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PM seeks Parliament shutdown till March 2010

Our MND is Peter MacKay. MacKay.

Prof is professor; I have no idea what a "pof" is, but I do know that a PoliSciPof is incorrectly spelling the name of a Minister of Parliament - the MND - whom was appointed by the PM he had earlier incorrectly identified as our CinC.

For some reason, I'm scared about that.

Please please tell me that Pof is not an incorrect spelling for "Prof" - especially one in the genre of PoliSci. Please. Some things are within my lanes and other things are not but this has got me really wondering exactly what lanes we are responding to?
Gentlemen of this forum, I rest my case. (PolSciPof stands for Political Science Professor who refers to my professor in law who happened to be a PhD in Political Science whom I want to emulate, He is the source of my posts)
I guess in order for someone to be "off their meds" they have to be on them in the first place...

If you have an original thought please feel free to share it. Otherwise tell your Pof to register and post for himself.

This session is now in recess.
PolSciPof said:
Gentlemen of this forum, I rest my case. (PolSciPof stands for Political Science Professor who refers to my professor in law who happened to be a PhD in Political Science whom I want to emulate, He is the source of my posts)

???  Rest what case? 

I hope that this isn't coming out of U of T, as that would mean that the poster and their emulated friend hold artwork that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. 

Plagiarism is in a way a compliment to the original author, but often totally misunderstood by the person doing the plagiarizing.  It shows a total lack of individual thought.  It also indicates that the person doing the plagiarizing is a fraudster.

(PS:  I use Spell Check.)
Now that the drama is over, let's get back on track. This isn't about PolSciPof.

Move on.

Milnet.ca Staff
His famous quote that sent shivers in the whole academic communisty (with plausible exolanations, lest I be accused of plagiarism): FREE ENTERPRISE IS NOT AFFECTED BY HURRICANE KATRINA
OK.....so...back on topic of parliament not being in session.

I think that today and the next few days will show exactly that the government can work, when or if the DART deploys and DFAIT or whoever else gets involved.  No debate needed, just action.
Technoviking said:
OK.....so...back on topic of parliament not being in session.

I think that today and the next few days will show exactly that the government can work, when or if the DART deploys and DFAIT or whoever else gets involved.  No debate needed, just action.

How about the passage of bills authorizing financial aid? I'm unfamiliar with how much financial aid can be pledged without authorization of the parliament or cabinet. I'm thinking back to the 2004 tsunami, when parliament was recessed but not prorogued.
I do not wish to play politics with the Haitian disaster but, with stories titled Cabinet huddles amid 'grim reports' from Haiti and with pictures like this dominating the news:


The Globe and Mail

it is going to be harder for the Liberals and the Harper hating media to say that we 'need' the HoC and Senate to be sitting. Canada, under the direction of the Government of Canada (Stephen Harper Prop.), is doing what needs to be done. Who needs Ujal Dosanjh and John McCallum and the Afghan detainee tempest in a teapot?

There is more than sufficient money available, even in the last quarter of the fiscal year, to cover anything and everything we might want to do for Haiti - which will be measured in the millions, maybe even tens of  millions of dollars, nowhere near a billion. When parliament resumes in March the government will, likely, ask for, interim supply - a money bill - to cover all the costs, if only to secure the wholehearted approval of the opposition parties (none will dare vote against such a motion) for what the government did while the nobodies were in recess.

Soon enough Canadians will be watching the Winter Olympics and the media will be totally preoccupied with them. Parliamentary squabbles will take a distant second place.

Again, not to make light of a tragic situation, but this is a political godsend for the Conservatives.
PolSciPof said:
His famous quote that sent shivers in the whole academic communisty (with plausible exolanations, lest I be accused of plagiarism): FREE ENTERPRISE IS NOT AFFECTED BY HURRICANE KATRINA

48 hour time out is now in order. Next one like that and you're gone.

The Army.ca Staff
ERC, maybe you do not want to play politics with the Haitian disaster, but that does not stop the CBC.

The LPC ally, the CBC includes these links in their timeline of Canada's response :

UPDATE 11:20 a.m. - Colleague Kady O'Malley's researching how prorogation may hinder Canada's efforts to help Haiti.

UPDATE 1:21 p.m. - From colleague Julie Van Dusen on potential problems prorogation could present to Canada's response to the quake: PMO says there's no reason to recall Parliament for anything needed for Haiti.

My complaint is the media in Canada.
I'm afraid it (prorogation) is all the Harper Haters - and the CBC is full of 'em - have to work with. Iggy Iffy Icarus is about as exciting as a damp squib on his 'University Tour,' no headlines there. The only dead horse they have flog is prorogation  :deadhorse:
E.R. Campbell said:
I'm afraid it (prorogation) is all the Harper Haters - and the CBC is full of 'em - have to work with. Iggy Iffy Icarus is about as exciting as a damp squib on his 'University Tour,' no headlines there. The only dead horse they have flog is prorogation  :deadhorse:

It's not merely Harper haters taking issue with prorogation. There are many of us who voted for him who are opposed to the prorogue as well; up to 32% of conservatives, if EKOS is to be believed.
... if EKOS is to be believed.
Sorry to keep beating on this, but I prefer informed opinions.

If that's too subtle, I don't make up my mind by opinion polls -- dubious or otherwise.
Journeyman said:
Sorry to keep beating on this, but I prefer informed opinions.

If that's too subtle, I don't make up my mind by opinion polls -- dubious or otherwise.

I'm not suggesting that should sway your personal views about prorogue, just that it is indicative that a great many Canadians are opposed to it, including a substantial number from the right wing. It's merely irritating to be assumed to be a 'Harper hater' just because I'm against prorogue.

'Dubious or otherwise'... Are you suggesting the EKOS poll on the subject used flawed methodology or that it is unreliable for some other reason? The mathematics of opinion polling are long established...
Journeyman said:
Sorry to keep beating on this, but I prefer informed opinions.

Nice idea, but those with informed opinions don't necessarily elect the government, so, unfortunately, opinion polls can't be ignored.  Of course memories can be short and something shiney will no doubt come along to distract everyone once parliment is back.
If work is getting done, and Parliament is out...?  Has anyone ever seen Question Period?  Gad dammed embarrassing.  Dissolve the whole thing and run a Conservative dictatorship.  I think it's time.  ^-^
(clip is selected to highlight immature fratboy antics, not being partisan)

that's pretty much what I was thinking ...

How much more effectiently things are actually happening right now!!

Hmmm DART off and running within a day; a ship recalled to stock and ship out the same evening (last) of the quake ... and parliament is NOT in session.

But, that's a whole damn lot quicker than the more-than-a-week-later that the Liberals managed to pull off for the tsunami.

Mr Harper - kudos to you - I'm impressed!

If a parliament shut down means that things are actually occuring more effeciently, I'm good with it being closed.
