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Terror Attacks on London England - 07 Jul 05 & 21 Jul 05

The "blame it all on Iraq" comments on the CBC board seem to be pretty short-sighted.  It didn't take Iraq (or Afghanistan) to convince the enemy to attack the WTC twice.
If civilization is a veneer, I must admit mine is starting to wear a bit thin.  Anyone have some varnish?
Until we see the Canadian Muslim populations demonstrating as angrily against these attacks as they did against the stories they knew were false in Newsweek about Quran desecration, then we have a Fifth Column problem as it indicates they believe terrorist attacks are justified, and if they can justify it in their minds, it is likely they have or will support it either financially or in other ways.

Bottom Line:  It's time for Canada's Muslim population to step up and in one voice say "This is not acceptable!"....

Matthew.  >:(
All i can say right now is...What did we do for God to be this pissed at us? ??? If this is the existance my generation has to look forward too, i'm about ready to check out .

My Deepest prayers are with Britain right now.
One day of 4 bombs compared to what the IRA did in the past is a hic up.
Read what the IRA did in the past

What I'm afraid of is the yobo's get into the old "Pakie Bashing" like the early 70's in the U.K.
It was bad!!
If you were S.E. Asian you were far game for a beating.

I just hope this does not happen.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Bottom Line:   It's time for Canada's Muslim population to step up and in one voice say "This is not acceptable!"....

It's not just time for Canada's Muslim population to do it, it's time for the world's Muslim population to do it.
If Canada ignores the blood of our allies being spilled, and does nothing to aid in this war, I will be the first to admit I am shamed as a canadian...
Spr.Earl said:
One day of 4 bombs compared to what the IRA did in the past is a hic up.
Read what the IRA did in the past

What I'm afraid of is the yobo's get into the old "Pakie Bashing" like the early 70's in the U.K.
It was bad!!
If you were S.E. Asian you were far game for a beating.

I just hope this does not happen.
Yes, UK officials are worried that this attack will be a big gain for the BNP.

ABC is reporting two unexploded bombs found.
Does nothing??? We've got a couple thousand soldiers running around the mountains of Afghanistan and the streets of Kabul...
P-Free said:
Does nothing??? We've got a couple thousand soldiers running around the mountains of Afghanistan and the streets of Kabul...
we do? You sure?
Meanwhile, somehere in your neighbourhood in Canada and even here, in Australia, many muslims will again be rejoicing, celebrating, and dancing in the streets, just like they did on S11.

I'll be keen to hear  ::)  what shit is going to dribble out of Sydney's islamic leaders mouths about yesterday's attacks.
P-Free said:
Does nothing??? We've got a couple thousand soldiers running around the mountains of Afghanistan and the streets of Kabul...

Wow.   :o

For a civy, you sure seem to know firsthand the numbers of CF troops deployed on Athena   ::)

Try closer to 700 during this "operational pause"....
I love all the people on the CBC board that are sprouting all that nonsense about peace and understanding, we should have had peace and understanding for Adolf Hitler too eh ::)

As well before Iraq, and before 9/11, I thought the United States was taking a more isolationist approach, and wasn't as involved in world affairs as it is now. If the majority of Canadian's shared the same view as those on the board, I'd be packing my bags and leaving for Britian, Australia, or New Zealand.
Futuretrooper said:
As well before Iraq, and before 9/11, I thought the United States was taking a more isolationist approach, and wasn't as involved in world affairs as it is now.

Bill Clinton an isolationist?

Time to go back and start re-reading the 1990's, Futuretrooper.
I have been saying this everywere but i would like to offer my condolences to the victims of this attack

I would also like to say, I hope this doesn't start another war...and that hopfully Canada doesn't get involved in a pointless war that only creates more hate.
Crimson Army said:
I would also like to say, I hope this doesn't start another war...and that hopfully Canada doesn't get involved in a pointless war that only creates more hate.

Uhm - we are at war...

Crimson Army said:
well all war is pointless,


Tell that to Winston Churchill, Sir Isaac Brock and Gen. Lewis MacKenzie!

You're way out of your lane here bud. Take the cotton balls out of your ears and put them in your mouth.

Spend some time reading before weighing in with your "knowledgable" opinions!

As well before Iraq, and before 9/11, I thought the United States was taking a more isolationist approach, and wasn't as involved in world affairs as it is now.

Bill Clinton an isolationist?

Time to go back and start re-reading the 1990's, Futuretrooper.

I was thinking Bush not Clinton. Before 9/11 it didn't seem that Bush was very interested in exporting democracy, freedom, etc. and was more concerned with what was happening on the homefront. This was of course before the terror attacks.

I meant pointless war, well all war is pointless, but we are helping in afghanistan

Yeah, I'd have to agree, other then ending slavery, nazism, and too some degree communism, war and the threat of war has solved nothing at all.

392 said:
It's not just time for Canada's Muslim population to do it, it's time for the world's Muslim population to do it.

I for one can say what happened today is totally f#ck!n just WRONG! This is not the religon of islam it is what some cowardly SOB thinks will him and his group attention. I hope these bastards are derooted and sent straight to heck for what they did. If something like this happened in this country CF or not i would make them pay.

- My prayers and condolonces go out to the people of London, and all people who have been affected.
- Enough said.
EDIT: Damn censors you know what i meant by heck...