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The choice for GOV GEN.

Michael Dorosh said:
Can you honestly see Cherry giving a eulogy half as eloquent as the one Adrienne Clarkson delivered for the Unkown Soldier?   Or greeting foreign dignitaries (especially Europeans, given his views on European hockey players)?   Or having any appeal whatsoever in Quebec?

Okay, perhaps his wouldn't be quite as eloquent, but I do believe that his would be just as heartfelt.  As for appeal in Quebec....meh.  How many people in that position would have appeal if they weren't french?  Really?
Don Cherry is a great Canadian broadcaster and hockey expert. He would be the ideal appointment
as head of Canada's Olympic Games Committee, or Director of CBC Sports, but these are not comparable
positions to the Canadian Governor General, which is and has been for decades, a political appointment
-I think all readers and contributors to this Forum are well aware of that.The Speech From The Throne
is written in the PMO, the government makes all policies, and the CGG is a figurehead, but a very
necessary figurehead. Once the new CGG starts appearing in public, her unique charm and grace
will dispel controversy, and the critics will find something else to be critical about. But there will be
no resignation, and a lot of Canadians will be looking forward to the first formal speech, in both
official languages from the new Governor General of Canada. MacLeod
Maybee if the proposed GG made a clear statement that she stands against separation in Canada, Canadians could stop speculating about what her views were and current separtists would see that the idea of separation is not so popular anymore. :cdn:
David Frum on the GG

AUG. 10, 2005: GG PS

Some Canadian readers have asked in response to my column on governors-general just why I think Romeo LeBlanc was a worse choice than Michaelle Jean, the newly named governor-general. I suppose it comes down to my feeling that in the current Canadian context, Liberal cronyism is an even worse political problem than racial preferences - and that LeBlanc owed his appointment to the former while Jean is merely an exhibit of the latter. That said, Jean remains the second worst choice to fill the office in modern times.

Other readers have asked whom I would have preferred. The following list of names may not make much sense to American readers, but I hope they will indulge me in the interests of good government across the upper half of the continent:

John de Chastelain, former chief of the Canadian defense staff, former ambassador to the United States, and chairman of the commission on decommissioning of arms in northern Ireland would have been an excellent choice. Like Michaelle Jean, he is an immigrant to Canada: He was born in Romania.

Hilary Weston, one of Canada's leading businesswomen and philanthrophists and a highly successful former Lieutenant-Governor of the province of Ontario would have brought charm and grace to the office.

Bob Rae served as the NDP (socialist to you) premier of Ontario from 1990-1995. He's veered to the center since then, and has become a respected lawyer to private business. In 2002 and 2003 he helped broker peace negotiations in Sri Lanka.

If Canada wants a journalist as head of state how about Robert MacNeil, ex of the MacNeil-Lehrer report, now retired to his native Nova Scotia?

If they are seeking an embattled French-Canadian federalist, Jean Charest might be ready to be airlifted out of his unhappy job as premier of Quebec.

Or, finally, if they want a real prince - I'm not joking about Prince Edward, the steadiest and most sensible of Queen Elizabeth's children. Having a Windsor represent the Queen in Canada would bring not only glamour but a sense of history to the job. Some anti-monarchist Liberals will object that it's undignified for a G8 country to have a foreigner opening Parliament and signing bills into law. But it's just been reported that Michaelle Jean holds a French passport as well as her Canadian documents. Surely at least similar consideration could be given to the son of the woman who remains Canada's legal monarch?
You will note in news reports tonight (Global) that Jean attended a 1991 dinner of Quebec sovereignist intellectuals and they all toasted to the independence of Quebec.  I reaffirm my comments that the PMO not allowing her to speak out continues to damage her image even prior to her anointment in September. 

I think this is going to get worse for the Liberals.  I am starting to think that we may have the first GG appointee turfed before taking over the job.  Harper can thank God for this event as there was a lot of media focus on Harper as a washed up leader (stick a fork in him, he's done) prior to this announcement.  He may yet live to fight another day and defeat PM.

Gunner said:
You will note in news reports tonight (Global) that Jean attended a 1991 dinner of Quebec sovereignist intellectuals and they all toasted to the independence of Quebec.  I reaffirm my comments that the PMO not allowing her to speak out continues to damage her image even prior to her anointment in September. 

Don't mean to be a naysayer, but I recall one of our corporals - who later became a Reg Force officer - drinking toasts in the JRs mess to, and I quote, "die Wehrmacht".  He in fact corrected another corporal who called it "der Wehrmacht".

I am sure there were Communists, Jews, and other enemies of the Nazis that said "Heil Hitler" if it meant escaping notice, or if it served a political purpose at the time, or was good for business...

Sounds like I am advocating situational ethics, doesn't it.  Ah well, just food for thought.  I don't think it was a particularly inspired choice for GG either, but I haven't yet seen any real smoking gun either.  Am interested in the story as it unfolds, however, like the rest of you.  Keep plugging.
Sounds like I am advocating situational ethics, doesn't it.  Ah well, just food for thought.  I don't think it was a particularly inspired choice for GG either, but I haven't yet seen any real smoking gun either.  Am interested in the story as it unfolds, however, like the rest of you.  Keep plugging.

They had her on video....smoking gun enough?  ;)
De Chastelain an immigrant? Not because he was born in Romania. Frum always has a tendency to overstate things.

The new Governor General, Her exellency Michaëlle Jean is a debating point in Québec. Because her husband was friend with former FLQ's members. It is often said in Québec that it is a try from Paul Martin to keep Québec in Canada.

As a federalist, I think that those extremists are just frustrated because Québec is not a soverein nation.

I would like to hear your comments.
I guess it's guilt by association.  I am friends with someone who used to be a junkie.  Does that mean I did drugs?  No.  Does it mean I condoned it?  Of course not.

I realize that each situation is different, and this may not be a fair comparison.  Okay.  My mother's side of the family is Quebecois.  My uncle and his two sons used to be staunch separatists.  Does this make my mom a separatist too?  How about the rest of her family?  Since my uncle has admitedly changed his vews, as have my cousins, does this mean they can no longer associate with their friends who may still hold these views?  What if these family members were working for the federal government?  Seems a little less serious when you bring it closer to home.

Here's another one -- Trudeau and Castro.  They were good friends, and not just because they were both heads of state.  Was Trudeau automatically a communist?  (Okay, he may have seemed like one to some...lol)
I guess it's guilt by association.  I am friends with someone who used to be a junkie.  Does that mean I did drugs?  No.  Does it mean I condoned it?  Of course not.
I would hope that they make some sort of public statement regarding the fact...

she's pretty hot for a GG though
Glad to hear that..... ::)
I live in Québec, and I can tell you that extreme separatists are going crasy
I happen to think that the right to keeping your vote a secret is paramount to a free society. That being said I don't think it is too much to ask that the Governor General be unquestionable loyal to Canada. The fact that there is any question at all-through her views on federalism, as well as her French citizenship-says to me that she is not an appropriate choice.

Then again, I have spent the better part of my life not caring who the GG was, why would now be any different?
I don't care what her background was.  SHE WAS AND STILL IS A NOBODY.  Surely the PM could have appointed someone of some note.

If she's supposed to represent Canada abroad what's the point if she has to introduce herself everytime she leaves her driveway.

SHANIA TWAIN for GG.  At least the GGFG would get a boss that looks decent in (and actually be willing to wear) scarlets.
Oh just heard on the radio she issued a statement denying separatist links
Jumper said:
Oh just heard on the radio she issued a statement denying separatist links
I would like to know what has changed her mind since 1991...
...authored by Lafond. In the book, Jean, a former broadcaster, is quoted as saying "you don't give independence, you take it."
Le Québécois reports the comments were included in a 1991 documentary film by Lafond,

John Aimers of the Monarchist League of Canada says the governor general designate must speak out to rebut what's being said about her.
Edited to add:
There may be problems for Jean on another front. Reports say French officials are now looking into whether or not to strip Jean of her dual Canadian-French citizenship.
WTF? Dual Canadian-French Citizenship.... ???
NM, I misread
I am not too happy about the choice made by the PMO.   However, the choice is made and I do not expect the PM to change his mind.   Let's give the GG designate the opportunity to show Canadians that she is the proper choice.   However, I also feel that she does not properly represent Canadian society as a whole.  

In my opinion, the pre-requisites and qualifications for the position, or standards if you will, are being diminished to "buy" more votes for the big red Liberal machine.    

I think the federal government should hold an Governor General lottery where any Canadian citizen over the age of 18 can buy a $100 ticket for an equal chance to become GG.   If you hold the winning ticket you are the GG for the 2 year term.   The proceeds from the lottery then become your operating budget for the term, so spent it wisely.

Just my two cents

I like the lottery idea.

Besides can she really be such a bad person, afterall she does wear the Order of Canada (and a CD).

Wait a minute, didn't Al Eagleson wear the Order of Canada?