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The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

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I think it depends on the base because I have all my sleeping bag stuff plus the new thermal blanket.
Hey there KevinB,

I keep it under my desk because it is the only one on this Base....Seeing as how we can't get the ICE for the soldiers here...knowing that piece of kit existed could start a riot.... ;D  Also it would be hard for it to disappear from under my desk without me being aware...I hope. It'll be really really sweet here this week as we are doing the bulk issue of the ICE (purchased of course by the CEMS project) to all the Air Force serving with 403 Sqn....That'll go over well I'm sure with all the hard army folks serving with the RCRs, Inf, Arty, Armd schools I'm sure. My phone will be ringing off the hook I promise you that...and then they'll come to the counter and will be none to impressed to find out that they can't have it. ::)
It was a joke...

I hear you on the AirForce stuff - a buddy went to 408 as the 031 Mission Specialist and darn he got some cool kit...
I know it was a joke...did you not note the humour in mine? Clothing Stores...what a FUN place. ::)
"buddy went to 08 as the 031 Mission Specialist"

what does my magic KevinB jargon ring decoder say?
Look Pool boy...


I edited it - I meant 408 ...  poor typing.

armyvern - my sarcasm detector is broken, and with this budget I doubt it will get fixed any time soon  ;)
hey don't be hatin'
you call some arty on your head and maybe we'll give ya the Governor General clip on.
I got my own commendation thanks though   ;)
Albiet its somewhere in the system along with my GCS, CPSM and CD   ::)
i just thought of this... where is the logic of issuing new boots when there are brand new gortex? you know, the wonderfull boots that everyone loves to walk on ice with? or rather end up sitting on the ice with?

of course presuming there is logic in a place thought to exist without...
Because the boots fill different functions.  The wet weather boot is intended for cooler & wetter conditions than the current Mk III.  The Mk III's replacement (while hopefully still suited for wet weather) will be your standard "summer boot."
I've now seen the new boot on several occasions, in use - I haven't touched them yet.  They actually LOOK pretty good, in CADPAT, but I am not convinced...
MCG said:
I've recently learned that the term "Mk IV" will never be used.  The MK III replacement will be the Temperate Combat Boot (TCB).
I don't know that I'd call Vern a boot guru so much as a clothing stores guru (with all the corresponding knowledge of in-service equipment, the supply system, entitlements, etc).

Uggghhh, the ugly green cadpat TCB.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
Uggghhh, the ugly green cadpat TCB.  ;)

So if the new boots are going to be CADPAT, how are they going to make the polish have all those little squares and make it transfer to the boot without smearing?

(Insert groans now) :D
Chapeski said:
So if the new boots are going to be CADPAT, how are they going to make the polish have all those little squares and make it transfer to the boot without smearing?

(Insert groans now) :D

They are dyed completely through the leather, not just on the surface; apparently, should you scuff one all that can be seen beneath it -- is more relish.
On Ex Maritime Raider in VA I saw one person with said boots and they look like shit when covered in mud. Conversly my MK III's almost looked like desert boots  ;D
This is one of most pressing arguments against a CADPAT boot that I can think of.  Today, soldiers are allowed to wear non-issue boots based on a chit because it is possible to buy boots in the same colour which (from a distance on parade) look the same.  You can bet there will be a lot of people quite opposed to different soldiers visibly in different coloured boots (as seen from a distance).  I hope, when the testing, trialing & selection is all done and over that we find ourselves with something in a solid colour which is available commercially. 
That and the fact that the cadpat boots just look ... horrible!!
To revive a somewhat older thread, we all know how bad this cadpat boot looks as well the argument that aftermarket boots would be impossible in this case. Also, it's pretty common knowledge that its the fact that the boots are black that they stand out, being that this is not a natural colour while bush bashing. That being said, why could we not adopt something along the lines of the US air force type boot, they are sage green, rough side out boots. There are plenty of manufacturers producing this type of boot as it, the only issue beign that these are all steel toe for the moment as per their uniform standard requirement (they have a list of approved boots). Would that not solve our stand out black boots while avoiding the cadpat boot abomination?

Interested to hear what others think of this.