the world. The plane is also f$@king amazing. After flying the Grob and the Harvard, I would recommend this over PFT extended any day.

How difficult is it to go from flying an aircraft with 250hp to one that has 1100hp?
The Grob cruises at 120kts and does the circuit slower than that. We do the circuit at 220kts with 60 degs of bank and 2G's. Everything happens a lot faster. That being said, I find the Harvard is an easier aircraft to fly. It is easier to land, if you get a little slow there is tons of power it bring it back up, and if you need to dump some speed there is always the speed brake. I want Jets but even if I don't get them I'm glad I am flying the Harvard for phase 2 instead of the Grob (no offense to the PFT-E guys).

I am so envious.  60deg bank in the circuit sounds amazing.  You must be able to get quite a few circuits in during an hour of flying!

Keep us posted - I'd sure love to hear what you work on during BFT.  I sure hope to be where you are in a few years.
I hope your Clearhood 6 and IF2 go well ;)

Did you attend the Hornet brief on the 21st?
I hope your Clearhood 6 and IF2 go well
Haha, I'll get back to studying now.
Did you attend the Hornet brief on the 21st?
Yeah, it was really informative. It's always good to get the information first hand.
Good, I was supposed to be there, but my Jet broke down on the leg from Thunder Bay to Moose Jaw.
brian_k said:
They expect that everyone is showing up with a few years since PFT and start it off right back at basics. I have PFT and only about 2 hrs on a 172 so I was a little worried but nothing is expected at the start.

Hoping this holds true for aerobatics as well? I'm a PFT bypass so have no experience at all with aerobatics. I've also tracked down the wall-size cockpit diagram and lots of checklists. (Graduating this year, am told wait is about 16 months, I figure there's no excuse for not being at least somewhat familiar with some systems) Unfortunately, information abounds on the T-6 II Texan but not much on the Harvard II. From what I can tell from pictures, the cockpit diagram seems to be the same, can anyone speak to what (if any) differences exist between the two?
Don't worry about aeros - they will teach you everything you need to know.  PFT is a selection course, not much learning goes on...

Don't get too wrapped up about a course that is 16 months away.  Instead, focus on finishing those OPMES, get started on AFOD 2, make sure you have a french profile etc.
Hoping this holds true for aerobatics as well? I'm a PFT bypass so have no experience at all with aerobatics.
There are two bypass guys on my course and they are doing really well so far. The extra hours they have help them as far as hands and feet and airman ship but they have old habits that need to be broken.
brian_k said:
There are two bypass guys on my course and they are doing really well so far. The extra hours they have help them as far as hands and feet and airman ship but they have old habits that need to be broken.

Can you expand on what kinds of old habits are picked up?
Can you expand on what kinds of old habits are picked up?
First off, we are still early in the course so I can only say as to what I have seen so far.
An example of a habit during clear hood would be the unusual attitudes recovery. My friend was originally taught to go push forward and level off on a nose high but at the school here we roll past 90 degs and pull toward the nearest horizon. It is a small thing but he finds he is sometimes reverting back to previous training. Don't worry about it, PFT felt very selection oriented and out of my control but here it feels like the instructors are here to try and pass everyone and anyone who puts in their full effort will get through.
As a civy pilot/ flight instructor I can see how that part would screw with a guy coming from a civy flight background. I'd probably mess that up myself the first few times.
what was your wait time before you got on your phase 1?  and the wait time for phase 2?

also for your phase 2 training, were you posted to Moosejaw?  or did you just go there on attached posting from your home base?

I've been dancing around the idea of CEOTPing to pilot, and the thought of under going possibly a year away from my family is really keeping me back....that and flunking out of Air crew selection haha.

thanks for your time.
Vince126 said:
also for your phase 2 training, were you posted to Moosejaw? 

You are posted to 15 Wing - you take your family with you.  If you decide to leave them behind, you take your chances that they will have this whole SE/IR mess figured out.

Realistic timeframe is close to 8-10 months after BOTP you might get to PFT.  Then another 12 months to wait for Phase 2 - that course lasts between 8-10 months.  Then you wait 6-8months for Phase 3 in Portage - the multi-school pumps out pilots every 4 months, Phase 3 Helo takes close to 6-8months these days.  You can expect a total time of 3-4 years in training.  Go into this eyes-wide-open.
wow thanks very much for the info.

thats all i needed to know :)

im going to see my BPSO next week and get the ball rolling.
I am slated for PFT this summer in Portage and have to decide where I want to be posted after my course and I am wondering what suggestions/advice you may have.  As far as what I would hope to fly, if I am good enought and get selected I would go fighter but my secondary choice would be TacHel as I am currently a licensed helo pilot already.  I am single and have no dependents and I am fluent in French.  Any two cents you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.