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Sikh & India (Alleged) Shenanigans in Canada (split fm Non-Muslim terr thread)

If individuals here take a step back from their personal feelings about the individuals and the parties involved, and look at the actual political gamesmanship being used, this would be a much more profound discussion.

Trudeau doesn't want to release the names because the populace not knowing sows doubt in the electorate, and gets them to question their local MP. Releasing the names opens him up to now having to "prove" the accusations are true and shifts the focus of voters.

PP, while pushing for the names to be released publicly, probably would rather they stay unnamed, because it gives him talking points, and doesn't require him to actually do anything publicly about anyone on the list from his party. He can also keep the talking points about the list, and not about the interference itself, and the repercussions (like he being the party leader perhaps).

The remaining leaders are happy to get a quick sound bite in, but not be too vocal, because again, they also likely have internal questions to be answered about MPs colluding with external actors.

What we should all be doing now is looking to see if MPs that have or will decide to not run, or recently have stepped down have reasons linked to this list. Also, maybe the Media should keep tabs on how many previously selected riding nominees are quietly replaced across all parties in the next several months, as maybe an indicator of parties quietly cleaning house.
... What we should all be doing now is looking to see if MPs that have or will decide to not run, or recently have stepped down ...
Funny you should mention that - this just in ... ;)
Or said he did but is still mulling it over in his mind...
Well, like "who" "told" "who" "what" "when" "how"? questions when it comes to intelligence matters, I'm sure there's a lot of wiggle room for "I" "took care" of "the situation" here, too.
I don't post here anymore. I grew sick of all the fighting, snipping and you all hate liberals anyways so why bother? Have a family, have a house, have dogs, all of whom appreciate me and my time more than any of you here.

So I wont be doing this lightly, and I wont be responding you any of you here. DM me if you wish, I may or may not get to it.

So why make a post here after all these years?

Its simple.

This is by far, the most disgusting, nakedly partisan, disrespectful, shameless example I have ever seen of someone putting party before country. As many people with SC, or anyone who ever had SC here will know, information is shared on a need to know basis. PP saying his COS should know isn't a need to know because even if the COS knew the names, he would be stuck in the unenviable position of doing absolutely nothing with the information he knows, or be thrown in jail for sharing it with the person with the power to make sure potential traitors don't run and get elected for the CPC. And if the best case scenario is they now know but can do absolutely nothing with the information, then what use is it to tell them? There isn't any. The one person with the power to stop potential traitors to Canada from running for the CPC wont do the right thing and get the SC he needs to do right by our country.

As for asking CSIS to release secret information publicly, giving those running operations against our country the full scope of what Canadian intelligence services know and do not know, and how they might have gotten that information is absolutely beyond the pale. Why should CSIS have to compromise ongoing investigations just so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to score political points on the issue? Why potentially put operatives at risk so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to play politics with the issue?

The most straightforward way to clean house is for party leaders to ensure that no one suspected of working against our country or working for another, is running in the next election. That will ensure that every Canadians can be certain that they are not voting for a potential traitor. And there is one party and one leader that will not do this, that will not ensure that every Canadian can be sure they are not voting for a potential traitor, PP and the Conservative party of Canada.

How anyone can seriously look at this behaviour, the failure to put country over party, to do their part to ensure the sanctity of the next election, whenever it may be, the choice to potentially elect traitors into parliament for 4 more years than necessary, to allow more foreign interference simply so they can continue to play politics with the issue of election interference is the most pathetic thing I've seen in Canadian politics in all my time following it.

A brief reminder for those who served with the maple leaf on their shoulder.

I ___________, do swear (or for a solemn affirmation, "solemnly affirm") that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her/His Majesty, Queen/King _____________, Queen/King of Canada, Her/His heirs and successors according to law. So help me God."

Nowhere in said oath does it say swear true allegiance to party over country. PP should reflect on this when it comes to sitting and breaking bread with traitors in his company.
which is where I stopped reading.

You made a Facebook "I can't believe this happened!!1" type post then refuse to answer questions. Super mature and conducive of an adult conversation there Altair.
Ah, the LPC social media influencer contract for the next election must have finally been awarded, but I suspect the funding is down otherwise Altair would post more frequently like in the past.
don't post here anymore. I grew sick of all the fighting, snipping and you all hate liberals anyways so why bother? Have a family, have a house, have dogs, all of whom appreciate me and my time more than any of you here.

So I wont be doing this lightly, and I wont be responding you any of you here. DM me if you wish, I may or may not get to it.

So why make a post here after all these years?

Its simple.

This is by far, the most disgusting, nakedly partisan, disrespectful, shameless example I have ever seen of someone putting party before country. As many people with SC, or anyone who ever had SC here will know, information is shared on a need to know basis. PP saying his COS should know isn't a need to know because even if the COS knew the names, he would be stuck in the unenviable position of doing absolutely nothing with the information he knows, or be thrown in jail for sharing it with the person with the power to make sure potential traitors don't run and get elected for the CPC. And if the best case scenario is they now know but can do absolutely nothing with the information, then what use is it to tell them? There isn't any. The one person with the power to stop potential traitors to Canada from running for the CPC wont do the right thing and get the SC he needs to do right by our country.

As for asking CSIS to release secret information publicly, giving those running operations against our country the full scope of what Canadian intelligence services know and do not know, and how they might have gotten that information is absolutely beyond the pale. Why should CSIS have to compromise ongoing investigations just so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to score political points on the issue? Why potentially put operatives at risk so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to play politics with the issue?

The most straightforward way to clean house is for party leaders to ensure that no one suspected of working against our country or working for another, is running in the next election. That will ensure that every Canadians can be certain that they are not voting for a potential traitor. And there is one party and one leader that will not do this, that will not ensure that every Canadian can be sure they are not voting for a potential traitor, PP and the Conservative party of Canada.

How anyone can seriously look at this behaviour, the failure to put country over party, to do their part to ensure the sanctity of the next election, whenever it may be, the choice to potentially elect traitors into parliament for 4 more years than necessary, to allow more foreign interference simply so they can continue to play politics with the issue of election interference is the most pathetic thing I've seen in Canadian politics in all my time following it.

A brief reminder for those who served with the maple leaf on their shoulder.

Nowhere in said oath does it say swear true allegiance to party over country. PP should reflect on this when it comes to sitting and breaking bread with traitors in his company.

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
Meanwhile, south of us ...
Meanwhile, south of us ...

The U.S. has more effective laws than us for protecting classified information while using it in criminal proceedings. We’re seeing that play out in real time with this issue as the laboratory.
I don't post here anymore. I grew sick of all the fighting, snipping and you all hate liberals anyways so why bother? Have a family, have a house, have dogs, all of whom appreciate me and my time more than any of you here.

So I wont be doing this lightly, and I wont be responding you any of you here. DM me if you wish, I may or may not get to it.

So why make a post here after all these years?

Its simple.

This is by far, the most disgusting, nakedly partisan, disrespectful, shameless example I have ever seen of someone putting party before country. As many people with SC, or anyone who ever had SC here will know, information is shared on a need to know basis. PP saying his COS should know isn't a need to know because even if the COS knew the names, he would be stuck in the unenviable position of doing absolutely nothing with the information he knows, or be thrown in jail for sharing it with the person with the power to make sure potential traitors don't run and get elected for the CPC. And if the best case scenario is they now know but can do absolutely nothing with the information, then what use is it to tell them? There isn't any. The one person with the power to stop potential traitors to Canada from running for the CPC wont do the right thing and get the SC he needs to do right by our country.

As for asking CSIS to release secret information publicly, giving those running operations against our country the full scope of what Canadian intelligence services know and do not know, and how they might have gotten that information is absolutely beyond the pale. Why should CSIS have to compromise ongoing investigations just so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to score political points on the issue? Why potentially put operatives at risk so the leader of his majesties "loyal" opposition can continue to play politics with the issue?

The most straightforward way to clean house is for party leaders to ensure that no one suspected of working against our country or working for another, is running in the next election. That will ensure that every Canadians can be certain that they are not voting for a potential traitor. And there is one party and one leader that will not do this, that will not ensure that every Canadian can be sure they are not voting for a potential traitor, PP and the Conservative party of Canada.

How anyone can seriously look at this behaviour, the failure to put country over party, to do their part to ensure the sanctity of the next election, whenever it may be, the choice to potentially elect traitors into parliament for 4 more years than necessary, to allow more foreign interference simply so they can continue to play politics with the issue of election interference is the most pathetic thing I've seen in Canadian politics in all my time following it.

A brief reminder for those who served with the maple leaf on their shoulder.

Nowhere in said oath does it say swear true allegiance to party over country. PP should reflect on this when it comes to sitting and breaking bread with traitors in his company.

Welcome back sort of.

While I agree with what you said (and yes, tons of people are making conviennent excuses and inventing scenarios for PPs conduct in all of this because f**k Trudeau and all that). You can’t just ignore the games JT played with this as well and the very apparent incompetence of his team willfully ignoring the issue for political reasons.

The current make up of the house is the worst we’ve seen. We will be trading one party before country for another. The whole place needs a political cleanse.
Also just release the names. Let everyone see how bad it really is.

Some thoughts to consider on this:
- Would you accept a list of names maybe limited to ‘witting’ or ‘unwitting’ without the government ‘showing their work’ in order to protect sources, methods, or intelligence sharing partnerships?

- If not, how much releasable evidence would you feel is required to ‘name the names’?

- If some names could be released with at least partial evidence and others cannot, how would you want a partial list addressed?

Just some thoughts to consider. I’m not arguing it either way, I just realize saying names is relatively easy, but everything that goes around that might be harder.
The most straightforward way to clean house is
To vote out Trudeau and the current brand of LPC.

The man in the "big chair" right now is Trudeau not PP. If your falling for his insuationas and other nonsensical crap of "there may be a boogie man in the closet..." then congratulations, you have allowed the nations number one con man to con YOU! Don't like political snippets? Then don't post here. Time and time again, its been said that Pierre P can NOT SAY a word or take action if he finds out with a SC who the "allege" traitors are. Even former leader of the opposition, Tom Mulcair on CTV said Pierre is doing the right thing (and he was leader of the NDP).

I am also guessing by the way politics are played (messy and dirty) that Pierre probably has other hidden or unknown sources telling him that Trudeau has nothing on him at all. Its an opinion not fact.

Hell, even the LPC has several members turning on Trudeau, so I am politely asking you to wake up, smell the coffee and look past the political games. Trudeau is desperate.

Bottom line, you will find your opinion in the minority but don't take my word for it, wait until next election.
How anyone can seriously look at this behaviour, the failure to put country over party, to do their part to ensure the sanctity of the next election, whenever it may be, the choice to potentially elect traitors into parliament for 4 more years than necessary, to allow more foreign interference simply so they can continue to play politics with the issue of election interference is the most pathetic thing I've seen in Canadian politics in all my time following it.
Everything in this paragraph applies much more so to Trudeau than it ever would apply to Pierre P.
Why should CSIS have to compromise ongoing investigations
Why would CSIS feel the need to leak any of this in the first place? Simply because they get fed up with warrants sitting on Blair's desk for 54 days when it should take 5-10 max and Katie Telford supposively not relaying VITAL information to the PM. I don't buy it, I think the PM knew and didn't want to act on it.
Nowhere in said oath does it say swear true allegiance to party over country.
So when Trudeau didn't even acknowledge electoral interference in the first place?

When Trudeau fired the first indigenous female attorney general for doing her job and he was worried about losing votes in his riding?

When Trudeau went to an unwanted election in 2021?

I could put a really long list of Trudeau's scandals. I will save you the reading. Again, WHY is the LPC turning on their own leader? Again, wake up.
I could put a really long list of Trudeau's scandals. I will save you the reading. Again, WHY is the LPC turning on their own leader? Again, wake up.
There are none so blind as those that do not wish to see.

There is a reason I have this particular individual on ignore.