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Picture frames @ BMQ (yes, enough for a merged topic)

  So my buddies from work had one last going away party for me tonight. One of the guys I work with was in the army once and I asked him about this whole "2X7 picture frame" thing. He told me that yes we have to have one but it doesn't matter what you put in it. Haha then he pulled out a porno mag that he bought for me and said "here, cut out one of these bitches out and put her in the frame." Will this be frowned upon and what are the consequences for getting caught with a porno mag? Lol prolly a stupid question but you never know maybe the instructors enjoy this type of shit.

p.s. Alcohol has played a factor in this thread so if I am "out of line" feel free to let me know. Cheers.  :salute:

Bradboy said:
Will this be frowned upon and what are the consequences for getting caught with a porno mag?

Chances are if you gotta ask something like that you already know the answer.
personally im just gotta take the damn thing and shove about 10 pictures behind each other, i figure change it up every week , or bring pictures of different people, for different moods, (pride = parents)  loneliness... g/f / wife....  im sure you get it.
To be honest...

once you guys get to your BMQ, you'll have more on your mind than what's in your picture frame
I like Jaxson's idea of having different pictures to switch up in there.  I might have to try that too.
Sig_Des said:
To be honest...

once you guys get to your BMQ, you'll have more on your mind than what's in your picture frame

Yeah, but I'm not there yet and all I got to worry about now is what I take to BMQ.
paracowboy said:
no, you don't. You were told. Did you not get a list of stuff to bring?

Yeah, and most of it I have to run around to buy... so really I don't have much to worry about at the moment.
atticus said:
Yeah, and most of it I have to run around to buy... so really I don't have much to worry about at the moment.

I think his point was: You don't have to worry about anything, you just have to 'do'.

Bring what your told (the list), do what your told (be here at this time), and let it happen.

Don't overthink it. Don't over-analyze it. Don't worry about it.
Could you bring a picture of a beautiful landscape, or a bunch of you and your friends camping if you don't have a gf/bf/wife/husband etc??
Springroll, you didn't read the thread very well, did you?

Springroll said:
Could you bring a picture of a beautiful landscape, or a bunch of you and your friends camping if you don't have a gf/bf/wife/husband etc??

It is for your favourite "Pin Up".   The better her photo, the less hassle the Instructors will give you during morning inspection...

lol, on my basic,   for inspection, I had a picture of the guy across from me, he had a picture of me, all the guys in our room.

Then the MCpl made us all profess our love for roomates...and we had to have each other's pictures up for the rest of the course

One guy had a picture of a cow and he called it his g/f.   The instructor said "you're very lucky".

Well its not my story, but I heard it from someone

It's on the list. Bring it. Put a picture of your girlfriend or wife in it. Leave the funny stuff until you're almost done, and the Staff won't rip your heart out for being a 'comedian'.

Cows, your room-mate, a pin-up, any of this would be ammo I would use to make your life even more miserable. Don't give them any more ammo. It's not worth it.

family snapshot, your dog, something that connects you to Home, Hearth, and all that stuff you're probably taking for granted right now.

Most of this was found on page one, please go back and have a look.

I did read the entire thread, but thank you.
All the answers are varying from magazine cut outs to pics of ex's to pics of cows.
Then you get paracowboy on there saying he would make your life heck if you had any sort of comedic pics in the frame.

So what isn't gonna get you on the torture list at BMQ?

Modified to add:
What is not going to get you on the torture list in regards to pics in your 5X7 frame?
Springroll said:
So what isn't gonna get you on the torture list at BMQ?

Silly questions.   Questions at inappropriate times.   Not listening to Instructions.   Not paying attention to detail....................Not doing any of those and a myriad of other silly things.
S.A.Blundon said:
atticus is going in my picture frame!! HAHAHA ;D :P

?? Haha, I don't get it either.

As for the idea of bringing a picture for every week, that's a very good idea. If I had it my way, there'd be no picture frame, because seeing picutres of family, etc would probably want me to be home and not on BMQ. But, since I HAVE to... I'll probably bring non-family pictures, probably ones of friends and good times.

I really think the picture each week is a VERY good idea though.
S.A.Blundon said:
atticus is going in my picture frame!! HAHAHA ;D :P

atticus said:
I don't get it.  ???

atticus said:
I still don't get it...

Fry said:
?? Haha, I don't get it either.

His avatar, perhaps?
