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Terror Attacks on London England - 07 Jul 05 & 21 Jul 05

Screw the condolences, today is not the day for them, let's grow some balls and root these SOBs out wherever they hide.
Terminal 3 at Heathrow has been evacuated and was just re-opened.

The Met Police chief has said there are no verifiable reports as to who was behind it, just got that off his press conference.

Other than that, right now they're just talking about how well the contingency plans worked.
They hide amongst us. The terrorists most likely were local members of the muslim community.

tomahawk6 said:
They hide amongst us. The terrorists most likely were local members of the muslim community.

London has a major problem with local radicals, it's almost guarenteed (almost). I originally posted this news here but it was deleted (for whatever reason). The networks are on it now, so the reports are more accurate there.

EDIT: NM, it was merged, I didn't notice.
EDIT2: All but one of my people are accounted for. NFG.
EDIT3: I've got to add, it's a MIRACLE that there were not fatalities in the hundreds given the nature of the attacks. If anyone knows the tubes in London, they're packed real tight.
EDIT4: All accounted for. Now into vengeance mode.
first i want to say something about blaming the Muslim community, its radicals that do this, fundamentalist are in any religion, its just that we hear the most about the Muslim fundamentalist...

this is a sin, 33 people are dead, and i hope they find thier way to where ever it is you go when you die, i hope the survivor's are alright and i hope the can begin healing soon

i hope the bast@rds that did this are found and dealt with according to the laws, although multiple punches to their sacks would be welcomed as well..

and i have a question...is the CF going to go on a sort of stand by? I'm a pond scum recruit but is there a possibility of a phone call for me tonight saying that my training has been moved closer?
shokuten said:
first i want to say something about blaming the Muslim community, its radicals that do this, fundamentalist are in any religion, its just that we hear the most about the Muslim fundamentalist...
I like to be optimistic, sometimes (believe it or not) and think that it's not the problem of a specific religious construct, but a natural problem of religious fanaticism. I'll have to hold off judgement on that until I see a bus full of innocent civilians blown up by militant Buddhists. And I don't think anyone was blaming the community, but rather mentioning the very high likelyhood that member of the London area Muslim community are the perpetrators as there have been many radicals arrested in the area (of whom, I also doubt are Buddhist).
shokuten said:
and i have a question...is the CF going to go on a sort of stand by?

Probably not, unless of course things get a little more out of hand and other major cities around the globe start having terrorist actions.

I'm a pond scum recruit but is there a possibility of a phone call for me tonight saying that my training has been moved closer?

Almost definitely not.

Now back to the regularly scheduled thread...
Dare said:
I like to be optimistic, sometimes (believe it or not) and think that it's not the problem of a specific religious construct, but a natural problem of religious fanaticism. I'll have to hold off judgement on that until I see a bus full of innocent civilians blown up by militant Buddhists. And I don't think anyone was blaming the community, but rather mentioning the very high likelyhood that member of the London area Muslim community are the perpetrators as there have been many radicals arrested in the area (of whom, I also doubt are Buddhist).

true, but i mean there are alot of Muslims out there that are gonna feel the heat when they had nothing to do with this,

these are sick individuals, that have a tie to a large religion and give that religion a bad name by their actions...

i hope who ever is responsable is caught

shokuten said:
true, but i mean there are alot of Muslims out there that are gonna feel the heat when they had nothing to do with this,

these are sick individuals, that have a tie to a large religion and give that religion a bad name by their actions...

i hope who ever is responsable is caught

If the authorities that be were looking for someone who had commited mass murder, or that was planning to commit mass murder, that fit my profile, I would be as cooperative and understanding as possible. Often the most assertive groups against profiling are public fronts for radicals (ie. CAIR). Now if by "heat" you mean something other than legitimate investigations, more in the direction of misdirected public fear/anger. It is unfortunate, but I don't see how it can be avoided after such an attack.

I think there is a decent chance they will catch some of the perpetrators (CCTV everywhere) but I don't know of those radical Clerics are going to be able to flaunt their nuttiness in public outdoor sermons anymore though..
Too quickly the world has forgotten what "black days" truly are. Terrorism is not something that happens far, far away in a desolate, foreign country. Terrorism is here on our very own doorstep, knocking and waiting for a chance to stick it's foot in the door. These are very sad times we live in, regrets to all who were lost or hurt.
Dare said:
If the authorities that be were looking for someone who had commited mass murder, or that was planning to commit mass murder, that fit my profile, I would be as cooperative and understanding as possible. Often the most assertive groups against profiling are public fronts for radicals (ie. CAIR). Now if by "heat" you mean something other than legitimate investigations, more in the direction of misdirected public fear/anger. It is unfortunate, but I don't see how it can be avoided after such an attack.

I think there is a decent chance they will catch some of the perpetrators (CCTV everywhere) but I don't know of those radical Clerics are going to be able to flaunt their nuttiness in public outdoor sermons anymore though..

thats what i meant by heat, fear and anger towards people who had nothing to do with it, just because of the color of their skin.

its happend so many times before, but everyone who didn't have anything to do with the attacks, should co-operarte as much as possible so that the authority's can find whoever responsible
I was JUST about to post something last night about how the UK would be a logical next target for a major terrorist attack, seeing as how terrorism has cowed the rest of Europe into withdrawing support for the war in Iraq. The immediete tactical goal of AQ would be to polarize public opinion in the UK, hopefully bring down the Blair goverment over what is already an unpopular war(the Olympics and G-8 certainly will be factors, I would hypothesize that the final order to "go" was probably given immedietly after the results of the Olympics decision),  and enact a withdraw of British troops of from Iraq.

Basically Spain/Madrid Redux.

If this goal is reached it would be a major political and diplomatic setback for the US.

Honestly I was.....

As for the British people and government - well, I'm sure they will not react as Spain did, though surely some will seize the moment to advocate just that. A reminder, however, for the residents of that Scepter'd Isle:

You've been here before, only worse... the Blitz.


Remember the outcome of that, Berlin, 1945...


Al-Qaeda is like much like the IRA, but worse. You stayed the course with the IRA, and while perhaps no one is happy with the situation as it stands in Northern Ireland, progress is being made, however incrementally. Keep that in mind as you look at Iraq in light of today's events.

Christiane Amanpour of CNN asked, "What is to be done?" Well, there's always the Spanish Response... or, there is the Churchillian response. I know which one I hope to see in Tony Blair's words and deeds.

As Winnie observed:

    "I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

    At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation.

    The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

    Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.

    We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.
Hell of a thing to wake up to... CBC News is my home page.  This is not going to end until our allied governments take clear and direct action.  I realize that we all want to live in a democratic country where the average law abiding citizen is free from harassment and such.  But give the Police the tools to root out and deal with these cowardly criminals.  Give the courts a shake-up, and start jailing these bastards for life.  And perhaps most importantly, give the Military the tools, and the mandate to take the fight to the enemy.
Jumper said:
Outstanding post! Lets give them all they want and more.

Sadly, the unwashed masses remain in frighteningly obtuse denial, if the comments posted on Propaganda Canada aka the CBC are any indication
Horse_Soldier said:

Sadly, the unwashed masses remain in frighteningly obtuse denial, if the comments posted on Propaganda Canada aka the CBC are any indication
There are indications in several media outlets that they are going to spin it into an anti-Iraq message. (ie. It's Bush's fault. If we just acquiesced to their demands we would be safe. Etc.) In fact, watching CBC's coverage, they kept bending it in that direction, often snydly remarking that Bush would spin it to an Iraq message. It sickened me to hear it. Especially so soon. Their journalists seem to be the least phazed by it, for some reason. They still manage to keep the smirk.
I stopped reading the comments on the CBC link because they were making me furious. Do these people really represent what Canada has become?  :-\
Dare said:
There are indications in several media outlets that they are going to spin it into an anti-Iraq message. (ie. It's Bush's fault. If we just acquiesced to their demands we would be safe. Etc.) In fact, watching CBC's coverage, they kept bending it in that direction, often snydly remarking that Bush would spin it to an Iraq message. It sickened me to hear it. Especially so soon. Their journalists seem to be the least phazed by it, for some reason. They still manage to keep the smirk.

It's sickening ... it will be interesting to see who spins this as "anti-Iraq" vice "anti-Iraq and Afghanistan" ... amazing how many differentiate between the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan (although al-Queda certainly doesn't) ... rather difficult to fight a war against an enemy that so many of your so-called allies refuse to acknowledge.
muskrat89 said:
I stopped reading the comments on the CBC link because they were making me furious. Do these people really represent what Canada has become?   :-\
A totally unscientific and unrepresentative survey of people around me would seem to bear out the fact that the majority, when they actually put their minds to the issues at all, believe the tripe that if we're nice to the enemy, things will be just fine - and it's all GWB's fault.  Further unscientific sampling indicates that francophones have a greater tendency to blame GWB rather than the perpetrators, than anglophones do.  I suspect that even when Canada gets a direct hit, as it will sooner or later, this tendency to refuse to face reality will not only continue but increase.