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Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

People wanted a world with less USA, now they are getting it, enjoy the dragon, if you say the right things, they will allow you to keep a small rice bowel.
jmt18325 said:
It was a poorly placed remark, to be sure (though he's not wrong - they can certainly get things done).

If you're speaking of the suppression of anti communist groups, religion and the execution of people who may or may not be criminals you have a case.

Honestly....  :facepalm:
Colin P said:
People wanted a world with less USA, now they are getting it, enjoy the dragon and the bear, if you say the right things, they will allow you to keep a small rice bowel.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Jmt, you just can't admit that Trudeau jr. can be stupid at times, can you?

Well, here is an example of the results you get with a Chinese type of dictatorship running an economy by "turning on a dime" and, to quote you, "get things done".


Poorly placed is a nice way of staying stupid.  It doesn't mean he's wrong.

Being able to do what you want all the time (building empty cities) doesn't dispute that you can do it any time you want.  He's not wrong in that their system is efficient, if nothing else.
jmt18325 said:
Poorly placed is a nice way of staying stupid.  It doesn't mean he's wrong.

Being able to do what you want all the time (building empty cities) doesn't dispute that you can do it any time you want.  He's not wrong in that their system is efficient, if nothing else.

I am thinking that building empty cities and efficient system may run toward the Oxymoronic.  All this commie admiration is creepy at best.
Building empty cities or otherwise making investments on the basis of personal feelings, paying off crony's or other, non market factors simply leads to waste, fraud, declining economic performance and eventually social and political turmoil. Sure, you can keep a lid on things, much like using a pressure cooker, or accept long term underperformance (ever wonder why Quebec, with an abundance of natural resources, educated population and diverse economy, is alway the caboose of Confederation rather than Canada's richest province?). F.A Hayek provides some good insights into why this is so.

At any rate, as both the earlier example upthread of a US support and UAV base in Niger and the more recent declaration of the Chinese becoming heavily involved in operations in Africa demonstrate, any reasons we may have had to go to Africa seem to be rapidly being overtaken by events. We run the risk of either being stranded (like the "Bungle in the Jungle", the government of that day was looking for a mission, but allies were not interested in either Africa or providing needed logistical support for the proposed Canadian mission), sidelined or being placed in a situation where the senior partners (be it France, the US or China) deem us to be useful, but in no way advancing any Canadian interest in the region.

Once again this comes down to not being able to articulate the "why" of this decision. Fighting ISIS and opposing Russian aggression in Europe have clear goals and support existing Canadian interests. It is possible to make arguments both "for" and "against" with clear premises and metrics to support your side of the argument. UN missions in Africa? Not so much.....
Lightguns said:
I am thinking that building empty cities and efficient system may run toward the Oxymoronic.  All this commie admiration is creepy at best.

And I can't figure out how anyone could state that building empty cities would be "efficient".  Would that also apply to bringing in tens of thousands of refugees, many of whom are uneducated and unskilled? 
jmt18325 said:
Poorly placed is a nice way of staying stupid.  It doesn't mean he's wrong.

Being able to do what you want all the time (building empty cities) doesn't dispute that you can do it any time you want.  He's not wrong in that their system is efficient, if nothing else.

Would you just please stop the Trudeau love?

There is nothing- NOTHING! To admire about a dictatorship that executes its people without due process and where the rule of law is really the just the whim of whomever is in charge.

I do not mind saying that you are a dangerous idiot of the highest order if you actually believe for a second that their form of dictatorship is preferable or superior or a better fit for Canada in anyway to our democratic (but admittedly mess at times) system of government that has evolved over 900 years.

I am no Liberal fan boy, but I admit and accept that they won the last election and that they are the duly and legally constituted government of Canada. Like most governments, they have done things that I both agree and disagree with. I will both criticize and applaud appropriately.

You, on the other hand, seem to be so blinded by Trudeau love that you cannot even acknowledge what was a patently obviously STUPID statement from an inexperienced politician.
George Wallace said:
And I can't figure out how anyone could state that building empty cities would be "efficient".  Would that also apply to bringing in tens of thousands of refugees, many of whom are uneducated and unskilled?

It is easy George.

Decisions were efficiently made.
Actions were efficiently taken.
Cities were efficiently built.

The decision makers were efficiently given the opportunity to discover just how badly they had screwed up.

Edit:  Or, in other terms.

2Lt: "Thank you, Warrant.  I think we will do it my way, in any case."
WO:"Yes, Sir!"

Chris Pook said:
It is easy George.

Decisions were efficiently made.
Actions were efficiently taken.
Cities were efficiently built.

Yes - that. 

Why is it so hard to understand what he meant?
jmt18325 said:
Poorly placed is a nice way of staying stupid.  It doesn't mean he's wrong.

Being able to do what you want all the time (building empty cities) doesn't dispute that you can do it any time you want.  He's not wrong in that their system is efficient, if nothing else.

He's wrong. A government that willfully murders its people to hold power is fundamentally wrong. Or may you just don't get it.
His daddy loved the communist dictatorships supporting countries like Cuba it's no surprise that another Turdeau loves them as well.
jmt18325 said:
Chris Pook said:
It is easy George.

Decisions were efficiently made.
Actions were efficiently taken.
Cities were efficiently built.

Yes - that. 

Why is it so hard to understand what he meant?


Look at that again.

Decisions were efficiently made.
Actions were efficiently taken.
Cities were efficiently built.

Building Ghost Towns Cities is not efficient.  It is not efficient spending of money.  It is not efficient use of materials.  It is not efficient use of land. 

I am sorry that you missed the sarcasm in that post.  It was to make light of the inefficiencies and incompetence of those who make those decisions, take those actions and create something that is neither needed nor useful.  It reeks of the incompetence we are currently seeing in handling of our refugee program; but more importantly in the handling of the subject that this thread is discussing:.....Deploying Canadian Troops overseas with the proper equipment, ROEs, etc.
George Wallace said:
Yes - that. 

Why is it so hard to understand what he meant?


Look at that again.

Decisions were efficiently made.
Actions were efficiently taken.
Cities were efficiently built.

Building Ghost Towns Cities is not efficient.  It is not efficient spending of money.  It is not efficient use of materials.  It is not efficient use of land. 

I am sorry that you missed the sarcasm in that post.  It was to make light of the inefficiencies and incompetence of those who make those decisions, take those actions and create something that is neither needed or useful.  It reeks of the incompetence we are currently seeing in handling of our refugee program; but more importantly in the handling of the subject that this thread is discussing:.....Deploying Canadian Troops overseas with the proper equipment, ROEs, etc.
Oh, is that the topic?

I thought it was the bash trudeau thread. [lol:
Altair said:
Oh, is that the topic?

I thought it was the bash trudeau thread. [lol:

Perhaps people are just examining the 'root causes' of his beliefs, which naturally informs his decision making thought process. 
MARS said:
Perhaps people are just examining the 'root causes' of his beliefs, which naturally informs his decision making thought process.

MARS said:
Perhaps people are just examining the 'root causes' of his beliefs, which naturally informs his decision making thought process.
There is a great thread to talk about root causes.
