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PM seeks Parliament shutdown till March 2010

Thanks for clarifying that. Makes a lot more sense now.
I knew (read: hoped) someone couldn't just openly shoot themselves in the foot like that.
owa said:
So get mad at them for working when they don't have to?

Please check to see the placement of the arc markers.

Liberal MP's in Ottawa during prorogation = not working

MP's in their constituency offices during prorogation = working

Ensure you are aiming downrange, and not at your foot....
Thucydides said:
Please check to see the placement of the arc markers.

Liberal MP's in Ottawa during prorogation = not working

MP's in their constituency offices during prorogation = working

Ensure you are aiming downrange, and not at your foot....

I suppose if they were in Ottawa on vacation it wouldn't be considered work.


but that's not really what they're doing.
I am trying to be respectful as much as I can to everybody. The Prime Minister's decision to prorogue is lawful. Whatever reasons one can decipher out of it (whether it has good intent or not) is out of the question. If one shall stricty apply the law, any attempt to nullify a lawful decision of the majority of Parliament because of one unrelated isolated incident can amount to sedition.

ps. I read almost all of the posts of this thread and they were all amusing and funny. Keep up the good work guys!
PolSciPof said:
The Prime Minister's decision to prorogue is lawful.

It may be lawful, but that does not necessarily make it right.

Both terms are not mutually inclusive.
No offense, CDN AViator, but how right is this: "You give to Ceasar what is suppose to be his, and to God what is suppose to be His". I belong to a Church. Anybody who fails to subscribe to this gets expelled from the Church. No kiddin'. That is why we support the lawful incumbent, right or wrong or until he finishes his term..
PolSciPof said:
No offense, CDN AViator, but how right is this: "You give to Ceasar what is suppose to be his, and to God what is suppose to be His". I belong to a Church. Anybody who fails to subscribe to this gets expelled from the Church. No kiddin'. That is why we support the lawful incumbent, right or wrong or until he finishes his term..
  WTF ? ???
He is your Commander in Chief. He is up in the chain of command. You are entitled to your opinion, So am I, sir!
The PM is not Commander in Chief of The Canadian Armed Forces.
PolSciPof said:
He is your Commander in Chief. He is up in the chain of command. You are entitled to your opinion, So am I, sir!
He's not my Commander in Chief. My Commander is the Governor-General (and she's not a "he" by the way, since we're explaining basics)

I accept that there are things, about which neither of us has the first clue. Yours is obviously things military, and mine.....well, you're apparently a PolSciPof.....and I have no idea what a "Pof" is.
Assuming he is not Commander-in-Chief, still he belongs to the chain of command. He appointed McKay. McKay was perceived to be the reason behind prorogue. McKay is the master of Canadian Forces. The good Lord said, (emphatically): NO SERVANT IS ABOVE THE MASTER.  (I am joking, sirs)
As a Poli Sci wallah, you may want to put the bible down for a while and pick up a book on the structure of the Chain of Command in regard to Canadian politics.
PolSciPof said:
........  (I am joking, sirs)

I think you may have to work some on that sense of humour of yours.  It isn't as polished as it may seem to you.
PolSciPof said:
Assuming he is not Commander-in-Chief, still he belongs to the chain of command. He appointed McKay. McKay was perceived to be the reason behind prorogue. McKay is the master of Canadian Forces.

You are out of your lane.

Stick to what you know.....I'm going out on a limb and thinking Bible studies.

PolSciPof said:
Assuming he is not Commander-in-Chief, still he belongs to the chain of command. He appointed McKay. McKay was perceived to be the reason behind prorogue. McKay is the master of Canadian Forces. The good Lord said, (emphatically): NO SERVANT IS ABOVE THE MASTER.  (I am joking, sirs)

...Could you please provide some sort of reference that shows that "McKay was perceived to be the reason behind prorogue"...?

IMO, it's "For Queen and Country".  The PM is /part/ of that country, yes - but we do not elect him. My loyalty lies within the rightfully and democratically elected body of Parliament.

Canadians seem to know more about the American political system than their own, and I'd say that is part of your confusion...
Journeyman said:
well, you're apparently a PolSciPof.....and I have no idea what a "Pof" is.

Pillar of Fire ( Church )?
PolSciPof said:
No offense, CDN AViator, but how right is this: "You give to Ceasar what is suppose to be his, and to God what is suppose to be His". I belong to a Church. Anybody who fails to subscribe to this gets expelled from the Church. No kiddin'. That is why we support the lawful incumbent, right or wrong or until he finishes his term..

I thought that Jesus' "Render unto Caesar" bit had more to do with a nuanced view of how to reconcile living in the real and spiritual worlds at the same time, even when they might be at odds.

What does this have to do with the thread?
PolSciPof said:
No offense, CDN AViator,

I'm not offended. Youare the one who cant correctly identify the commander-in-cheif of the armed forces. You are the one that doesnt seem to know that there is a process to removed an incumbent before his/her term is over.

Maybe you did PolSci at an online school ?
OK, someone please tell me who the hell Peter McKay is.

I don't know that guy; I do however know my MND;)
hold_fast said:
...Could you please provide some sort of reference that shows that "McKay was perceived to be the reason behind prorogue"...?

This is a political game.  He is trying to say that because Peter MacKay is the current Minister of National Defence, it is because of him that the Conservatives are proroguing Parliament to cover up the nasty business of handing over prisoners to the lawful authorities in Afghanistan; a policy that was put in place by the Lieberal Government.  Somehow, this Political Scientist hasn't bothered to look at the relevant facts in this situation, and is looking for cause to further smear the Government. 

Perhaps he should join the discussion on the handling of detainees in the other forum.  He may educate himself a little more on the subject as well as the policies of several different domestic and foreign governments.