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The Army and Rugby

How many people here play Rugby at the local club level?  I just started.

I play 3rd division for the Velox Valhallians in Victoria, BC.

What clubs do you belong to?

Northcote "(The Black) Panthers". We'r called the Black Panthers because it happens to be a Samoan Club, its a great privilage for a "Falangi" like me to be able to play with them. Samoan club also means they'r hard as F###.  :threat: haha
Was lucky enough to play for Victoria for a couple of seasons too, nothing like representing your state.

Bloody awesome game....almost as good as cricket
I played for the Ottawa Irish Rugby Club, part of the Eastern Ontario Rugby Union. 3rds, mostly 2nds, and a little 1sts.

Unfortunately I've missed the couple last seasons.

And I'll play Union, and leave league to them sissy "American-rules" football players.
Hey there,

Leading Seaman Andrew Kenny here.

I currently play for the Halifax Tars (NSRU) with past clubs being the Kingston Panthers (EORU) and the Toronto Nomads (TRU). All in all 14 years playing experience.

For 2 years I have tried to start a Naval rugby team, we often get kipper skimmers in who would love a game, and I have run into nothing but problems with PSP. It seems the navy deems it to be okay to send us to war but not to play rugby.

I know there was a Major Bob Parent I used to play with in Kingston, he was PPCLI now I think he is with the Brockville Rifles, also if you need more guidance look up Mcpl Scott Mac Kay (Scotty To Hottie).

One last note if you do get an Army team up and running please give me all the intel you guys used to fire it up and perhaps then the Navy will follow suite! Perhaps an Army - Navy game gents ? Followed a boat race perhaps... :salute:
An update from the 1 VP RFC:

We are now practicing 3 times a week, and have 30 players coming out.  1 CER has agreed to play us on 27 June, although given that they are Engineers, I will probably wait until the 26th to tell them that it is not no-contact.

Rugby is alive and well in the Army of the West.

Third String Second Row
I thought it was second string second row...must have been that knock I gave ya in practice.
no contact rugby?

now that's just downright sad & I don't believe it for a minute that 1 CER is at the bottom of this one.
Kiwi99 said:
I thought it was second string second row...must have been that knock I gave ya in practice.

Oh the one practice you made it too bud?  Next you'll try and give the excuse that you were traveling for missing all last week of practices. :)
And I leave again tomorrow  for a few days.  At least I got guys like you there, I think.  COme on dude, stop busting my balls, Bill already near killed me this morning.  More scuffs on my knees than you after a friday night on 116th Ave.

Kiwi99 said:
I thought it was second string second row...must have been that knock I gave ya in practice.

You are right - it really hurt when your knees hit my chest and your chin hit my back as I folded you in two like a bizarre origami project...
PPCLI Guy said:
You are right - it really hurt when your knees hit my chest and your chin hit my back as I folded you in two like a bizarre origami project...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Doesnt even throw the dummy in there, just drops the shoulder and drives. "That ones gotta hurt!"
Jaydub said:
How many people here play Rugby at the local club level?  I just started.

I play 3rd division for the Velox Valhallians in Victoria, BC.

What clubs do you belong to?

Here we go........
I'm just finishing up my second season for my highschool (Belmont) Team. and will also be playing 3rd's for the Valhallians in the Fall.
  Jaydub, i take it as you prolly know Johnny Lyle?  Hahaha (he's one of my teachers ;D)

So 1st and 2nd Battalions both have teams? but not the 3rd?
By this time next year I'll be there, and now i know the first thing I'm looking for ;)
                                                                                                                      .......A Sign-up sheet ;D

The key thing about Rugby is that you know that, for the most part, the hit you're giving will hurt you just about as much as it will hurt him.... no pads & fiberglass to soften the hit on your side or to magnify the hit to him.........

It's great when you both hobble away together & the end of the match.
lets just establish that 3RCR is going to win the base championship this year due to sheer awesomeness
Geo, i totally agree. In my view American football is soft, we dont play that game here and hopefully we never will. Australia is a Rugby (As witnessed by our World Cup victories and upcoming victory in the next one) and Australian Rules Football country. We dont play games that involve more padding then they involve bodies. We play games that dont involve what amounts to a second team sitting on the bench. You play forward but you also have to be able to play back. You score tries and you lay tackles. You tag a bloke but you also kick goals (Aussie rules footy). None of this "side change" crap. You have to be adaptable. Its like life, things always change and a good Rugby player can adapt to that easily, quickly and with aggression.
Theres nothing like feeling your shoulder drive into someones stomach, wrap your arms around their waist and drive them into the ground. Theres nothing like forming a rolling mall and doing just that, rolling over anything that gets in your way. I've got scars on my chest from being rucked, you dont get that in American football thats for sure. Feeling 800kg pushing against you in a scrum, but know that you'll push it back. Thats what its all about!

Rugby is, as the great saying goes, the game they play in heaven. The most protection you'll ever need can't be more then 1cm thick on your shoulders. Not reinforced steel 3inches thick that covers your entire upper body.
Hale said:
Geo, i totally agree. In my view American football is soft, we dont play that game here and hopefully we never will. Australia is a Rugby (As witnessed by our World Cup victories and upcoming victory in the next one) and Australian Rules Football country. We dont play games that involve more padding then they involve bodies. We play games that dont involve what amounts to a second team sitting on the bench. You play forward but you also have to be able to play back. You score tries and you lay tackles. You tag a bloke but you also kick goals (Aussie rules footy). None of this "side change" crap. You have to be adaptable. Its like life, things always change and a good Rugby player can adapt to that easily, quickly and with aggression.
Theres nothing like feeling your shoulder drive into someones stomach, wrap your arms around their waist and drive them into the ground. Theres nothing like forming a rolling mall and doing just that, rolling over anything that gets in your way. I've got scars on my chest from being rucked, you dont get that in American football thats for sure. Feeling 800kg pushing against you in a scrum, but know that you'll push it back. Thats what its all about!

Rugby is, as the great saying goes, the game they play in heaven. The most protection you'll ever need can't be more then 1cm thick on your shoulders. Not reinforced steel 3inches thick that covers your entire upper body.

Maybe for a football code that is true. But for alot of sports padding is necessary.

Like cricket, and we love that.

And lacrosse, as much as I love the game I would not play unless i had a little padding and a helmet to protect me from the titanium poles that ugly defeners like to whack me with.
I agree a little padding is necessary, that's why i said sports that "involve more padding then they involve bodies" aren't big in Australia. American Footballers wear HUGE shoulder pads and thick helmets, a rugby helmet is only a centimetre or two thick and shoulder pads are about the same. Cricket, you wear pads, gloves, a box, maybe a thighpad and a helmet but your still basically a human body with your torso to get bruised. Lacrosse, you'd be mad not to wear something to save yourself.
Paddings necessary, absolutely. I said that in my post. To much of a good thing is definitely bad though.

Heh - scrum cap..... just to keep the hair & ears in place...

WRT Lacrosse.... Yikes!.... pads are necessary there - buit consider the ball & sticks.... Essential!

WRT Cricket?..... Yawn! - about as interesting as watching paint dry!   >:D
Oi, watch the cricket comments.  Not our problem Canadians have difficulty picking it up, eh.  Stick to a nice girly sport like hockey, and leave the violent sports like cricket to us crims from down under.