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Sept 2023 UKR Vet Recognition Incident (merged from several threads)

Maybe I spoke too soon and taking a sarcastic tone about SS veterans associations.

It's in Ukrainian, but with machine translation:



And a blog post from 2011


And a blog post from 2011
I have this strong urge to vomit.
A good article on the whole mess.

Better than most of the commentary about the issue, but the part in which it refers to the Deschenes Commission and the "adequacy" of its investigation into the Galicia Division, does seem at odds with other commentary (which predates the HoC episode, some by years/decades) that suggests the Commission did not properly take into account that the entire SS had been declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg Trials. That ruling would (or should) have applied to all members of the organization except for conscripts.

In the 1980s, Canada began wrestling with the possible presence of Nazi war criminals on its soil. So it set up an inquiry: The Deschênes Commission. And that study spent a significant amount of time investigating the role the Galicia Division played in the war. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducted a parallel investigation.

Both studies found that Canada adequately screened the members of the Galicia Division before they entered Canada, that there had been no credible evidence that those émigrés had committed war crimes, nor had evidence emerged since then. “Mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to justify prosecution,” the Commission found. It further found no evidence of fraud or misrepresentation: “The members of the Galicia Division have never hidden their membership in the Division, nor indeed could they.”

Since the Deschenes Commission has been referenced I've provided a link. Actually four links, in order of the way that it's been chopped up on the government site.

I've only been able to have only a cursory look at it. It's long and not actually an easy read. But at first glance, I'm not impressed with their conclusions.
Operation Paperclip was a program that the USA developed to import German scientists post WW2. Maybe Canada was a partner in that.
The NASA we know of today most likely would of never existed without Operation Paperclip.

As dirty as it is, if they didn't take them over, USSR would have(they did take a lot as is). Which totally changes how the arms race plays out during the mid century.

I feel if Paperclip never happened, USSR would still be relevant today, and arguably the worlds top Superpower.
The NASA we know of today most likely would of never existed without Operation Paperclip.

As dirty as it is, if they didn't take them over, USSR would have(they did take a lot as is). Which totally changes how the arms race plays out during the mid century.

I feel if Paperclip never happened, USSR would still be relevant today, and arguably the worlds top Superpower.

The Space Race USA vs USSR

History is messy folks. Why didn't we put Kurt Meyer against the wall? Why didn't we accept the Jewish refugees prior to WWII? Why did we allow thousands of German POW's to stay in Canada? The list goes on and on.

Still doesn't absolve the former speaker not putting 2 and 2 together.
Our good Friends the Brits pawned about 600 or so of those SS assholes on us. In or about the late 40s.
But the UK also took a fair number of them, too.

Yup, the Deschenes Commission was far from ideal (politics will politic), there's criticism about it not seeking Soviet/Eastern Bloc evidence. Let's not forget that in the 1980's, evidence from the USSR or its satellites would have been considered in the same light as similar evidence from Communist China. By comparison, how willing would anyone be to call for the extradition of a Uiygir activist in Canada because of Chinese "evidence" of terrorist activities?

Some smarter than me say the USSR was also happy to shape any anti-Soviet UKR expat stuff as all CIA backed shenanigans - more on that idea in the attached.


For whatever it's worth now ...
For whatever it's worth now ...
He didn't promise to "do better", though.
And the Daily Telegraph trumpets Canada's humiliation

In one article,
after the weekend rush,
in the news section
subsection : World
subsubsection : US News

Other countries at least get covered with sections on their continents.
We are subsumed into the US.
Now that is humiliating.

Canada’s House speaker quits after praising Nazi soldier in parliament​

Foreign minister had demanded Anthony Rota step down after ‘embarrassing’ nation by saying Ukrainian SS veteran was a war hero

ByAndrew Buncombe26 September 2023 • 4:59pm

Anthony Rota, Canada’s House of Commons speaker, has apologised but resisted growing calls to quit

Anthony Rota, Canada’s House of Commons speaker, has apologised but resisted growing calls to quit CREDIT: BLAIR GABLE/REUTERS
The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons resigned on Tuesday, just days after he publicly praised a former Nazi soldier in Parliament in an incident that Russia seized on to justify its invasion of Ukraine.
Anthony Rota, a member of prime minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party, said his resignation would take effect on Wednesday. Until then a deputy speaker will be in charge.
Mr Rota told lawmakers he had made a mistake by inviting ex-soldier Yaroslav Hunka, 98, to attend a session in the House honouring Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, last Friday.

Yaroslav Hunka, 98, a Waffen SS veteran, is given a standing ovation by the Canadian parliament
Mr Rota publicly recognised Mr Hunka, calling him a hero. Members of Parliament from all parties rose to applaud Mr Hunka, unaware of the details of who he was.
But the speaker’s position rapidly became untenable after it emerged that the former soldier had served in one of Adolf Hitler’s Waffen SS units during the Second World War. Russia called the incident outrageous.
“That public recognition has caused pain to individuals and communities, including the Jewish community in Canada and around the world ... I accept full responsibility for my actions,” Mr Rota said.
The episode played into the narrative promoted by Russian president Vladimir Putin that he sent his army into Ukraine last year to “demilitarise and denazify” the country, a charge Kyiv and Western allies say is baseless.
Mr Zelenskyy is Jewish and lost relatives in the Holocaust.

Anthony Rota greets Volodymyr Zelensky, who thanked Canada for the billions of dollars in aid and weapons it has given Ukraine CREDIT: Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press/AP
The furore over Mr Hunka tarnished the Ukrainian leader’s visit to Canada, which saw him thank the country for the billions of dollars in aid and weapons it has provided since Russia invaded in February 2022.
Melanie Joly, the foreign minister, earlier said Mr Rota should resign while prime minister Justin Trudeau called on him to ponder his future.
Although opposition parties blamed what they called failings by Mr Trudeau’s Liberal government for the affair, Mr Rota said he took sole responsibility for what had happened.
Mr Hunka lives in Mr Rota’s parliamentary constituency.
During his own speech during Friday’s parliamentary session, Mr Zelensky told Canadian lawmakers that “Moscow must lose once and for all”.
“And it will lose,” Mr Zelensky added, before praising Canada for having always been on the “bright side of history”.

Apparently we got another mention today -
Both accounts factual with little to no editorializing.

Trudeau gives ‘unreserved’ apology for honouring of Nazi in parliament​

Canadian leader says his country is ‘deeply embarrassed’ after incident that was ‘a terrible mistake and a violation’

ByOur Foreign Staff27 September 2023 • 9:40pm

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Justin Trudeau on Wednesday offered an “unreserved” apology in parliament after the legislature publicly celebrated a Ukrainian Second World War veteran who fought alongside the Nazis.
“I would like to present unreserved apologies for what took place on Friday and to President [Volodymyr] Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation for the position they were put in, for all of us who were present,” the Canadian prime minister told lawmakers.
“To have unknowingly recognised this individual was a terrible mistake and a violation of the memory of those who suffered grievously at the hands of the Nazi regime.”
The Canadian leader was referring to an embarrassing incident that marred a visit by Mr Zelensky last week, sparking an uproar that led to the resignation of the parliament’s speaker on Tuesday.
The Ukrainian president was in Canada as part of a tour to bolster Western support for his country’s struggle against Russian invasion.
Mr Zelensky was in the chamber as guest of honour when Anthony Rota, the House speaker, name-checked Yaroslav Hunka as a Second World War hero, prompting a standing ovation.
It emerged afterwards that the elderly veteran had served in a Nazi-linked military unit.
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Mr Trudeau said earlier on Wednesday that the mistake “deeply embarrassed Parliament, and Canada”.
“It was a horrendous violation of the memory of the millions of people who died in the Holocaust,” he added.
Mr Rota stepped down under pressure, saying he had “profound regret for my error” and the pain caused to Jewish communities in Canada and elsewhere.
At the high-profile event for Mr Zelensky, the then-speaker had hailed Hunka as “a Ukrainian-Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” and “a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero”.
Hunka served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, “a Nazi military unit whose crimes against humanity during the Holocaust are well-documented,” according to the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center.

‘Incredibly disturbing’ mistake​

The Jewish advocacy group called the incident “shocking” and “incredibly disturbing”.
The incident cast a shadow over Mr Zelensky’s visit. Russia quickly jumped on the issue, saying that Canada now had to “bring to justice” the 98-year-old man.
Moscow has for years tried to paint the pro-Western Ukrainian government led by Mr Zelensky – who is Jewish – as neo-Nazi and has used the messaging intensively on its state-controlled media to justify the invasion of Ukraine to the Russian people.
Mr Trudeau said he also wanted “to reiterate how deeply sorry Canada is for the situation this put President Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation in”.
“It is extremely troubling to think that this egregious error is being politicised by Russia and its supporters to provide false propaganda about what Ukraine is fighting for,” he said.