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Summer camps .... what did you get!

Zedic said:
I challenge any cadet who dares to make fun of the band to attempt to do what the band cadets do.  Music training takes talent and dedication ... and I'm not saying other courses don't, but a bandsperson can learn regular training aspects in addition to pursuing their musical abilities.  I say this having been exposed to all aspects of cadet training ... I've done course in Mil Band, done Exchange, staffed P&D, been a LHQ Drum Major, and Drill Team Commander, and a LHQ RSM.  (Also it was 5:00am that the Pipe Band woke up B Coy, I know this because it was partly my idea for them to do it).

Band was difficult at times just didn't live to my expectations i can't say much for kilo ( i did Juliet). 5 am... w/e i was tried and angry. i also didn't really like a lot of the kilo cadets attitude towards other companies and that you guys took master bombardier sulpha from us <---- that guys was awesome.
Sgt. Hutchison said:
i also didn't really like a lot of the kilo cadets attitude towards other companies and that you guys took master bombardier sulpha from us <---- that guys was awesome.
We didn't take him, he was tasked to us .... and also his name is spelt "Sopha."
Ok, I found out that I got CLI Band at Argonaut. It's wierd though: I did basic band, CL band, and then they sent me on advanced band in Quebec. This year I do CLI. I guess it's cause I did my level 4 last year. Oh well, it's a challenge for them now: they have to test a level 5 musician.  >:D

Also, a note for anyone heading to ACSTC Argonaut this year: Don't eat anything from outdoors. The military this past week (nice waiting times) admitted to spraying all of CFB Gagetown with Agent Purple, which is stronger than Agent Orange.  :o These chemicals are deadly. So if it's not from the mess, don't eat it.

Sgt. Hutchison said:
Band was difficult at times just didn't live to my expectations i can't say much for kilo ( i did Juliet). 5 am... w/e i was tried and angry. i also didn't really like a lot of the kilo cadets attitude towards other companies and that you guys took master bombardier sulpha from us <---- that guys was awesome.

Master Bombardier Sopha was cool.. i loved that guy.. Scared the Bejesus outta me though..
JMesh said:
Also, a note for anyone heading to ACSTC Argonaut this year: Don't eat anything from outdoors. The military this past week (nice waiting times) admitted to spraying all of CFB Gagetown with Agent Purple, which is stronger than Agent Orange.  :o These chemicals are deadly. So if it's not from the mess, don't eat it.

Can't eat anything if its all dead.  I don't believe it.
Kyle Burrows said:
Can't eat anything if its all dead.  I don't believe it.

It doesn't typically kill plants, and you can eat berries out there. It is true, and was actually in the media this past week. It will kill humans if ingested. So as I said, don't eat food out of the mess.
I'd love to see actual proof of this.  I have yet to find any article pertaining to agent purple that doesn't reference around the vietnam era.  If Agent orange had a bad effect why would they go spray something with 50 times the toxins on a place where little children can roam free.

I would also like to see a sergeant able to spell CORPS right...Coor?
Agent Purple was sprayed in the 50's and 60's.  Here is a link to a a CBC article.
JMesh said:
It doesn't typically kill plants, and you can eat berries out there. It is true, and was actually in the media this past week. It will kill humans if ingested. So as I said, don't eat food out of the mess.

A defoliant that doesn't kill plants?  Listen, despite what all the commie pinkos would like you to think, the US didn't develop agent orange/purple/etc in order to poison civilians.  They were developed to function as DEFOLIANTS, which means they're meant to kill PLANTS.  Since the posions have had 30 years to do their work in Gagetown, it's a good bet that any plants which are still alive aren't going to do you any harm.
Like I said before.  I doubt it.  Agent Orange / Purple are defoliants.  Defoliants were used in the vietnam war to defoliate trees and plants so that the enemy could not hide in them.  If you'll excuse me, I have to go to Argonaut and eat some berries.
armygurl_557 said:
Master Bombardier Sopha was cool.. i loved that guy.. Scared the Bejesus outta me though..

ya i had him for CL in 2002. he mad me laugh. great guy, but a tough guy.

The other term contained swearing and is not allowed ~Moderator
I only seen him around B Coy lines once and a while. On expedition we had our own reg force staff with us. He seemed to do his job well though.
-Hutch- said:
Rocky Mountain is an awesome camp. The camp is broken down into 6 different cycles. each week is a new cycle.

Cycle 1- leadership cycle (learn leadership   and coaching skills)

2- glacier cycle   ( learn glacier skills, climb glacier and get the chance to swim in glacier lakes. usually hit the summit at 10,000 ft. be sure not to puncture your canteen, you get thirsty)

3- rock climbing cycle (start on 60 ft walls and work to higher ones. the last day of the cycle you can climb a wall higher than 300   ft. when you get to the top you are actually about 1500, feet up)

4- watermanship cycle (you get to choose from white water canoing or kayaking, lost of fun)

5- mountain biking cycle ( biking through the mountains, cross rivers, camp and swim. be sure to not go fast down big hills, the med-o-vacs take a long time to come)

6- hiking cycle ( don't believe anyone when they tell you that this cycle sucks. it is a lot of fun. you hike through Banff National Park. the scenery is amazing)

i can say one thing for sure,you will have a unforgettable experience. be sure to take lots of pictures. have fun.

EDIT-   i should also add some more things.

at the end of each week you get a nice thick prime Alberta beef steak, barbecued to how you want it.

also be sure to be in some kind of good shape. you do a lot of physical work, including running, hiking through all kinds of terrain, and all sorts of things.

oh and don't worry about the food. the camp has the highest budget in any cadet camp in Canada, the food is very very good. also all the equipment they give you is all supplied from Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC)

WOW sounds awsome cant wait thx for the in depth info thats alot of help ttyl
This is for Kyle Burrows...I saw on the news this morning that they did spray Agent Orange and Purple and that alot of people may have been exposed...It was on CH News Update this morning!!
Heslip said:
WOW sounds awesome cant wait thx for the in depth info thats alot of help ttyl

well i hope you have fun. i have one cadet that is going there this summer. also if you see any staff that did the course last year  and were in 4 plt tell them Hutch says hi. i know there is one going for security staff.

1913_Cpl said:
This is for Kyle Burrows...I saw on the news this morning that they did spray Agent Orange and Purple and that alot of people may have been exposed...It was on CH News Update this morning!!
who really cares, this is supposed to be about what summer camps you got, not about agent orange and purple, if you want to talk about that take it to radio chatter
2332Piper said:
I wouldn't worry about you coming home with an extra leg or arm, the effects now will be next to nill.
Aww but I wanted to grow an extra arm!
Zedic said:
I got my offer of employment in for Blackdown Staff.   My paperwork indicates CSM, but I won't know until after precourse.

Will You Do Pipes and Drums again this year, if given the Choice?
armygurl_557 said:
Will You Do Pipes and Drums again this year, if given the Choice?
I've thought about it and if I'm requested to then I might, but otherwise I'm not really sure.