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The Paintball Over The Years Thread

Would you be interested in forming a paintball team in Edmonton, Alberta?


    Votes: 22 84.6%
  • YES...and I do live in Edmonton

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
Me and my friends or team, whatever, go to the course play capture, shoot othere kids, shoot eachother, or go into tournaments.
Paintballs hurt for all of 5 seconds. I‘ve gotten stitched with 7 "rounds" at close range so I know what it feels like. The only thing that‘s "like combat" is combat. Paintball and airsoft are GAMES. They can be used as training aids for military scenarios, but as long as they‘re done in a civilian environment, they‘re just a fun way to pass the time. Any of you GI Joe wannabes who think you‘re getting realistic training by running around and pumping rounds into a bunch of civvies are right out to lunch.
I didnt say i wanted to be in the military nor did i say its realistic training. Also have you ever been shot with a rich kids sniper paintball gun with the power on full blast. 5 seconds my ***!
And GAMES is a lie. Have you ever been to a tournament where one kid that got kicked out hit a another one with his gun? Probaly not. Ive been in a tournament gone hitting war. GAMES my ***!
Got hit with a paintball gun eh? Oh no. He‘s got a bruise. How will he ever survive.
so? i‘ve seen hockey games where brawls occured, people lost the vision in their eyes permanently, I could go on..

Hockey isnt a game? paintball is as much a game as any other sport out there, no matter how "hard core" it can get.
I mean that its not a regular game like playing kiddie soccer. i mean a rough game for no wusses
I dunno, I‘ve met ALOT of wusses that were pretty deep into the paintball scene.
Well were do you live? Where i live to win at paintballing you pretty have to knock the oppenents unconcoius with guns or other weapons.
Kid, nobody cares. Really. You can pretend to be tough and hardcore and whatever else you want. If getting into fights makes you feel like a man, have at ‘er. If you ever join the CF though, you‘ll realize there‘s a lot more to being a soldier than making others think you‘re tough.
Paintball has the potential to deal out some pretty good pain, given the right circumstances.

However, those times are few and far between. I‘ve seen some guys get hit in the neck, and get fairly serious swelling and bruising at the impact site. I don‘t know first hand, but it sure LOOKS like it hurts.

When I got shot in the back at point blank, it was with enough force to tear openings in my skin and start blood freely flowing from all 3 "wounds". There was more blood than paint that‘s for sure.
Like most other injuries though the pain was brief, and then a certain numbness takes over. The next day they hurt again in the shower, similar to a bad blister. After that it was fine.

Getting shot on bare skin can sting pretty good, yet I see people play in shorts and tee shirts all the time.

As I said before, when people do stupid things when I‘m playing against them, I can be pretty ruthless about making sure they feel the pain when I get my opportunity.
I would challenge anyone to take a couple of high velocity, direct hits on their scalp (not their mask) and look me in the eye and tell me it didnt hurt. ‘Cause I‘d bet that I‘d be looking into a couple of watery looking eyes.

As for people relating paintball to "combat", well that‘s just rediculous. As was mentioned, paintball could be used by professionals to simulate certain aspects of combat, but recreational paintball is purely a game, and some who are very involved might even call it a sport.
I always feel uncomfortable when I tell someone new that I‘m into paintball, because there‘s so many kids out there that give it bad image by talking about it like its war or something. Lots of people associate paintball enthusiasts with wannabe commando types, and it‘s too bad because I think it actually keeps some people away from giving it a try.
It can be SOO much fun when you play with the right people.

It‘s even decent for cardio if you‘re not a person who climbs into a bunker and hides every single round.

The amount of pain you feel in paintball is perfect in my opinion. It‘s not so bad that after getting hit 1 time you never want to play again, but it‘s bad enough that you actually try to avoid getting hit whenever possible. It keeps people from just running straight up to you and exchanging paintballs from 5 feet away (usually).
It‘s the kind of pain that seems funny when you deal it out to a friend.
Shooting someone for real, stabbing, or bludgeoning them (combat) wouldn‘t be the kind of pain you‘d laugh into your buddies face after administering to them moments before.

I mean that its not a regular game like playing kiddie soccer. i mean a rough game for no wusses
I played in a game with a pair of girls who were somewhere around 10 or 11. In a game of attack and defend I got into the structure alone, and saw the girls guarding the stairs. I called out mercy shots, but they wanted to fight. I tried really hard to convince them to take the mercy shots while they were firing at me, but after about 30 seconds I decided to shoot back before the other 20 people came down the stairs to help them. All I heard was a pair of "ow, ow" and then they kept firing. I yelled that if they didn‘t stop shooting at me and leave, that I would have to shot them again. They laughed at me and kept shooting. I shot them each at least 3 times to the sounds of "ow" and then laughter, then "ow" again and more laughter.
The moral of my story is that if you have a hard time dealing with the sting of a paintball, then you are less hardcore than a couple of 10 year old girls.
Originally posted by andytheyeti:
[qb] I mean that its not a regular game like playing kiddie soccer. i mean a rough game for no wusses [/qb]
come on..

How rough is it, you get a bunch of kids, give them a CO2 powered pice of tubing that shoots paintballs, and send them into the woods or whatever to shoot each other for a few mins, you get hit, it stings for a bit(well, except when you get shot in the b@lls, that hurt... bad), walk off the field, your done.
Originally posted by andytheyeti:
[qb] to win at paintballing you pretty have to knock the oppenents unconcoius with guns or other weapons. [/qb]
Oh, so assualt and battery is part of paintball now?
Allright you guys i get your point. its not like the military. i didnt even start this thread to talk about roughness. i meant it for what you have done with paintballing.
I play airsoft and it‘s pretty fun. I own an M4A1 with a couple mags. Going to Flag Raiders tomorrow for my first game. It‘s definitely hard to get into if your under 18. I‘m 14 and I have a lot of trouble with some people. If anyone is looking to try airsoft then the place to start would be www.ascforums.com my name on their is Paddy_Mayne.
Originally posted by GGHG_Cadet:
[qb] ] my name on their is Paddy_Mayne. [/qb]
I would be cautious about using that particular handle as there are far more people out there than you may think who know what that name means and may take offence to it.

Just a suggestion.
Yea, ascforums are a good place for info.

Also, can somone PM me what Paddy Maybe means(how is it offensive?). I searched on google and all I got were sites on Lt Colonel RB Paddy Mayne, 1st SAS Regiment.

GGHG_Cadet, how did you get a airsoft gun though?
Their not sold to anyone under 18, I assume your parents bought it?
How much does airsoft generally cost and can y9u rent or borrow a main personal weapon?