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Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jonathan Vance said an analysis of where the Armed Forces may go should there be a future deployment is still underway.

If we go anywhere at all.

US version.  "Yes, Mr. President.  As you requested, to meet the threat from those perfidious Canadians, we have prepared a current invasion plan.  We await your further instructions."

MOAR speculation, this time from unnamed defence sources ...
The Canadian military is finalizing plans to send transport aircraft to support French counter-terrorism operations in northern Africa.

Defence officials say the planes would likely be used to transport French troops and equipment into the Sahel region, which includes Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad and Mali ...
This from the last time we did this (also attached in case link doesn't work).


But the French op is not part of UN peacekeeping, peace support operations, whatever!

MarkOttawa said:
But the French op is not part of UN peacekeeping, peace support operations, whatever!

IF that's what happens, I'm sure the Info-machine'll be up to the challenge  ;D
milnews.ca said:
MOAR speculation, this time from unnamed defence sources ...This from the last time we did this (also attached in case link doesn't work).

the French are still waiting for their A400's. The C-17 and the C130J are the Tory gift that will keep giving for the next 25 years.
Colin P said:
the French are still waiting for their A400's. The C-17 and the C130J are the Tory gift that will keep giving for the next 25 years.

which probably lead to someone saying "I wonder if Canada might want those mistrals?" which of course didn't happen any way but it was nice to be considered. From the defense point of view the cons seemed to trying to bring closer ties to France, perhaps giving european and particularly French companies a chance for canadian contracts.
Humphrey Bogart said:
You also used to see a lot of PRes folks on small missions, like UNMO or working for DMTC because the Reg Force just didn't care about filling them.  When I was in Jamaica in 2012 for six months with DMTC, 5 of the 8 folks there were Class B or C folks at DMTC.  The Regular Force just doesn't care about those jobs which is why it was so hard to get on Rotos for Op ATTENTION, the Congo, etc... If it ain't about pumping out Battlegroups for the Army or ATFs for the Air Force, as a Reg Force member, forget about it.

Same phenomena on Op IMPACT
MJP said:
Not from a CSS perspective, Both ROTO 4 & 5 are out of the Reg Force hides.

When I was on RSS duty a few years ago, reserve CSS was in bad shape, in terms of equipment, manning and training. I'm not sure that the Reserves being heavily used for CSS on Op Impact is an option.
Last time I was over to play in that sandbox, there was already WAY too much tail for the tooth in theatre;  it was becoming ''supporters supporting supporters".  Way too much bark, not enough bite.  If we need Res augmentation to keep IMPACT going, we are in pretty bad shape IMO.
Eye In The Sky said:
Last time I was over to play in that sandbox, there was already WAY too much tail for the tooth in theatre;  it was becoming ''supporters supporting supporters".  Way too much bark, not enough bite.  If we need Res augmentation to keep IMPACT going, we are in pretty bad shape IMO.

We don't need Reserve Augmentation, our pers management is just that bad and we have blanket policies whereby ex-number of positions will be filled by Reservists. 

This is particularly true for General Service Officers.  I have a friend who left the Army two years ago and now works in Toronto.  He transferred to the Primary Reserve and immediately got a tour to Op IMPACT.  He is Int, you can't tell me we didn't have a Reg who could have filled his position?
MilEME09 said:
which probably lead to someone saying "I wonder if Canada might want those mistrals?" which of course didn't happen any way but it was nice to be considered. From the defense point of view the cons seemed to trying to bring closer ties to France, perhaps giving european and particularly French companies a chance for canadian contracts.

Our existing airlift capability gives us a strategic capability that allows us to help or take part in operations globally, you can buy a lot of favors that way for little political costs, the Mistrals would have given us another way to be part of the international community and to build relationships. It would have also changed the way we do many things. 
Matthew Fisher: Canada’s jilted partners languish as peacekeeping fetish feeds love affair with the UN

Yup, increasing Jr. is acting more like Sr. in many ways (but without the experience and skills)... god help us all, we're really screwed.

daftandbarmy said:
Matthew Fisher: Canada’s jilted partners languish as peacekeeping fetish feeds love affair with the UN

jollyjacktar said:
Yup, increasing Jr. is acting more like Sr. in many ways (but without the experience and skills)... god help us all, we're really screwed.
I was unaware that nations such as Germany, France,  czech republic, Spain were not a part of NATO.

Altair said:
I was unaware that nations such as Germany, France,  czech republic, Spain were not a part of NATO.

And that has what exactly to do with the son following the similar ideological paths as the father as indicated in the store?
jollyjacktar said:
And that has what exactly to do with the son following the similar ideological paths as the father as indicated in the store?

On NORAD, it looks as if Trudeau is determined to buy a new fighter jet that will not have the latest capabilities that the American and other NATO aircraft have

Quotes from the article you posted.

That's ok, to Matthew Fisher NATO=America.
Considering we spend more than Czech Republic and Spain combined per year on defense, and that France + Germany only equals 13% of what the US spends, I think its a safe assumption that we will spend a significant amount of time operating with US aircraft (especially for NORAD, which he directly related the statement to), than the combined air forces of Spain, Germany, France and Czech Republic.

We're way off topic now, although that article was pretty omnibus critical of all of the current government's defense/foreign policy decisions to date.
South Sudan: 100,000 people trapped in Yei, UN refugee agency warns

So the UN is going to start up their tanks, issue frag orders to foot soldiers and roll out to go help those 100'000 people right?