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Shortened recruiting times


Army.ca Veteran
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So I've been talking to recruiters in Halifax about getting back in, and the Naval reserve tells me it's now 3-5 months from application to enrolment, and they said it with sincerity so I believe them to a certain extent.
Anyone having started the recruiting process recently find it's taking longer than this amount of time?

Has the system been fixed or was 3-5 months a bit optimistic?

I'm only curious because the biggest complaint on this site in the recruiting forum has generally been the length of time it takes, but if they've fixed that then kudos.
All i know is that i started my application September 1st, and October 31st was offered a job in Infantry.
That's pretty damn fast to me.

The Captain I was speaking to at my swearing in was telling me I was a record under the new processing system that started in September.

Despite the fact I have been in recruiting process for two years...

I have been keeping an eye on people passing through Army.ca and noticed that a lot of people have been getting in much quicker than they used to. Especially people entering into the reserves.

Kincanucks will probably have some actual data on this topic for you.

What about your security clearance?  If you have been in the UK for an excess of 6 months then I am wondering if you could be in for a long wait? You want to check on that issue if you haven't already.

I may have wrote this on another thread, but when I was teaching in Cornwallis 1984 -86, we picked up new recruits off of  the Sunday night 707 at CFB Greenwood who were still hung over from when they had first walked into a Recruiting Center 4 days earlier.  

alexpb said:
All i know is that i started my application September 1st, and October 31st was offered a job in Infantry.
That's pretty damn fast to me.

The Captain I was speaking to at my swearing in was telling me I was a record under the new processing system that started in September.


I was told the same thing!  ;D

The WO who interviewed me walked by and recognized me and said "Holy crap, I just interviewed you last week!"

My application process took 2 months
If you have been in the UK for an excess of 6 months then I am wondering if you could be in for a long wait?

5 months thank god (back for a bit now), I asked them with alot of fear if having lived outside of Canada would impact the process they first asked where and how long and said it wouldn't be a problem.
And I can't be sure but since I've been in already my security clearance might still be valid from before, who knows, my CFAT results still stand.

Seems to be a trend that the system has been improved!
That's a big shiny gold-star for CF recruiting!
Che said:
5 months thank god (back for a bit now), I asked them with alot of fear if having lived outside of Canada would impact the process they first asked where and how long and said it wouldn't be a problem.
And I can't be sure but since I've been in already my security clearance might still be valid from before, who knows, my CFAT results still stand.

Seems to be a trend that the system has been improved!
That's a big shiny gold-star for CF recruiting!

Couldn't agree more! I was honestly expecting a call in another 3-4 months, but I got it a week after my interview. It was insane.
When I started my application process in July, I was also told it would take 3-5 months. My medical just got back from Borden a week and a half ago and my PT retest is next wednesday.

So far the 3-5 months out here in Halifax seems to be about the norm for those not going Infantry and CE...those trades seem to be getting in faster(for obvious reasons)
It definitely depends on the occupation that you are going for, especially for the Reg F, but the period from application to enrolment has been significantly shortened in some cases.  Of course, as I always say it also depends on the applicant as you can speed up the process but if they have excess baggage, such as medical and security concerns, then the process will slow down.
Going to go on a limb and say that perhaps MARS is one of the occupations that the application process might be faster for?
Che said:
Going to go on a limb and say that perhaps MARS is one of the occupations that the application process might be faster for?

Hear that cracking sound yet? I was thinking more like NCM Combat Arms occupations.

Officer applications will always be the speed they are, slow.  Given that there are only two boards and IAP/BOTPs per FY.  In addition, MARS requires a Naval Officer Assessment Board to occur and that can also slow down the process.  Depending on when you submit your application will determine how fast the process is for you.
Ive heard they have this form, that if signed will allow you to start early but it means if there is a problem with your file you maybe pulled out of the CF or have to halt. The only thing with it was it, it was only for first time applicants, people who have already had an attempt or had file closed and re-opened cannot do it. Not sure about this but have heard quite a bit about.

Che said:
So I've been talking to recruiters in Halifax about getting back in, and the Naval reserve tells me it's now 3-5 months from application to enrolment, and they said it with sincerity so I believe them to a certain extent.
Anyone having started the recruiting process recently find it's taking longer than this amount of time?

Has the system been fixed or was 3-5 months a bit optimistic?

I'm only curious because the biggest complaint on this site in the recruiting forum has generally been the length of time it takes, but if they've fixed that then kudos.

I applied on 06/22/2005, and have still not been merit listed. I am waiting for my background check to return. It's been the major delay thus far, even though I have no criminal record, have always lived in Canada, and have minor debt issues at worst. It doesn't look like I'll be merit listed for the November 28th selection board, which sets me back another 6 weeks, meaning I may need to redo some of the components of the application process. I'll have to look forward to the 01/09/2006 selection board, putting my "call" with the job offer somewhere in February, making it about 8 months from application date to job offer, and that's for Combat Arms. And there's still no guarantee for the January board...

Not much can be done about it so I will wait, and wait some more...
Che: I've also noticed that the recruiting process is getting sped up (and it's about time too), but have still notice some significant delays for those with former service. It seems the paperwork for the VFS is still quite lengthy. I've seen some people in processing for a year or more waiting for a VFS to get through.

Not trying to discourage you. I know the shorter process is mostly for Reserve NCM recruits with no former service with no glitches in their applications (criminal record, medical problems etc.)
I started my app 04/14/05. I took the CFAT in June and finally have my medical and interview next week after the VFS. I reckon that since it's been about 16 years since I was last in, they had to get an archaeologist to dig up my records and decipher the hieroglyphs.
Just some info for anyone else reading this thread:

From the day I dropped my application off, to the day I recieved my phone call telling me I'm heading off to BMQ, it was exactly 2 months.
Although I took slightly longer than 2 months, I went by quick too. After doing my PT test (the last part of my application process) I asked the recruiter if she could give me an idea as to how long I will probably wait to goto basic. She told me that I'm looking at around march at that point (this was about 2 weeks ago, mid nevember). Less than a week later I get the call saying I'm going for January 9th! I tell you that REALLY threw me off, but I cant complain since I wanted to make it ASAP.
3 - 5 months ?!...not even close, at least if you wanna become a jag lawyer...I have applied in august 2005 and i'm still waiting for an interview.