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The C7 Assault Rifle, M16, & AR15 family (C7A1, C7A2, C7 replacment, and C7 vs M16)

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I‘m kind of mixed about the OICW and any simmilar weapons that may pop up. Having a weapon that complex requires depending on a lot of technology. That technology isn‘t really reliable (look at all the problems people have with Windows, I doubt you want your rifle getting infected with the Blaster worm. Not to mention the problems that the OICW has encountered so far, with grenades detonating in the magazine, or because of a messed up loading program).

Not only that, but look at the size of the thing. It‘s about the size of a machine gun (C9?), but operates like a C7/M203. I do like the laser-based grenade aiming sight, but that‘s about it.

It‘s just too much to go wrong compared to what you get, IMO. Although I do like the idea of a gameboy attachment ;) .

Disclaimer: I currently do not have any experience with any gun. My mother never let me own a gun, and was very strict about it. She even tried to keep me from having waterguns. She just said that maybe it would have been better if she DID let me play with toy guns (or even go to a rifle range). heh heh heh.
Which gun is better the canadian c7 or the american m16??
:confused: :gunner:
First of all, they‘re rifles, not "guns", and I‘m assuming that you mean the M16A2 - that and the C7 are virtually identical except for a few minor variances. The main difference is that the C7 is capable of firing fully automatic, and the M16A2 has a 3 round burst limiter. The C7A1 has a pseudo-Weaver rail and sports a C79 3.4x Elcan optical sight.

Otherwise, for the most part they‘re the same.
I would use the C7 before i used an M16(A2),i cant stand 3 round burst.
Having never used the C-7 or M16A2, I‘m not really sure what the diffence would be in terms of the burst fire. I would think that for most troops the 3 burst would work fire, and you can keep better track of your rounds that way.

I‘ll leave it to the experts, so if anyone can explain pro‘s and con‘s that would be great.
How come you can‘t stand the ol 3 round burst and what weapons were you using, Saunder.
I remember we did an exchange years ago and the Yanks neglected to remind us about the 3 rnd burst so we thought we were having stoppages and went through our IAs. Wasn‘t until after we finished the mout training and got our debrief that both us and the US realized how serious something like these differences can be.
I never said i did use a weapon and plus i am too young to even join the army i just saying that i think it is a bad idea to have to pull the trigger over and over again in close quarters if you missed.I think it be just easier to hold down the trigger until you hit the guy but thats just my opinion.
:akimbo: :mg: :fifty:
Ahh. gotchya.

Firing a weapon on automatic is very hard to control. IT may look easy but it‘s not. If you wanted to hit someone at close quarters i personally think it‘s much easier to use well aimed shots or well aimed bursts. Even in training we dont enter a room and just hold down the truigger, we take short controled bursts, something akin to 3 round bursts. Going in on automatic is a good way to run out of ammo really fast not to mention heat up your barrel something fierce. Just lack of first hand experience, not comming down on ya buddy.
your right i never thought about it like that, o‘well you live and learn althought I plan on joining the army and I still have alot to learn.
Going rock n‘ roll in FIBUA is frowned upon, since you can‘t control where you are placing rounds. Muzzle control is paramount when heading into an unkown situation such as door kicking into a room in a hostile building. Target ID is everything, no sense going in wasting rounds on non-combatants, and if you have hostiles and non-combatants in the same room, you‘re better off IDing the hostiles and engaging them first, because they‘re what‘s going to kill you first.

For FIBUA, I‘d rather have an M4 with the SOPMOD kit, but if you join the CF, you‘ll quickly realize what works best in a battle now-a-days isn‘t cheap nor is a lot of it made in Quebec, so you‘ll have to make due with the **** you get issued.
A C7A1 on FULL AUTO can discharge 30 rounds in approximately 2.1 seconds.

The reason there is a three round limit is because the Yanks are all cowboys and they found that their troops had a tendency to exhaust their entire clips within the first few second of a battle. Having most of your squad reloading in the first few seconds of a firefight is not a good way to start it. So the 3 round limit helps to increase accuracy, self control, and ammo usage.

One major difference that you‘ve all failed to mention is the spent casing deflector. Not a big deal to some, but a good example of Canadian manners on a Canadian rifle.
I like the deflector. I shoot left handed and I‘m assuming that if there is a need for a deflector then the casings would normally fly back and hit me in the face, that would not be something to look forward to.
Like I said before, the rifle shows Canadian manners.

Another good part about the deflector is that you don‘t have to crawl all over casings when you have to advance after firing off a couple of mags.
Green or Cadpat furniture is all good if you are in an area with trees but will it be able to be changed if you are in the desert?
Sure it can it‘s called Krylon paint!!!Either way it is better than black any day of the week in any theatre.
I was wondering what the chances are of an infantry soldier operating the C8 Carbine, and what defines it next to the C7. Im aware that it is more compact, but is there anything else that makes it stand out? As well, is it just me..or is it an exact mock-up of the American CAR-15?
Research this forum and then come back with a question that hasn‘t been answer already.
Hello All,

Just a thought to start some healthy discussion on this topic. Do you feel that it is time to replace the C7 as the operational service rifle in the Canadian Armed Forces?

-the patriot- :cdn: