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It is true, reservists resent being second class soldiers. While in the reg force I worked with reservists in the field. While some were excellent and hard working, many were there for a "summer of pay". I remember one excellent reservist in particular, an armourer for the OPP in Toronto who injured himself yet still soldiered on. Others did not act professionally but expected to be treated the same as the reg force of their rank.

I would have an easier time considering reservists equal if the training was the same. My husband was involved just recently in teaching a QL1/2 course in Aldershot. Their basic amounts to approx. 21 days total/3 weeks. How does that equal my basic training which was 10 weeks? What is it now? 8 weeks?

I also served in the reserves after leaving the reg force. I was on two B class summer callouts so I have sat on both sides of the fence.

It is important for reservists to act professionally at all times, this will elevate you in the eyes of other reservists and reg force you serve with more than what regiment/unit you are with.
... and another thing ...

I was reminded today that it‘s unwise to stereotype.
Within the context of this discussion, it‘s not a good idea for either side to write off the other without fully and completely weighing the comparative analysis.

For example: Imagine that a Reg Force soldier boasts about being "better" than reservists.
Well, when one realises that a fulltime soldier has more practice than a part-time soldier, it shouldn‘t surprise anybody if the fulltime soldier is better because he had the advantage of more practice.
However, if the reservist is given the opportunity to obtain an identical amount of practice ... it then doesn‘t matter who is Reg or who is reserve - the best soldier will emerge as the best. Period. Point final.

On another point: It‘s also unwise to compare apples and oranges (i.e. if a reservist has 24 years in, and a Reg has only four or five ... are you absolutely sure the reservist is a waste of rations ... ? Maybe maturity and experience count for something, after all ... but then again, it‘s the young ones who are always so cocksure and full of themselves, isn‘t it ... ?)

I was also musing:
It was probably somebody in the Reg Force who decided to sell the old desert camo uniforms as "surplus" (before the new ones were in service).
It was also probably a Reg who allowed all those pilots to take FRP and get a "golden handshake", until there weren‘t enough pilots ... and then some Reg came up with idea of giving pilots a bonus if they stayed in ... (thus, pilots got a huge bonus either way - plus, some pilots who took FRP re-enrolled ... can you say "have your cake and eat it too?)
I‘ve also got a hunch it was a Reg who purchased the sights that keep falling off the C7 (but of course nobody EVER admits a mistake like that was made, or holds anybody accountable - it might hurt their PER score ...)
Let me see ... let me see ... it was also probably the Reg Force who closed CFB Downsview and "zero funded" all support activity ... even though the support was still required by the remaining lodger units ... (and it has taken years to even come close to fixing that gaffe).

So, let‘s stop throwing stones - you might be surprised to find out your own house has more glass in it than you thought ...

And, let‘s give credit where credit is truly due - I know scores of officers and soldiers (Reg and reserve) who put their heart and soul into their duties - instead of slinging mud at the bad guys, how about praising some of our unsung, loyal heroes? (i.e. "honey vs. vinegar")?
It is important for reservists to act professionally at all times, this will elevate you in the eyes of other reservists and reg force you serve with more than what regiment/unit you are with.
From the point of view of an FNG to the reserves, great advice!
Great discussion. I wanted differing opinions on this because it is a subject that rears it‘s ugly head from time to time. I, (on the newsgroup) pretty much told the guy he was a "whiner" and they jumped all over me (hee hee).
I know many reservists who take a huge pay cut every time they take time off work to do army. I know reservists that spend more on transportation then they make on a parade night.

I think reservists should be paid at 100% reg force level for the time they work. A reservist still makes less money, because they work less often. Also, they don‘t get paid for leave, sick days, stuff like that.

My 3‘s course lasted six weeks. A reg enigneer 3‘s lasts a lot longer. But people on a reserve 3‘s course are lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night, arn‘t even allowed to go to the CANEX and often don‘t get any weekends off the entire course. A reg course isn‘t quite as intense. (and in case your wondering I have a friend who did his reg engineer 3‘s the summer after he did his Engineer one and that‘s what he says) So I think the reservest should be paid a full level for the days he works, because he‘s doing at least as much on those days.
Ender, you guys must have really f***ed up on your 3‘s cause you do get weekends off, but it usually at the end of blocks 1 and 2. by the end of block 3 your on your way home that weekend anyways.

WRT to us getting 100% reg force I wish. It will probably be at the same time that we get all the gear outlined in the Clothe the Soilder. :rolleyes:


Well my opinion on this matter is that if you go to ANY place of work almost anywhere in this world a full time persons will always be making more that a part timer. I mean it only makes common sence for that to happen.

Ender I was told that if your a reservest and live 16 miles or more away from your armoury that you could get travel pay for your gas. Is this not true??

As for Regs ALWAYS making more, not true. My friend who is a reservist is on his LSIS course right now in Kingston and is doing it with Regs. He gets paid 365 days out of the year, whereas the RegF person only gets paid 5 days a week. Res persons also get there room and board and food paid for whereas the Reg persons have to pay for all that. Also from what he has been told once done that course the RegF Rgmts come up and always offer you a job almost right away. So got that whole couse for free because your a res, Then make the switch to Reg.

Andrew :cdn:
I wouldn‘t say Res courses are more intensive at all. I‘ve done Res Inf QL3, and I worked enemy force and GD with the Reg Inf QL3 this past summer and there absolutley no comparison - the Regs course was physically harder, longer, more comprehensive, more intensive, on average had better instructors, more resources, and was an all-round better course.

Which is good, because those guys are over doing it for real now.