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Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

X-men's Wolverine...who wiped out his steel claws and proceeded to puncture 20 beer kegs which were sitting beside the parking lot...the wave of beer from the punctured kegs caused a wave and washed all of the putrid emesis down the drains...Navymich was standing back in awe of this handsome creature, as t...
...he Meatheads came flying around the corner, Lights a flashing, Siren a screaming, Tim Horton's streaming down the side of their car, inertia flinging the box of Timbits outwards across the dash towards the outside of the turn; a true demonstration of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, as if in slow motion g....
going "SPLAT" against the windscreen, at the same time causing the coffee to spill in their laps, causing a great almighty c...

...ry heard all the way to Kandahar.  Around the K-town Timmys, heads popped up and ears turned westward towards the mournful sound of a cup of spilled double double, splashing onto the cruiser floor mats.  In the days following the disaster, Canadian soldiers everywhere were heard to say ".....
....silly men!  All you had to do is wring out the carpets and you would have saved 85% of the coffee.  Meatheads!  Not to swift in t.....
the ways of preventing caffiene abuse.  As a direct result of this incident, a special investigative body was formed with the moniker of C...
AFFIENE (I'll get back to you in the meaning) .  But before they can sort out our hapless pair, up struts Geo, his RSM stache waxed to a rapier's point, spit shined boots gleaming in the roof lights of the cruiser.  "OUT YOU!!" he screams as the two MPs add urine to the puddle on the floor.  Frozen in terror, they stare at this malevolent sight: a real, live Army Chief in full rage!  Menacingly, he leans in the cruiser window. His eyes dancing with hell fire, he points to the perimeter fence some two kilometers distant and rumbles "GO!!!"  Immediately, the pair egresses thier soiled patrol unit and sprints towards the faint line on the horizon.  O'Leary sidles up to Geo and whispers "They're headed towards the wrong fence, aren't they?"  N....
No - not the MP`s.  Could just be a combination of fear and caffiene withdrawl; not an uncommon problem in that line of work I hear.  On the bright side, they won`t be a...

....rresting their development without the joys of physical activity.  Spec Pay just covers the costs of coffee and Timbits, when they are 'lost in action'.  Over on the fenceline, overgrown with weeds, in the marshland of the back forty, our two have become disorientated.  They use their trusty Motorolas and call in for help.  They are instructed to put the moon over their left shoulders and that should now have them facing Mecca; which will point them in the direction of the West Gate s...
so they can now find their way to the local Timmy's.  W....
Where Hot Lips is already...treating MM, OM, AM and the lot to coffee...as all good m.........
...men should know, Hot Lips works hard to be a good cook, but sometimes the bright purple hair and singing can ruin your appetite (see other thread).  Fortunately our two wayward MPs have hearts of gold and stomachs of iron, and avoid polluting the ground around them with further pools of unmentionable liquids. Meanwhile back at the O.K. Timmy's in Kandahar, t...
the red hatted waifs have returned, hoping to get a freebie handout/refill due" to circumstances beyond their control" causing them to commit caffiene and fat pill abuse all in the same motion.  Of course the manager looks at them like the 4 headed aliens she thinks they are, dressed as the are in l...
...ndiana Jone's next sequel, "In Search of the Monkey, the Franko Saga", and chasing a wild  Dissident, career_radio-checker, down to the docks o....
...f Kandahar, a well-meaning but questionable project funded by a variety of UN coastal nations, whose justification was that so much commerce comes by sea, that it could only benefit A-stan to have one of their own.  Disappointingly, this p....
....yramid scheme can only be effected in the wilds of the Great White North's Capital City, that Wild West, Roaring Twenty's Town, Bytown (or Ottawa to some) where the wheeling and dealing in the next Supply and Services Contracts unfold in darkened back rooms of the Roan Oak Golf Course under the watchful eye of Z......
...Zulu warriors who are still peeved that they are protrayed in films as having been bested by a small British force of m...
Memsahbs with their penchant for blue hair and Pink Gin w..
...wth those funny little umbrellas for keeping the hot sun of the side of the glass they are drinking off of.  Meanwhile in the Great White North's capital city, rumblings are being heard in p...
...ubs and bars that next Canada Day will be dry.  However, Gatineau city council has requested federal funding to build a beer chute joining Ottawa and Gatineau.  The Americans immediately cried foul stating that they could easily sell American near beer, brewed under NAFTA rules, in Major's Hill Park, across from the Embassy.  The Liberals jumped on this, bringing a motion in Parilament that would allow people of all ages to consume the American beer because it's not "real" beer.  In protest, Carolyn Parrish was seen to stomp on a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon on the steps of the US Embassy.  The Marine Security Guards i.....