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The Khadr Thread

Actually, I believe that Khadr petition has been taking down, since I cna‘t access it anymore. While searching for it on the website, I came across this one.


To: Prime Minister Paul Martin

The recent alarming increase in the number of acts of racism and hate across Canada causes us a great deal of concern. There is currently an online petition to strip of their Canadian citizenship and deport members of the Khadr family. We feel that this petition is racist and hateful. We find the nation-wide media attention that this petition has garnered to be both dissappointing and disturbing. We therefore respectfully request that you use your awesome power as Prime Minister to undertake the following solutions to the problem:

1) Immediately strip of their citizenship and deport the creator(s) of the online petition to deport the Khadr family.

2) Promptly strip of their citizenship and deport every Canadian who signed the above mentioned petition.

3) As quickly as possible strip of their citizenship and deport federal MP Stockwell Day, Ontario MPP Bob Runciman, and any other politician or public figure that supports denying Canadian citizens their rights.

4) Enact legislation which makes acts of racism and hate punishable by deportation.

We appreciate your timely attention to these urgent and serious matters.


The Undersigned


Maybe we can start another petition to deport those who want to deport those who want to deport the Khadrs. Round and round we go.

I‘ve written my MP and I never got a reply.
Welldone to whoever wrote that.
Looks to me 75% of the people who signed it were for kicking the family out and are upset the initial poll was taken down. That and it‘s turning into a he said she said match. "i disagree with what poster number 40 said. Well i think poster number 67 is a terrorist bla bla bla"


This fromthe petition
67. j. Dyer Brown....I‘ll get you....I have guns.....know where you live....really!....uh...will also post your address.....really..... Sharing a cell with Paul Bernardo not really
66. Peter Peter 65 is phony balogny, and chews his own balogny. Alberta U.S.
65. Peter #59 Peter #62 is a phony baloney
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
So you talk the talk but when you get the real opportunity to do something, you turn yellow. Nice. Guess I know how much your posts are worth. [/QB]
Sorry for not responding to this Mike. I missed your post and another member was kind enough to point it out to me.

Perhaps I should have explained myself more fully.

I wrote to my MPP explaining why I objected to that family remaining in Canada after saying and doing what they have.

My MPP‘s office (not the man himself) have repeatedly sent me e-mails asking for my Name, address, phone number and a brief personal history.

They had the ability to respond to me through my e-mail, but declined to do so. (it is an anonymous one)

I do NOT want my MPP to have all kinds of personal information about me as they have been known to abuse that information in the past. ( I know in the past you have requested proof of statements like that. I have a specific event in mind and will do my best to dig it up for you.)

My employment requires that I remain low key. I repeatedly requested that the MPP respond by e-mail (which would have been fine.) He didn‘t want to do that.If his office had a defense for the governments actions I would have been happy to read any letter he sent and respond in kind...Why, I wonder, was that not acceptable to him?!

Finally, Mike, You and I have exchanged posts in the past and I have always respected your opinion and readily admitted when I made a mistake.

I don‘t think that the above post was appropriate and am surprised that it was you who made it.

Please feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss this further. I would be quite happy to answer any question (within reason) that you may have.

This family just does not get it! :mad:

Abdurahman Khadr‘s Canadian passport refused
CTV.ca News Staff

Abdurahman Khadr, the son of an alleged associate and financier of Osama bin Laden, has been refused a Canadian passport.

Khadr, 21, was informed earlier this week that his request had been denied 11 days after completing his application.

He said he wants Canada to be his permanent home but wants to the freedom to travel.

While no details were given for why his request was turned down, the National Post is reporting his link to al Qaeda was a factor.

Khadr‘s mother Elsamnah, and sister Zaynab, have been placed on a passport control list for repeatedly losing their passports and requesting replacements.

Khadr has admitted attending a training camp in Afghanistan. He was detained by the United States, and returned to Toronto in December after a year-long stay at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

He claimed U.S. authorities took all of his travel documents and dropped him off in Afghanistan to fend for himself.

Months later however, he said he lied and was actually working as an undercover agent for the CIA.

The rights of the Khadr family have been a hot topic in Canada since the return of Abdurahman‘s mother and 14-year-old brother Karim this month from Pakistan.

Karim was wounded and left paralyzed after a gunfight in October, and is now in Toronto seeking medical treatment.

Elsamnah admitted her family‘s links to al Qaeda and bin Laden during a CBC television documentary, but has since denied their involvement.

An online petition to have the Khadr family stripped of their Canadian citizenship has attracted more than 10,000 signatures.
Wounded and left paralised! And guess who‘s gonna foot the years of bills for his medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc for his duration.? The taxpayers of Canada, along with the welfare cheques too.

They are just parasites, like the great Australian paralising tick, who sucks from its host (farm animals and domestic pets)until they die. In this case they suck the life out of the Canadian welfare system as much as they can.

I say, lead by example and show not only Canadians, but the world that Canada is not a softy on terrorist trash like this.

Its a national disgrace.

BTW Slim, the ‘finance nazi‘ had a go at me too, and behaved rather inappropiate.

Its suprising, as some of his posts were quite well in the past, but lately he has been very unnecessarily critical towards some.

Not even a small ‘sorry‘(not that that would have mattered, but there are such things as ‘basic‘ manners), but carries on in arrogance as if he owns the place. so, I would not take any critisism from him seriously, and take what he says to a mininum.


Most so called Canadians have adopted an attitude that as long as they don‘t have to live next door to the Khadr‘s and the rest of their infidel hating ilk they don‘t care and only want to get back to their big screen TV‘s, drive to the mall in one of their SUV‘s and buy another useless overpriced toy. When the Al Queda start blowing up Canadian institutions than maybe these techno drunken limp wristed lefties will wake up.
hmm...from what I‘ve seen and heard a helluva lot of Canadians are outraged over this.
Well we‘ll see if that is reflected in the next election, won‘t we.
What I mean is that if Canadians are outraged over this than they‘ll have to do more than ***** about it over the water cooler.
This is only one more unethical act carried out by this and the former government yet these criminals in Ottawa are still walking around calling the shots.
The Pakistani forces should have just finished off the little ******* when they had the chance in Waziristan. Now we are paying for it bigtime with all his medical bills, while his mother and brother drain the very social programs they denounce and continue spewing their hatred for the USA. But now with the mother wanting to meet her husband in the afterlife, why don‘t we just speed up the process for the whole family?
So, I finally got a response back from my MP regarding the Khadr issue, here it is:

Julian Reed, M.P. Halton
May 12,2004

Dear Mr. Scarlino:
Thank you for your recent communication regarding the Khadr issue.
First of all, I must remind you that the Khadr family are Canadian citizens and as such must face Canadian justice. If in fact they are terrorists or espousing terrorism, that will be exposed through ourjustice system. We would not be able to lay charges if they were away in another country.
We have to get a message out to those people who would do us harm that being a Canadian citizen is not a ‘citizenship of convenience‘.
Currently as I understand it, there are two investigations underway and you must allow some time for the facts to emerge. Canada is a very special place. We respect the rule of law and the presumption of innocence. We definitely do not support Al Queda or anything resembling it. In fact Canada as we speak is at war with terrorism so please allow the justice system to play itself out
I realize this issue is very emotional and it‘s easy to ‘knee jerk‘ but as a Member of Parliament, I must take a firm but balanced view. Justice will prevail.
Julian Reed, M.P. Halton
Pollyspeak, which means nothing. A whole letter which just babbles on. Another gutless polly.



PS No matter where you are all pollys are liars, they kiss babys,and promise you the world til they are elected.
Originally posted by Scarlino:
We have to get a message out to those people who would do us harm that being a Canadian citizen is not a ‘citizenship of convenience‘.
I still don‘t get it. A family with KNOWN terrorist ties can get a citizenship, but a WWII Veteran, who fought for Canada can‘t get one to return to his home country to visit. (sorry can‘t find the story now, it was posted on this site ,or another one).
Originally posted by Scarlino:
Currently as I understand it, there are two investigations underway and you must allow some time for the facts to emerge.[/qb]
I‘m guessing nothing will come from those investigations. :threat:
Originally posted by Northern Touch:
I still don‘t get it. A family with KNOWN terrorist ties can get a citizenship, but a WWII Veteran, who fought for Canada can‘t get one to return to his home country to visit. (sorry can‘t find the story now, it was posted on this site ,or another one). [/qb][/QUOTE]

Weird about that eh? :confused:
Originally posted by Scarlino:

... Canada is a very special place...

Julian Reed, M.P. Halton [/qb]
Gee! Now I feel like one of "Jerry‘s Kids". :(

As an MP, he has to take a "firm but balanced view". I agree with that. If you want the Khadr family out, and out for good, then you must be patient and let the justice system do it‘s job. If we don‘t have faith in justice, then we will have nothing left to protect our way of life.

However, the Hon. Julian Reed now has 34 days to give you the answer you want, or you can vote his *** out of there.

:mg: Al Queda
My thoughts are below...


Khadr teen tortured in Guantanamo Bay: lawyer
Canadian Press

TORONTO â ” Lawyers for a Canadian teenager held by American authorities in Guantanamo Bay say Ottawa has been complicit in his alleged abuse by failing to speak out against his treatment.

They also said Canadian diplomatic efforts to bring Omar Khadr home from the U.S. prison camp in Cuba have failed miserably.

The Toronto-born 18-year-old, whose late father was a close associate of al Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, was arrested by American military forces in Afghanistan almost three years ago after he allegedly killed a U.S. soldier.

"Omar is abandoned in a legal black hole beyond the rule of law by a lawless U.S. administration,'' Dennis Edney, Khadr's Canadian lawyer, told a news conference Wednesday.

"And the Canadian government participates in that violation by allowing its officials and its agents to participate in interrogating Omar.''

Edney said federal documents show officials from Foreign Affairs, RCMP and Canadian security agents have all been to the prison to question Khadr.

The lawyers allege that information is being shared with American agents.

"The tragedy and the sadness of this is that, at first, Omar Khadr thought they had come to take him home, only to be told, `We're not here to help you, we only want information','' Edney said.

Dan McTeague, the parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew, said Ottawa "had been vocal about this issue'' and was doing everything it could to ensure Khadr was properly treated.

McTeague acknowledged that Canada had failed to win consular access to Khadr.

"I realize that the Americans are treating the consular issue with all nations in a very, very steadfast way,'' McTeague said from Ottawa.

"But I believe that that doesn't detract from our demand that we be given an opportunity to see him and to ensure that his treatment is consistent with international conventions.''

Believed to be the youngest of 550 "enemy combatants'' held at Guantanamo Bay, Khadr is accused of planting mines aimed at U.S. convoys. The U.S. military also accuses him of killing an American army medic with a grenade. U.S. forces shot and badly wounded him.

No charges have yet been filed against him.

While the U.S. military says it does not condone mistreatment of detainees, Khadr's American lawyer said he uncovered a litany of abuses during four days of talks with Khadr in November.

He said Khadr was shackled in several painful positions for lengthy periods and threats of rape were made against him.

Khadr was also used as a "human mop'' after he had urinated on the floor during one interrogation session, the lawyer said.

"One of Canada's children has been tortured by the United States
,'' said Muneer Ahmad, a lawyer at American University in Washington, D.C.

"The physical and mental abuse that Omar Khadr has received is horrific, it's immoral and it's illegal.''

The lawyers want Canada to insist that the U.S. allow consular officials and his Canadian lawyers to visit Khadr and that Ottawa be outspoken in demanding assurances he will not be executed.

They also called on the federal government to press the United Nations to conduct an independent inquiry into the allegations of torture at Guantanamo Bay documented by, among others, the International Red Cross.

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating several allegations of abuse at the prison.

"Canadian diplomatic efforts to date have been a spectacular failure,'' said Edney.

"We ask Canada not to hide behind its so-called `silent diplomacy' but be outspoken in his defence and insist that the U.S. comply with its international obligations.''

In a statement, Khadr's mother Maha Elsamnah Khadr called on Canadians to put pressure on Ottawa to do more for her son.

"As a mother, I beg every Canadian mother and father to help me get justice for my son and bring him home,'' Elsamnah Khadr said.

"The Canadian government has done nothing to help my son, so I'm asking all Canadian mothers and fathers to push Canada to speak for him.''

Khadr is one of four Canadian sons of Ahmed Khadr, who died in a shootout with Pakistani forces in Pakistan in 2003 in which the youngest brother Karim, then 14, was shot and paralysed. Karim returned to Canada last year after his family went public with his plight.

Another brother, Abdurahman, was released from Guantanamo Bay after he worked for U.S. intelligence and also lives in Canada.

:skull: :skull: :skull:

Bloody WHAAA!!! He should be glad they didn't do another double tap to the back of his head when they found his broken wounded body on the field....

Khadr is accused of planting mines aimed at U.S. convoys. The U.S. military also accuses him of killing an American army medic with a grenade. U.S. forces shot and badly wounded him.

....as opposed to the coup de grace he would surely give to any of the soldiers of the great infidel found wounded before him.

One of Canada's children has been tortured by the United States

If he's one of Canada's children, why is he overseas learning the ways of those who wish to destroy the ways of life in the western Christian Democratic countries. (just because your born here doesn't automatically mean you are Canadian)

If you blatantly tortures the enemy, you definitely achieve two things: 1) You lower yourself.
2) You open the door to the enemy doing the same to your troops.

This is not a good thing when an Army breaks its own laws.