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Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

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dubyarrr said:
I believe this was the point of livingthedream's original post, trying to find out how to get this information, who do we go to, ask questions of? How does this compare to other CF messes as far as rations costs go, especially considering that a private with the same time in as me makes 214% of what I do.


Access To Information. Learn it, love it, write the $5 cheque, send it in with your request form for per-capita comparitive mess expenses and let the ATIP co-ordinator do the work. They have 30 days and you don't agree to an extension, although they will ask you for one. Don't want your name, cadet number and an RMC return address on it? Pay a friend $5 and have them make the request.

If you're smart you can even look at fulfilled requests DND helpfully lists on their website http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/aip/cr-dc-eng.asp and if someone's already asked the question, the answer is free and pretty much immediate.
dubyarrr said:
I believe this was the point of livingthedream's original post, trying to find out how to get this information, who do we go to, ask questions of? How does this compare to other CF messes as far as rations costs go, especially considering that a private with the same time in as me makes 214% of what I do.

As a side note, we have been eating off styrofoam plates and cups with plastic utensils for a month now. Is the money for all that styrofoam coming from our rations $$$?


I am going to assume you mean a private, BMQ/SQ/QL3 qualled, serving in the field army. In which case, bear in mind that this private is liable for deployment, and more importantly, fully employable within a field unit.

Livingthedream_notreally said:
Wow, I did not expect that many replies when I posted my questions. I thought no one would notice this old thread. Thank you for your opinions and comments. I guess my last message might have sounded a little bit like a complaint. I would like to state that I am not here to ask for your respect or sympathy. Respect, I will earn when I get to my unit. Sympathy, I simply don't need because every cadet here(or ex-cadet) understand what it takes to go to RMC(which a Civi U ROTP would never understand). my colleagues and I were faced with an issue. That was why I decided to join this forum and ask:

Fair enough.  While I am sure there are many challenges to getting thru RMC, you should realize that there are challenges for say, a bunch of Pte's just off BMQ to make it thru the next phase of their trg at their respective Battle Schools.  The folks trying to make it to a CANSOFCOM unit have challenges.  The guys and gals outside the wire in the sandbox have challenges.  My point, if you aren't getting it, is there are lots of folks in various places in the Trg System of the CF, or on Deployed Ops, or just doing their normal jobs every day (like say, a SAR Tech posted to Gander or something) who face REAL hardships.  I ask you to take a minute and think of those who have it worse than you. 

Can any body explain to me who I can talk to about rations? Does any body know a link that can explain the ration increase? What are the guide lines for making the rates for officer cadets?(ie. the annual budget)

I am not sure if you read all the posts after yours, but I posted links in previous posts to the IntraNet sites for DCBA for rations and quarters deductions, and to the D Food Svcs IntraNet site as well.  Please take a look at them.

Its also been mentioned that if there are increases they are across the board.  They apply to everyone in the CF on Ration Strength.  That also means that *whoever* is paying for all the Pte Smiths and OCdt Bloggins on course who are entitled to free R & Q due to their marital status, etc will ALSO have more $$ out of their budgets to pay for said trg go towards these rate increases.  So can you see this increase is NOT just for RMC types in Kingston??  Its just a reality, as it has been for many many years.

I was hoping to gather enough information in order to present a proposal to the Chain of Command, which can rectify the issue. Thank you

I don't think you have an inkling of the way things like this work in the CF and think you will waste your time and might even embarass yourself if you present your proposal.  Why don't you focus on whatever it is you are supposed to be doing (and receiving a salary from Joe and Jane Taxpayer to do).

On a side note(to break the tension) Like Mr Strike said,"if this is going to turn into a pissing contest between ROTP and Civvie U might I suggest you take it to another thread." Then, I am sure a lot of RMC Cadets would have love to join this forum and explain the other "benefits" of being at RMC. Probably followed by summary trials like:
Guilty of S. 129 of the NDA: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, in that <the cadet who I should not name> failed to comply with:

Attention to detail is an important skill in the CF, especially for leaders and those trg to become one.  In the CF, there are DAODs (Defence Administrative Orders and Directives), not DOAD.  IntraNet and InterNet links below:



If you know the answers to my questions, your help would be greatly appreciated. thank you

Hopefully you will find some info on the links already provided.  Good luck with whatever avenue you pursue.

Sometimes, you just gotta decide which battles are worth fighting.  IMO, this one isn't.

Sorry, I don't have access to DWAN(we only get the accounts when we graduate). I am not sure I know what the "Intranet" is. Is it possible that you copy and paste any information that might pertain to the increase of rations. Thank you.
Well I think the moral of story is join the reserves for 2 years, take your courses, and then do Civvy U...
Exactly, sounds to me like he wants to be on the other side of the Rideau river.  :nod:

Modified after first coffee.  :)
Eye In The Sky said:
Fair enough.  While I am sure there are many challenges to getting thru RMC, you should realize that there are challenges for say, a bunch of Pte's just off BMQ to make it thru the next phase of their trg at their respective Battle Schools. 

Fair enough, but you know ...

(Must be the alcohol) ... some of us NCMs get sent out to civy street for 100K worth of courses (Loader crses??) ; some of us cost that much to get qualified .... none of us incur obligatory service for that.

Livingthedream_notreally said:
Sorry, I don't have access to DWAN(we only get the accounts when we graduate). I am not sure I know what the "Intranet" is. Is it possible that you copy and paste any information that might pertain to the increase of rations. Thank you.

  Here is what I found by breaking down the second link a little further for you:




popnfresh said:
Well I think the moral of story is join the reserves for 2 years, take your courses, and then do Civvy U...

Or just one year and BMQ... 8)
Hey fella's,

Just wondering if the forces charges/deducts rent while in training whether it's BMQ or BOQ?

If not then when do you begin paying? As soon as you have been posted or do they give you a window of time to decide where you want to reside?

Thanks guys, gals, hope you are all well.
I'm not sure about BMQ, but I believe aslong as you are "attached posted" you won't pay Rations an Quarters. But when you are at your posted base you will pay. When I first got into the Reg Force I was posted to CFSCE/CFB Kingston but was attached posted to PRETC in CFB Borden while I waited for my QL3 course and also att posted to CATC Meaford for SQ. While in Borden an Meaford I paid nothing for R&Q, but when I got into Kingston I started paying.  An I continued payiong R&Q when I was posted to a unit an lived in shacks on base.

I'm not a Clerk or an Admin SME, this is just what I noticed during my time in the training system a few years ago
A lot of it depends on whether you're married or not.

If you're not, expect to pay ~$10+/day for rations and ~$100/mo for quarters, depending on the building and how many per room.
Expect that you will be paying rent at all times during your career - whether it be for your own PMQ or while you are living in the shacks.  Rent-free living is not the norm.

I paid for R&Q while posted to St-Jean for Basic training and second language training.  If you are attach-posted somewhere on course, you can expect that you will not pay for quarters at your attach-posting, as long as you are paying for quarters elsewhere.

Like the previous poster mentioned - if you are married and have a house somewhere in Canada where your spouse currently reside - you will never pay Rations or Quarters and you will receive separation expense, as long as you live apart.  As soon as you decide to move your spouse with you, then you two will be back living in the same abode and still only be paying for one rental unit.
I see, well that's not too expensive. I have a home in my current town and probably won't be able to sell it for a couple years. So i'm just hoping to find a decent renter, got a good landlord (my parents) to watch over the place that way I can keep the home as an investment deal until i'm ready to sell, the market comes back up and it's time to renegotiate the mortgage.

So I was just seeing if during training I would be able to budget in considerable savings so that I will have a few mortgage payments lined up in case of emergency and if rent and rations are as stated by petamocto this should be no problem and life will be easy. Except the whole being at military bootcamp part.

If you have a mortgage, you shouldn't have to pay for quarters, but you will still pay for rations.  Make sure you have all your paperwork.

I am beginning BMOQ on Jan 11 / 2010 and had a question that I wonder if anyone here knows the answer too.

I did ask this question to one of the clerks at the Vancouver CFRC, but she did not know the answer as I guess it is a unique situation.

Basically, I am currently seperated from my wife, and we have two kids together, ages 3 and 5.

In the seperation, due to financial reasons, I took sole possesion of our house. At this time I cannot sell the house because its value tanked and I owe more than it is worth with no way to cover the difference and I cannot rent it out due to strata bylaws.

My ex (seperated) wife and kids will be living in this house when I am away training, I will be paying the mortgage.

So what I am asking is, will I be able to get the reduction in R&Q that people married with kids paying a mortgage usually get, or am I S.O.L.?

I have made plans to cover my financial obligations regardless, but it would be one less worry during training to have to penny pinch to the max.

I am not a clerk so I can't give you a definitive answer but I can tell you that there was someone who was in a situation very similar to you on my BMOQ (Jan. of this year) and they did not have to pay R&Q.
.......And not to be a dickhead or anything, but this has been covered many times before.

........And the clerk who didn't know the answer should be fired.
Follow up question then, if I am able to get this, do I bring it up during my enrollment or when I get to St. Jean?