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Sig Op QL3 Cease of Training Rumour???


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I heard recently that apparently CFSCE is putting a halt on Sig Op QL3 Training to completely revamp the course, and also apparently because of the supposid "amalgamation" of the Trades that's suppose to happen...

Any truth to any of this? I couldn't see them suspending the Sig Op QL3 program at ALL let alone a full year!!! The CF is very short staffed in terms of Sigs still as far as anyone I've talked to can tell and what the recruiters are still gunning for!

Anyone at CFSCE that can back any of this up? If they're allowed to ATM? I'd just be very shocked to hear that it's actually happening...

Also, the QL5 is suppose to be extended to 4 months now again? Any word on that?

Just another Sig wondering...
Well, one course started about 2 weeks ago, so I can tell you at the very least that it hasn't happened yet.
To my knowledge, no plans to cease training.  The Reg F will see Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Tech amalgamated into a single trade; I'm not certain what will happen with Reservists in those trades.

Lots of work yet to be done though, in defining the requirements for each DP, then starting the new training regime, then delivering the conversion training.  And closing the school until final decisions get made is not going to happen.
dapaterson said:
The Reg F will see Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Tech amalgamated into a single trade
Are you friggin' serious?  Jack of all trades, master of none...
dapaterson said:
To my knowledge, no plans to cease training.  The Reg F will see Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Tech amalgamated into a single trade; I'm not certain what will happen with Reservists in those trades.

Lots of work yet to be done though, in defining the requirements for each DP, then starting the new training regime, then delivering the conversion training.  And closing the school until final decisions get made is not going to happen.

So what you're saying is that those trades are definitely being amalgamated eventually but that's still a year or more probably away because of all the work/logistics that has to go into that. At least I have that answer! I can see that being messy to try and tangle with...

And the school will not be closing at all, just probably some very fast changes to each and every course as they update course material to reflect the current training right?
No idea about the timelines; I know that the OA is done and the OSIP is under development.

(OA = Occupational Analysis; OSIP = Occupational Specification Implementation Plan)
Well then, that clears that up for me anyway...

Thanks a lot BTW dapaterson!
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Are you friggin' serious?  Jack of all trades, master of none...

Haven't heard of this?

All three are being amalgamated into one large "super" trade, "Communications Technician" being the name I've heard kicked around.

They'll have a common QL3, go out to units, and after some OJT, will branch off into one of the 3 trades routes.

As far as timelines, I've heard anything from 3-5 years.
dapaterson said:
The Reg F will see Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Tech amalgamated into a single trade;

The AF will soon be un-doing some of the amalgamations it did in recent years. I guess the army has to learn the hard way on its own......
CDN Aviator said:
The AF will soon be un-doing some of the amalgamations it did in recent years. I guess the army has to learn the hard way on its own......

Would that be in regards to AVN and AVS?

Does anyone know, or is willing to hazard a guess if this trade amalgamation is going to apply to Communicator Research Operators?

I'm enrolling currently, and wouldn't mind some information on that.

As far as I understand Coms Rsrch is a different beast than LCIS / Lineman / SigOp.
smithbrian86 said:
Does anyone know, or is willing to hazard a guess if this trade amalgamation is going to apply to Communicator Research Operators?

I'm enrolling currently, and wouldn't mind some information on that.

Nope, as it stands ATIS and Comm Rsrch will not be included in any amalgamation
smithbrian86 said:
Does anyone know, or is willing to hazard a guess if this trade amalgamation is going to apply to Communicator Research Operators?

I'm enrolling currently, and wouldn't mind some information on that.

The only possible change to Comm Rsrch would be to rebadge them Int.  But there's no way that that would happen, so, as previously stated, there will be no change.

Comm Researchers are such a different beast from the rest of the branch that any discussions should really be about "C&E - and Comm Research".
A few years ago there was serious consideration of including Comm Rsch with an amalgamation of a number of other C&E Branch trades.  I was in on a few of those meetings with the CWO and senior officer who were doing up the proposal.  The very basic gist of it was that the majority of new entries into the branch would be utilized in a Sig Op type function; and after a specific period of time, they would be eligible, or selected for specialties such as Technician and Comm Rsch.  Needless to say the Comm Rsch trade was not a fan of it, but it was looking very close to coming into being.  I'm removed from that process now, but I believe any amalgamation of Comm Rsch into a C&E super trade - has evaporated. At least I hope so.  The experiences of the past 7-years may have something to do with it.  Amalgamation of Comm Rsch and Int is talked about more than ever.  The talk is much more serious now.  Everyone who discounts it should remember that we are not necessarily talking about Comm Rsch and Int amalgamating into one trade.  They could still be two trades under one branch cap badge - like most (all?) other branches.

I wasn't keen on the amalgamation of Comm Rsch with the other C&E branch trades for two reasons; 1.  Comm Rsch was/is doing well hitting it's recruiting numbers, this amalgamation would surely choke up the recruiting process, because 2. Despite assurances to the contrary, I would be afraid that keen soldiers who were doing well as junior Sig Ops, might not be let go, or would be dissuaded from transferring to Comm Rsch - ".... Pte Bloggins, you have a bright future in this trade, why would you want to start over again with another six-months of training and another year before you could be deployed, if you stay at this unit you are looking at getting advanced your Corporals ....."

Int and Comm Rsch, two trades under one branch - long overdue.
EW said:
Int and Comm Rsch, two trades under one branch - long overdue.

I can't argue with the logic, but the emotion within the C&E branch won't permit this to happen.  I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I can't see it happening any time soon.
dapaterson said:
I can't argue with the logic, but the emotion within the C&E branch won't permit this to happen.  I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I can't see it happening any time soon.

Ahhh yes; emotion and sentiment.  I also wouldn't bet money on how things will fall out, in the short term, but the last seven years have served to weigh emotion against the effectiveness of combat support - this has led to a few realities having to be realized - not the least of which is that the INT Branch and Comm Rsch trade have to get closer.

There are a few reasons I wouldn't put any money down on how it will look in the next couple of years.  One of those has a lot to do with INT and CELE officers - and the competencies/problems of each.  Either way, and with my total respect to these trades, I don't think we'll see an amalgamation with the Sig Ops and LCIS Techs, its just a different kettle of fish.
Theres a QL3 course slated for the first week of June... So looks like its still going to be going for a bit.